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Everything posted by kenog

  1. Billy, Thanks for the insight into the world of PR - it's useful to know what goes on behind the scenes. However, if Bonham Jnr ok'd the press release, what on earth was he thinking about? He was a member of LZ for one night only in 2007! He should have changed the statement when it was given to him, to show his previous full-time band memberships.
  2. I also remember seeing Ross reply to someone on his Facebook Wall that Jimmy was 'retired'. I took it to be tongue in cheek, as so many of his responses are - but not so sure now. BTW, as of yesterday, Ross removed his Facebook Wall from public viewing - don't know why.
  3. Excellent stuff, Billy. I hope they don't take too long to bring out the DVD after the tv broadcast.
  4. (Apologies, I have misspelt the name of the company in the heading, it is Rimowa, not Remowa, but I don't know how to edit the heading!) In the absence of any news of Jimmy recording or touring, all I can pass on is that Jimmy is advertising Rimowa guitar cases called The Logo. The cases, like his photo book, are to come in a deluxe and classic version, with the deluxe version having his Zoso logo on it. It seems like Jimmy has been involved in the design. There was no price at the time of going to press, but Rimowa's products are very expensive, reflecting their quality. This guitar case is on wheels. The photo and text are on Ross' diary http://www.rosshalfi...y-june-2010.php. At least when the photo book comes out, we will have something decent to report on and discuss!!
  5. Just found photo on Getty Images of Jimmy backstage http://www.gettyimages.com/detail/101670140/Getty-Images-Entertainment
  6. Or one called "Gigs, dinners and award ceremonies"
  7. I still haven't bothered to listen to the RAGM record to this day! My only interest was an up to date public sighting of Jimmy. As I said in a post I made in the News forum yesterday, he isn't exactly productive. Therefore, it has become a case of posting anything JP related which is current.
  8. It looks like Steve A Jones and I posted the RATM gig item at exactly the same time!!
  9. There is a photograph on Ross Halfin's diary of Jimmy at the Rage Against The Machine free gig in North London last night, 6 June. Here's some info from the internet for those not familiar with the band's role in keeping the UK X- Factor winner off the Christmas number one slot. http://www.gigwise.com by Jason Gregory Rage Against The Machine Stage Free Gig In Finsbury Park Band unleash Rage Factor... Rage Against The Machine paid tribute to their UK fans as they performed a free gig in London tonight (June 6). The concert, in Finsbury Park, was held in celebration of their successful Christmas number one bid last year, which ended TV talent show The X Factor's five-year dominance of the festive chart. The US band's 1992 hit 'Killing In The Name' topped the countdown following a fan campaign started on Facebook.
  10. Jimmy may not be very productive these days, but at least his former long-time partner is keeping occupied. I found the following article in the Henley Standard newspaper. I've attached the link regarding Charlotte exhibiting her artwork, There was also a photograph of her in the article. (I should add that there is an American artist also called Charlotte Martin who does landscapes.) Pop into the pub for a pint and painting THERE'S more to the Queen Victoria than just beer and pork scratchings — there are paintings by local artists on the walls. Peter "Nobby" Foley and Craig Timms, new landlords of the pub in Blakes Lane, Hare Hatch, think art and a pint go down well with locals. Artist Cate Stuart said: "Nobby used to be chef at the Horns in Wargrave, which used to hang our paintings in the bars, organised by the Henley Guild of Artists. "It was very successful and when Nobby and Craig came here they decided to do the same and encouraged five of us to hang our work here. There are 21 paintings in all — oils, acrylics and watercolours.I think pubs are great places to hang work. People sit there for a long time staring at the walls, so now they can look at our paintings." The other artists are Jayne Ward, of Warren Road, Wargrave, Diane Siedl, of Park Place, Remenham, Charlotte Martin, of Maidenhead, and Judith Fletcher, of Mill End. All the works are for sale, priced from £50 to £200. http://www.henleystandard.co.uk/news
  11. I certainly believe most of his account. He made this entry in 2005 and that was a long time after he had left Swansong and, as you say, he appears to have had health problems. I find it plausible that the staff would have a room where they might hold parties and the place would be in a mess, but the black magic insinuations don't convince me. Unity should have had a lock put on the door if she wanted it out of bounds.
  12. Fireopal, I don't know anything about the band, I'd never heard of them, although if you read more of this guy's blog, he does make mention of the 'Syd Barrett' single. I thought the room at the top of the Swansong office where 'parties' were held sounded interesting!!
