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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I do not associate with people who are bigots and homophobes, which you have proven yourself to be incarnation after incarnation after incarnation. So I don't care if you handed me the Hope Diamond and a million bucks, I'd throw it back in your face. I am not nice to those who discriminate and are hateful against others based on race, religion, or sexual orientation. So go shove that where the sun don't shine.
  2. Some comedy returning to the board. Livens up an otherwise boring Tuesday.
  3. I got dillweed from Suz. She's amazing. And has plenty of life experiences. But you already knew that. We see through you like used Neutrogena, dude.
  4. Yup, you're definitely Rick. He always loved telling people they were too young and needed life experiences. That was his big thing; he had all these life experiences and everyone else just hatched from a pod yesterday and therefore knows nothing. He also was very derogatory against all Muslims, as that's what got him banned the first time. But you knew that. BTW dillweed, she didn't say it was okay for that border agent to behave the way he did. She said it was not right to judge everyone based on that one guy. Which is the correct answer. GIVE IT UP ALREADY.
  5. I would love to get an "outsiders" perspective of what's going on this country simply because I'm interested in how we're portrayed there. I hope they know not all Americans are sucking off Bush and his cronies.
  6. I didn't think you were, I was just defending my patronization of Starbucks. It's one of the few indulgences I allow myself. And if I had another frapp to drink right now, I probably would drink it. They're good. And yes, I'm a liberal Godless heathen. That's not my terminology, but I've been called that enough times, it must be true.
  7. There are no decent movies in the theatres, they're all shit. At least until The Dark Knight comes out. That I'm going to go see. Before I saw American Gangster with my dad last year, I hadn't stepped foot into a movie theatre in 4 years. Movie studios will start getting my money when they start making decent films. Most of the shit they make nowadays panders to stupid teenagers, frat boys or children and I'm none of those things.
  8. TBH, I really don't care if someplace else is more economical. I drink one thing from Starbucks and one thing only; mocha frapps. Since no one else makes those, if I want them.....that's where I have to go. So I don't mind spending $4.45 on a coffee drink if that's the only place that makes what I like. Now if 12 places made them, that would be different. I didn't even realize I had gotten the extra $5 until I got home to put my money back in my wallet. And I wasn't driving back out in the dark in a town that I'm not that familiar with because I've only been here a week just to give the store back five dollars. I'm currently cash-strapped and if I get lucky like that, I don't look a gift horse in the mouth. And what exactly have you read about my values? I mean, that's quite a curious statement. What about me screams "gives back change"?
  9. The barista at Starbucks giving me more change than I should have gotten. My order was $11 even and I gave her a $20. So she handed me $14 in change. Oh well, that's five extra dollars I wouldn't otherwise have!
  10. Buying my Red Wings championship shirt. Yeah it's late, but it's better than not at all!
  11. Watching the Red Wings win the Stanley Cup.
  12. Me and my sister in Greensboro this past weekend.
  13. Driving to Greensboro to see my dad.
  14. Finding out my friend is having his commitment ceremony in a month.
  15. I'm sorry, but re-reading the last few pages of this thread......what grown adult says the word "boobies"? Are you 13?
  16. Serena Williams is too masculine. I mean in that one picture of her, it looks like a linebacker with tits. Not hot.
  17. Realizing my life is pretty damn good.
  18. Sweet City Woman - The Stampeders
  19. Listen To The Music - Doobie Brothers
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