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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I figured if you like them, they're worth a listen. So I checked out their website, listened to some songs -- not bad! I see they're a local (NC) band.
  2. Worthy isn't a genre of music. Worthy is an adjective. Furthermore, what's "emo" and what is an "oldster"? I'm 28....is that old all of a sudden? Best get my walker.
  3. You didn't actually answer the question. If they aren't a rock band, what genre of music do they perform? Country? Jazz? Blues? Reggae?
  4. If U2 isn't a rock band, what the heck are they? A polka band? Jazz quartet?
  5. Titter chez moi = titter from me = makes me laugh
  6. I will force myself to learn Icelandic to better understand this music, but even not knowing what the hell they're saying, it's beautiful.
  7. Exactly. In 40 years, maybe we'll look back on some of these current bands and say they were our Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and Rolling Stones. And those bands will be like Elvis, Frank Sinatra and swing-era bands are to us now. It's cyclical. Music can only die when you kill it.
  8. The Black Keys are great! I saw them in '03 at Chastain in Atlanta, GA when they opened for Beck on his Sea Change tour.
  9. A few: My iPod, my external hard drive and my digital camera.
  10. Sounds more than fine to me. Mea culpa for getting involved in this ridiculousness. So, here are some examples of reasons why I don't think rock/music in general is dead: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAMlcwWPTJ0
  11. I'm still waiting for this magical list of bands that is evidence that all music made after 1980 sucks.
  12. You aren't too quick, are you? THAT'S THE JOKE.
  13. You said you didn't think I was as big of a fan of Pink Floyd as is commonly known around these parts. I said you were lying, I am as big a fan of the group as is commonly known around these parts. Voila.
  14. I don't listen to funny/comedy music. If a song makes me laugh out loud, it's because it's utter garbage. Kind of like this: They should be punched in the nuts for doing that.
  15. Nothing, because that's not what was being discussed. You asked me to name one band that I thought was as good as Pink Floyd. I named four. Then someone agreed with Muse, but disagreed on the other three. I said that doing a direct comparison was impossible for XYZ reasons, XYZ reasons being things that have changed dramatically since Pink Floyd were making music and when the groups I named are making music. And if you think for one second I believe that you're actually going to YouTube Muse, Goldfrapp, Sigur Ros and The Orb, I have a lovely piece of waterfront property in Arizona I'd like to sell you. BTW, The Orb has done several remixes of PF songs and David Gilmour just did a record with them so if they're good enough for him, they're more than good enough for me. I trust his taste. I would guess you're a big liar, too.
  16. That's your opinion. I think they're great. It's impossible to compare the bands anyway, as they came from different eras, with different fan bases, different marketing avenues and different musical expectations. You can be as good, but good in a different way. No one is trying to remake Dark Side of the Moon.
  17. Goldfrapp Muse Sigur Ros The Orb There's four. I listen to them as often as I listen to Pink Floyd. They're amazing. Of course you wouldn't know that, you aren't told to listen to them by your corporate radio masters. Me, I listen to internet and satellite radio and therefore get all the music, none of the spoon-fed digital playlists by "DJs" trolling websites for "Greatest Classic Rock Songs from the 1970s" to shove down your throat some more.
  18. Okay......so I'm a Pink Floyd fan. What the hell does that have to do with anything? The majority of music I listen to, rock and otherwise, is NOT from the same decade that spawned Pink Floyd. Unlike you, I don't think good music stopped when John Bonham died. As much as I love that music and always will, there's more to music that albums released 40 years ago. Like I said, you're lazy. You don't listen to anything that corporate radio drones don't spoon-feed you every day. What's worse, when you were asked repeatedly to name some of these bands that turned you off to modern music, you couldn't name any! Plenty of people here named bands that we think will one day be regarded as highly as those "classic rock" bands are today, myself included.
  19. Right, and the same applies to today's music. For every Justin Bieber and Katy Perry, there's a Goldfrapp and Sigur Ros. All decades have had great music and shit music.
  20. Decided to update my desktop -- I found a great site with what I believe, are all the wallpapers that come with Windows 7, and some of them are very, very nice. Better than the ones that come with XP, that's for dang sure. I think this image I'm using is called night beauty.
  21. Some stupid song from Fatboy Slim. Ugh.
  22. One of these days I will see Sigur Ros in concert. Oh yes, it will happen.
  23. While I agree that it's subjective, I doubt you look at a picture of Frank Sinatra and feel like puking.
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