  13. I found a blog by a guy called Daniel Treacey who appears to be in a band called The Television Personalities. He says he worked for a while in the Swansong Office on the Kings Road. He describes his experience in an entry in February 2005. I've copied the entry here for quick reference, together with the web address. http://windlessairmusic.tripod.com/televisionpersonalities/id8.html February 7 and then.. i worked for swansong records..the led zepp dudes in 1977 after leaving school. it was almost on my doorstep in the kings road,i lived at 355 they were at 484 i think.. next door of the site of the famous sixties boutique granny takes a trip. it was a bizarre job cos there was little to do. the label was not very active but it was pleasant to meet some of th artistes. The only one i knew was maggie bell who was singing solo. she used to be in stone the crows.. i knew her from her doing her laundry at mums laundry.. which i think was number 402 kings rd. she was very sweet and friendly.i really did not have a clue about zeppelin or bad company, dave edmunds i was familiar with,of them all him and robert plant and paul rodgers were really nice. peter grant their manager was a utter bastard! he pinned me up against the wall once for being late back from the bank. He gave me a cheque to cash and i mistakenly went to the wrong bank! the bank called him and he went apeshit! some of swansong had regular parties in the top floor room. it was the only room i was supposed not to enter. one day however out of curiousity i did..shit! they had had a black magic orgy by the look of things.. its known that jimmy page was heavily into that stuff, there were used condoms and occult stuff lying around. i learned about zep as i worked there and found myself suprisingly liking some of the music. funny thing was i worked there at time of my first single 14th floor.. plant and edmunds and maggie were a great help and encouraged me.. the only time i met jimmy page was one very very hot day in june.. i was told he was coming to the office and was warned by unity mcclean the office manger not to talk or look at him! what the fuck i thought.who is this guy?. i swear when he walked in the room was like an ice box! the temperature dropped suddenly..spooky.. the conversation went like this i think.. jp."so whos the new boy"(he said putting his hand out to shake mine) dt.pleased to meet you..(didnt call him mr.page) jp."what you up to?" dt.just looking for swansong articles in the newspapers and magazines he picked up a copy of 14th floor which was on the desk. i explained i was in a band and had made the record. he then invited me up to his room in the office for a fucking jam! he told me grab a guitar,he had about twenty,think i grabbed a gretsch..wish he had let me keep it! he was perfectly charming and quite good on the guitar. [url=http://windlessairmusic.tripod.com/televisionpersonalities/id8.html]
  14. Zooma, would your explain how you know that Jimmy sanctions Ross' comments that are Zep related. You seem to be very certain about your information.
  15. Quote below from hanger-on Ross Halfwit's diary dated 28 May where he takes a dig at both Jason Bonham and Robert Plant. What is RH's problem with Jason Bonham, a man who presumably has done him no harm? Perhaps Jason has declined to pick up the bill for Ross's meals at Nobu! "Said hello to Joe after who told me Jason Bonham is now going to be the singer in the Led Zeppelin Experience, dressing up in women's blouses to scream about going to Valhalla. Only thing is Jason needs to lose three hundred pounds first, plus Robert Knight (or "Shite" as he's better known) is directing the visual production. Robert Shite (a man who walks around dressed as a member of Poison) claims to be the first photographer to shoot Led Zeppelin, which is rubbish, and even stranger he also claims he and Jimmy Page are friends, and I know that's not true. Let's hope Jason gets on the Bonamassa diet soon. The Led Zeppelin Experience... yuk."
  16. Agree with you Bigstickbonzo. However, he is going to find the time to write a long foreword to Ross Halfin's Travel Book, published by Genesis Publications, of course! JP may have the music ready, but who is going to write the lyrics? The interview with JP in the new Mojo is just him going over the O2 (yet again), so nothing new there. I will be really surprised if there is any tour in 2010, as it is far on in the year for arrangements to be made.
  17. I don't know much about the Mount Sinai hospital, but what about the money raised going to the ABC Trust as it has a direct JP connection? Just a suggestion, I know all these causes are deserving.
  18. Well said, Slave to Zep. If RH didn't make constant references to Jimmy, would any of us read his diary? I think not. By referring to Jimmy, Ross makes sure that everyone remembers/knows his (Ross', that is) name. His reference to John Bonham turning in his grave is despicable and I only wish Mick Bonham were still around to put Ross right on that one. Bonzo would be proud that Jason has turned out to be a first class drummer. The new photos of Jimmy and Ozzy are mediocre - anyone with a decent camera and lighting could have set those up. Ross is lucky that over the years he has established contacts in the industry which get him access to well known musicians.
  19. "Just being curious here but why do some people on this forum always make disparaging comments about the guy?" Estofest, Part of the reason may be that he has, in the past, made disparaging comments about Zeppelin fans, particularly ones on fansites.
  20. Deborah J, Deborah J, You have nothing to apologise for, and you are certainly never disrespectful to any other member. I hope that when you and the other buyers receive your book, that it fully meets your expectations. My problem, and I suspect that of others, is that Jimmy could have produced a book which was more easily affordable and available for all fans. Yes, Genesis does produce wonderful top end of the market photographic books, but for so many fans it is simply out of their price range. If I may make a comparison, earlier this year, Clint Eastwood collaborated on a retrospective book of his career. