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Posts posted by Fan_S.

  1. Somebody broke off my bike's saddle to put his/hers on the spot where my bike stood.

    Since I earn money riding a bike as beeing a postman I felt free to kick the villain's bike to pieces as well.

    I am somehow amazed by my own dark side showing up, it's indeed a sad day.

    I'm so sorry, Reswati. I hope you have a much better day tomorrow! I think you, in a way, returned [the bicycle] to sender. Again, I hope tomorrow's a better day, all in all.


  2. That's great! I know that's not an easy thing to do, so congrats!

    My happy moment today: I can now play two new songs on my guitar. :) Nothing Zeppelin related, but I'm excited anyway!

    Hi, Zepulon! :wave: Too bad the key word re: paying off my debts is almost :P Anyways, your guitar playing---that's great! Two new songs is fantastic! You're adding to your repertoire. Congrats to ya! What songs are they? :)

  3. :( Looks like it is a bad month for pets. Our pet rat died about an hour ago. A lot of rats inherit respiratory problems and it is a common illness with them. We had 2, and obviously one inherited it. I know many may find rats disgusting but she was our baby and we loved her like one would love a cat or a dog. My boyfriend took it the hardest. She had been sick for a few months now and he had been trying very hard to get her well again. Her sister, Big Mama, will miss her also.

    Dear Broken Levee, you're right. It is a bad month for pets. :console: I'm very sorry to hear of your pet rat. I'm sure you'll be there to comfort Big Mama and your boyfriend. :(

  4. Our dog died today after becoming suddenly ill :'( We took her to the vet, thinking she had a UTI, but learned that she had a mass on her spleen and internal bleeding. She was ~15, so surgery really wasn't an option for her. It's been a tough day; we're all taking it pretty hard. :(.

    I'm so sorry, Virginia, to hear of your beloved dog's death. :console: Very sorry. :(

  5. you're welcome!

    yes, it' so great when people get recognised for doing well ( esp kids ). my heart swells when my son gets any kind of award. yes, the little things indeed .......

    That's true by golly! :) The small things indeed. I call it looking at things in a more prudential light. ;)

  6. a nice chat with a new forum friend. :wave:

    and also the good news from JAL and fan,s.

    it's so nice to hear good news, instead of the usual doom and gloom of the worlds problems. i love hearing about all the nice things that happen to us on a personal level. it's so easy to forget about all the small things ( thank goodness for THE FIRST LED ZEP ....... :P )

    Wow thank you slave to zep! :) It is especially gratifying when offspring, siblings, and spouses, etc are appreciated! I am happy for you too re: your man and your son getting along well! :D:yesnod:

  7. Good luck to both of you, you and your daughter!

    :cheer: congratulations :D

    Thank you, Reswati and ninelives! The ceremony was beautiful! Each graduate was honored with a small speech from various honorable staff members! I cried (as any mom would!) ;)

    beep! beep! Try-ing- to - find- the- right- words- of gra-tit-ude...It does compute.


  8. Thank you everybody for your kind words.

    Im sorry to hear about the loss of your cat tangerine and yours Fan_s. I had 2 kittens a few years ago that got run over :( It was very upsetting as i was younger at the time (and i would be upset now too, but more so then). We are trying to get the speed limit reduced so people stop hurting (or killing) peoples pets. I cant count how many times pets have been hurt :(

    Hi, ledzep45! Thank you for your very kind words. They do comfort me and I can assure you I needed them. The pain of the death of my two tomcats is still very acute. It happened in 2003. I'm very sorry about your two kittens. :( I commend you in your proactive stance re: humane treatment of our fellow Earth inhabitants.

  9. The fact that I've had to sit 9 exams in a space of 3 weeks. I've got 1 tomorrow and another one on Thursday. Whether I take up a place at uni depends on the results of these exams and I'm worried I haven't done very well in them.

    Hi, Asha! and welcome! :wave: wow! that's a lot of exams! Hope you did well on all of them and lots of warm, good wishes to you in your scholastic endeavor!

  10. City Of New Orleans - Arlo Guthrie (good morning, America How are ya? Say don't you know me I'm your native son? I'm the train they call 'the City of New Orleans' ")


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