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Everything posted by kaiser

  1. I agree with all that you have posted here. I'd like to add that band has never been particulary enamoured with the movie & it mainly came out because Plant's accident prevented them from touring. If the 3 surviving members of Zep were to gather in a room tomorrow to discuss another reunion & Plant agreed to do it, all one would have to do is put TSRTS on the a TV screen & he'd instantly change his mind & run out of the room. The movie represents everything Plant hates about the Zep myth & the best that Page can say about the movie is that it represnts the band at the end of a tour. Not exactly high praise.
  2. At that time('89) there was speculation that Robert dropped out of the Who performance because Townshend made an unflattering comment about Zeppelin in a Who cover story in Rolling Stone. I'll try to find the direct quote but I believe the genre of Heavy Metal came up in the interview and Townshend, to paraphrase, said it became "that gross, disgusting object that was Led Zeppelin." Shortly after that interview was published (June 89'?) Robert dropped out of the Tommy performance. Rolling Stone even commented on Robert's dropping out a few issues later in their Random Notes section that it may have been due to Townshends comments. I'll try to post the original quote because I just found that issue in a box of my old magazines a week ago.
  3. I never read any books specifically about David Bowie. There is one that came out recently that focus's on his "Berlin period" that I thumbed through that I may pick up eventually. I did read Angela Bowie's autobiography some time back. It's sort of like Pamela Des Barre's books, but Angela Bowie is far crazier.
  4. hope this went throughwww.youtube.com/watch?v=DnsB8Qj Damn, it didn't. One more try. It's supposed to be Page & Plant doing Candy Store Rock in Montreaux.
  5. Thank you Deborah J. The string section on that is beautiful. A really pretty version.
  6. Thanks Deborah J for sharing. If you can, because I don't how to support a link either, there is a beautiful performance of Page & Plant doing "Ten Years Gone" from Japan in 96'. I've seen it several times but for those who haven't I think it would be a treat. Thanks again.
  7. I just watched them do "Gimme Shelter" on youtube. It was surprisingly great. Fergie blasted out the midsection vocal to great effect. Bono was the only weak link vocally, but all in all great.
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