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Everything posted by Fan_S.

  1. Fan_S.

    Story Time

    while they read up on ecology
  2. Thank you, Reswati and ninelives! The ceremony was beautiful! Each graduate was honored with a small speech from various honorable staff members! I cried (as any mom would!) beep! beep! Try-ing- to - find- the- right- words- of gra-tit-ude...It does compute.
  3. Hi! How are ya, Kashmir330 Oh! Well put! Okay, switching back to game @ hand.. Pictures At Eleven - Robert Plant
  4. My daughter is graduating from elementary school. Next year: Middle School (wish me luck ) Commencement is today.
  5. Get up. Listen to the radio Ready my kid for school. Have quick breakfast. Go to work. (but not today. I was granted the day off.)
  6. Fan_S.

    Story Time

    for the worse and then...
  7. Wow! Nice guitars, Zoso1968! Your acoustic Jasmine cutaway, does it have a port where you can plug it into a speaker? My acoustic/electric cutaway gut string does. I bet yours does too. Also, love your dad's 60s guitar! Happy playing! (sorry, I know nothing about amps and stuff.) haha Good luck in procuring a Marshall for the bluesy zeppelin stuff!
  8. Fan_S.

    Story Time

    civilization as we know it.
  9. Candyman - Mississippi John Hurt (also covered by Doc Watson)
  10. Fan_S.

    Story Time

    in the form of grunts
  11. Oh, okay thanks! Ummmj.... Night Flight
  12. Rain Today, I Think It's Going To - Randy Newman (Sorry, I cheated and bent other rules...hehe)
  13. Yeah, jabe, hi. The husband loves Godfather especially one. Good thing we own the DVD! And Two ain't bad either. My favorite is one, too.
  14. Oh okay, you're welcome! Say, do you play the electric or acoustic guitar or both? That's great that you know the whole song Stairway! Sounds like you play the electric cuz you mentioned that you're working on the solo part of Stairway.
  15. Nobody's Fool (soundtrack) - Howard Shore (composer)
  16. The Only Living Boy In New York - Simon & Garfunkel
  17. Hey, Zoso1968! Me again. Maybe check out the thread called "Guitar Chords" (page 2) here in "Musician's Corner". The topic starter's name is The Bomber. Very comprehensive list of guitar chords. He even supplies the tabs within the little brackets. Like I suggested, maybe learn the C & G chords first. Then Am and F. Get into those fancy suspended chords, etc. later. Oh okay, if you want, learn one or two of the fancy ones like Asus4, Em, etc. Happy picking & strumming!
  18. Hi Asha! (again, haha I welcomed you in some other thread) This forum (like Misty said) is so much fun, it can become addicting. So make sure you resist the urge to say online and...(now I will play the nagging mother) study for your exams!
  19. Hi, rokarolla! haha That's a great idea--BYOZ Am very much looking forward to your posts! BTW, love that ELP song ya mentioned!
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