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Posts posted by Fan_S.

  1. It does help because i know she felt loved as you closed her eyes for the last time :) I know she wasn't afraid and died in peace. I actually don't have any cat toys. I did years ago, but my cats stopped playing with toys many years back and whatever ones i once had are gone. I have many pictures to remember her by. It's nice that there are so many animal/pet lovers here. B) Hearing from so many has helped.

    goodmorning.jpg, Tangerine!

    It's morning where I am. :P

    I'm glad that you have photos of Tasha. I have photos of my two toms, too. One was a gray Tabby and the other was all black. I especially love the ones where they're in mine or a family member's arms. I still think of them. It was a foggy, humid day, much like today when they were put to sleep. :(

    "The fog comes on little cat's feet" ~ Carl Sandburg

  2. I'm sorry Fan S :( Have faith; there are good bosses out there; I am very fortunate to have one!

    Hi Virginia! :wave: Thanks. :) Mine's actually not as bad as Ebenezer Scrooge, really. But almost! I was just tee'd off in general @ her, particularly re: the graduation bit. My daughter's graduating from elementary school, which is not a big deal in the supervisor's eyes, because it's not a high school graduation. Well, it's a big deal to me and the husband! And it's only once a year if at all that I request a "personal day"! Well, I'm taking it anyway. Come what may. But I'll do it tactfully, of course and come in "all the more early the next morn". lol. Grrrrr :(

    Edit: to add a wish...I wish, I wish...


  3. Thank you so much, Fan_S and i'm sorry for the loss of your cats as well. ! Reswati, thank you also for the good thoughts! I really appreciate everyone's kindness :)

    Led Zepp 45, i am sorry to hear about your dog's illness. I hope your dog won't have any pain.

    my dear tangerine, Thank you. :) I hope this helps: that it is a comfort to you later on, to know that Tasha was in your loving, comforting arms during her final moments. I wish that were true of my two toms whom I loved so much. :(

    Also, Tangerine, I agree with JAL who mentioned the idea of keeping one of Tasha's cat toys (catnip ball, etc.) as a tangible comfort.

  4. ^ is that Scrooge, Fan S? :hysterical: Good bosses seem to be like megafauna cryptids a la Bigfoot -- folklore not supported by empirical evidence

    I hope you and your daughters had a great time at her graduation :)

    Yes, you are right, Patrycja! Good one, re: not supported by empirical evidence. lol. & thanks for the sentiments re: my daughter's graduation--it happens 6/15 :)

    Have fun watching Al in Serpico!

    btw, speaking of Pacino, his opening line in American Buffalo when we saw him in the "Circle In The Square" was "Fucking Ruthie...fucking Ruthie...fucking Ruthie!" (complete with expectorant, as our seats were in the front row!) ;)

  5. Dream Weaver - Forget who sang it :slapface:

    Hi ninelives! I googled it. (cheated). It said "Gary Wright" sang in in '76.

    Weave Me The Sunshine (out of the pouring rain) - Peter, Paul & Mary

  6. To the following dear members: LedZep45 and Tangerine:

    Led Zepp 45: I'm very sorry to hear about your beloved dog's condition. :console2:

    Tangerine: I'm very sorry about your beloved pet cat, Tasha. :console2:

    (I lost two pets--cats, a while ago, and I'll never get over it, never. They lived long lives--fifteen years.) :(

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