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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. You Shook Me All Night Long - AC/DC
  2. Groove Is In The Heart - Dee-lite
  3. It's a gorgeous day over here as well. 61 degrees, not a cloud in the sky. It's going to start getting cooler and cooler as the weeks go on, so any day we can take advantage of and have all the windows open....we do.
  4. Only The Good Die Young - Billy Young
  5. Wife and girlfriend, eh ally? You suave fucker.
  6. I grew up listening to a lot of the same music my parents listened to when they were my age. So basically oldies, classic rock, singers/standards.....that sort of thing. For my birthday one year, my dad took me to a real record store (not CDs....vinyl!) and said I could pick out an album for myself. I bought Led Zeppelin's Physical Graffiti because I liked the song Kashmir and it was on it. After that, I listened to as much of their music as I could and whenever I had the chance, I would buy either their CDs or their albums. I was probably 13 or 14 at the time, I think.
  7. Watching people at Free Republic go into meltdown mode over Colin Powell endorsing Barack Obama. There's no such thing as "thinly veiled" racism over there.....they're practically foaming at the mouth over this. And that happiez me.
  8. A new kitty update: We found out it's a she, and we changed her name to Raleigh. Now we have two jet black female cats with yellow eyes. She's eaten a little and drank a lot of water....we're hoping to get her to a vet as soon as possible.
  9. We just adopted a stray cat. It (we don't know gender yet) is so malnourished, has a cut on its paw and is so loving and sweet.....I couldn't bear to leave it outside in this cold and rain. So....its name is Oynx and we're going to the vet tomorrow.
  10. Ignorant bitch? Awww, thanks. You're too kind.
  11. Seeing my dad smiling after a long day of work. Today is Bosses' Day and the collectors he has under him, chipped in and got him a nice card, some money to buy his favorite bottle of scotch and a really nice homemade pound cake that is made by a woman who works with him. He's a great boss; he had people follow him from Chicago to Atlanta and then from Atlanta here.
  12. Wal-Mart had a sale on Halloween candy, so while I was picking some up for the trick-or-treaters, I got some candy just for myself to have in case my sweet tooth kicks in. 3 bags of Reese's miniature peanut butter cups.....$2 each. Whoever said chocolate + peanut butter was good should be given sainthood.
  13. You should. I love hoodies. I have dressy-looking hoodies for when it's not cold enough for my winter dress coat, but not warm enough to wear a light sweater, I have heavy-duty hoodies for when I don't feel like putting a coat on but I don't want to freeze, I have a Christmastime hoodie that is white with blue and silver sparkly snowflakes on it.....so cute.
  14. It's been quite nice all week.....at tad on the cool side, but for us that's like 70. I'm hoping it starts to cool off even more, because it's fall now and it's time to break out my hoodie collection.
  15. An absolutely gorgeous Saturday, spent outdoors reading a good book.
  16. Making cookies. I just love baking, period. I must have inherited that trait from my mother's side of the family, because her and my grandmother are fantastic bakers. My grandma's chocolate cream pie, which she made from scratch, was to die for. Instead of a birthday cake, I'd ask her to make that for me.
  17. THIS. The site is run by Nate Silver, the same man who runs PECOTA for Baseball Prospectus. If you know baseball, you know what PECOTA is and you know how accurate it is. Look at all that blue! Why, even North Carolina is feeling a little blue today. Maybe there's some hope for this ridiculous state after all.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=3B882F1E6D1F1051 I know it's not the same, but you can watch it online. It should be on Autoplaying Mode, so it'll go from one part of the chapter to the next.
  19. Watch Ken Burns' The Civil War. I hadn't watched it in about 6 years, so I thought I'd crack open the DVDs and give them a spin. Glad I did.
  20. Yankees winning tonight. Sucks we're not making the playoffs, but them's the breaks. At least we closed out Yankee Stadium the way we opened it; with a win.
  21. Being told my family and I are going to Washington, DC in the fall. We haven't been there in about 15 years, so I'm anxious to go back.
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