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Everything posted by kenog

  1. 'Jimmy Page, rediscovered rare photos from Safe Sex bootleg gig 1986' film uploaded on YouTube by avance24
  2. http://www.beboppalula.com/safesex/ This is the link for a site with photos taken from the Safesex gig on August 4 1986 on Ibiza. They seem to be stills captured from a bootleg.
  3. Guten Tag Roger, Vielen dank for sharing your magazines/archives with all of us here. (sorry - I can't speak German!)
  4. Thanks Reids. If even one member here accesses the book - I'll be happy. I was never pleased about the book's price being outwith the wallet/pocketbook of so many long-term, die-hard fans, and I wanted to make a copy available to them free of charge.
  5. Thanks SuperDave - you are always a gentleman.
  6. From UK Sunday Mirror:- 1st May 2011 Dozy burglar sniffed out under duvet by police dog called Led Zeppelin by Piers Eady, Sunday Mirror 1/05/2011 A DOZY burglar who was nabbed after falling asleep under a duvet during a raid was jailed for four years. Robert Erdei was sniffed out by a police dog – called Led Zeppelin – after neighbours heard the racket he had made breaking in. He is said to have got in bed to "warm up" at the home in Barnet, North London. Erdei, 36, of ­Camden, North London, also had a crowbar and gloves, Wood Green Crown Court heard.A police spokesman said: "A duvet is no match for Led Zeppelin. The man was caught red-handed."
  7. Hi 'SinceIveBeenLovingU' Thank you so much for your kind words. I had thought long and hard about how to make the book available to our many friends over the pond, and the best I could come up with was the idea of the reader paying the postage and packaging, and having the book sent to their local library on a reference only basis. As I have said in my opening post, the BL are not able to do that. However, I have been looking at Genesis' catalogue, and there are a couple of books which are forthcoming - Bowie and Jim Capaldi. What I shall do is get my contact at the BL to let Genesis know that they will be required to deposit a copy of these. I think both volumes would be of interest to many who come online here.
  8. Back in April/May on the News Forum, I started a thread telling you about my attempts to get a copy of Jimmy's book put into the British Library in London. I had also related that I wanted the rest of Genesis' Publications back catalogue deposited. I am now able to advise that Genesis have finally deposited Jimmy's book and many others, bringing the total of Genesis Publication's books held at the BL up to33. (Previously, there had only been 6 Genesis Publications books held there). The books have gone through the cataloguing process, so if you are interested, check out the publisher's index on the British Library's website. The British Library is in central London. The website gives details of any i.d. which you would need to bring along. I should like to thank the fantastic Andrew Davis of the British Library, who did all the hard work in bringing this to fruition. It took eight months from the time when I first contacted Andrew. As ever, I have copied below the last emails between Andrew and myself. You will note that I asked him if it would be possible to get the book sent to readers via an inter-library loan, so that it could be sent to our members at their local library, whether in the UK or abroad. Unfortunately, you will see he replies 'no chance!' From: xyz [mailto:xyz@yahoo.co.uk] Sent: 08 June 2011 18:11 To: Davis, Andrew Subject: Re: Genesis Publications - other items in their back catalogue Andrew, I checked the British Library catalogue and found that the Jimmy Page title has been indexed. Many thanks for your help in acquiring the book. I have a couple of questions. Firstly, is there any sign of Genesis Publications having fulfilled their promise of forwarding the rest of their titles? Secondly, does the British Library operate an inter-library reference loan service, perhaps with the other deposit libraries in the UK? If it does, do you think they would send on such a heavy, expensive book as the Jimmy Page one, with the borrower paying the p&p? It is just a thought before I make my way down to London. Again, thanks for all you help and patience. xyz. Fri, 10 June, 2011 8:40:24 RE: Genesis Publications - other items in their back catalogue From:"Davis, Andrew" <Andrew.Davis@bl.uk> To:xyz<xyz@yahoo.co.uk Dear xyz, Q1 - Genesis have now supplied copies of all but 7 or 8 of the titles available to them. Q2 - No chance, sorry! Legal Deposit content does not leave the premises of the deposit library. Do speak with our Reading Rooms prior to your visit to ensure the books you wish to consult will be available to you. Kind regards Andrew
  9. kenog


    You are very welcome, Daniel
  10. kenog


    I found this on the ABCTrust's webpage. Looks like a good idea - costs nothing, but helps others, and is a cause that is important to JPP. www.abctrust.org.uk "The easiest way to help ABC Trust You can raise money for ABC and keep up-to-date on all our news by setting the ABC Trust-Google page as your homepage. When you search, download or buy online, ABC earns with no cost to you! "
  11. Hi ZoSoJO Yes, I do think that Ross is a bit sardonic. IMHO, he is unlikely to say anything adverse about Jimmy, because he (Halfin) seems to do rather well out of his connection to Jimmy.
  12. SAJ, Thanks so much for posting these daily bulletins on this forum. As ever, you put so much of your own time and effort into helping making this site a success. It is unfortunate (but predictable) that you are having to correct others' errors. Jimmy's management team would have done better to consult with some of the truly knowledgeable members on this site to double-check facts.
  13. Thanks for posting on the thread aen27. Jimmy looks so well and happy. I am always pleased to see him out and about with his great friend, Roy Harper.
  14. Black-Dog, I am not aware of any interview so far. These photos come from photographic agencies. By the way, I do not see why you should apologise for your English. Very few people on this site would be able to speak German.
  15. Glad you like them Miss Melanie.
  16. Attached herewith are some photos from Getty Pictures and Rexfeatures at this year's Mojo ceremony
  17. These programmes are repeats, but I thought I would mention them for anyone interested. They are transmitted on Friday 22 July on BBC4. 21:4023:35 Lemmy: The Movie Celebrating the life and rock 'n' roll philosophy of Motorhead frontman Lemmy. 23:3500:35 Hawkwind - Do Not Panic The inside story of Hawkwind, one of Britain's wildest acid rock bands. ® 00:3502:05 Heavy Metal Britannia Documentary which traces the origins and development of British heavy metal. ®
  18. Hi Superdave, Thanks for your kind sentiments . You are one of my favourite correspondents on this site. Sorry I missed out the link , but I am up to my eyeballs in work at the moment.
  19. Thanks Magic for your kind remark. As ever, you are one of the loveliest people to grace this site. I am super busy at the moment, but shall pm you when things slacken off.
  20. This is from Ross Halfin's website, dated 13 July. The photos of Jimmy at the Black Crowes' gig at Shepherds Bush can be accessed via Ross' site. "...A little bit of Jimmy Page showing the Black Crowes the way to 'Hell' by playing some of the Devil's Music at the Devil's Bush Empire."
  21. I searched the rest of the site to see if this had been posted already, but could not find anything. My source is Ross Halfin's site. There is a photo on the site of Jimmy and David Coverdale together. ".....Spent this evening "IN THE STILL OF THE NIGHT" as they say, in the company of Whitesnake at the Hammersmith Odeon. Went with my two security guards, Oliver Halfin and Jimmy Page, hung out with our host David Coverdale before the show who was most gracious. Oliver went for a singalong while Jimmy and I watched. It was packed and so hot, like a huge sauna, good atmosphere plus Bernie Marsden come on for the encores. David finished the show with a nice solo vocal of Soldier Of Fortune."
  22. A further update for anyone who is interested in gaining free access to not only Jimmy's book, but the rest of the Genesis catalogue which is still available for sale. Here is the correspondence between myself and my contact at the British Library. It looks like Genesis will be having to send a copy of each book they have in stock by the end of this month. I shall return with further updates. At the moment, Jimmy's book is being catalogued, and I shall also update you when Andrew Davis emails me as to its availability. Fri, 6 May, 2011 8:52:13 RE: Genesis Publications - other items in their back catalogue From:"Davis, Andrew" <Andrew.Davis@bl.uk>View Contact To: xxxx.xxxx@yahoo.co.uk xyz Just finalising shipment details. I should be able to let you know details of the complete delivery by the end of the month. Best Andrew
  23. Just to update anyone who is interested. I have received a reply from my contact at the British Library. They have received Jimmy's book from Genesis Publications, and will advise me when it has gone through the indexing process, and therefore available to the public. I have copied the email which I received below. I truly wish that I could have done something for the American fan base to have free access in a US library. Please note that I shall not be insisting that Ross Halfin's new Genesis Publications travel photographic book is deposited with the BL - to say that I am not interested in anything RH produces would be an understatement!!! Tue, 26 April, 2011 14:06:34 RE: Genesis Publishing - Complaint From:"Davis, Andrew" Andrew.Davis@bl.uk To:xxxxxxxxx@yahoo.co.uk Dear xxxxxxxx, Jimmy Page is sat on my desk (so to speak). I will now look to hasten the title through the cataloguing process. Cataloguing managers are instructed to inform me once the title has been placed in the collection. I will then forward you this information to enable you to time your visit to London. Kind regards Andrew Davis
  24. Superdave, I don't think they get compensation. It is a legal obligation in the UK. I suppose if you think about it, most books that are published are not anywhere near as expensive as those of Genesis Publications. Then again, Genesis are only foregoing the cost of production of each book. I imagine there is a pretty hefty retail markup on them. My motive was simply to get a copy somewhere for LZ fans to access, if they were able to do so. I think the other titles which are going in to the BL will also be of interest.
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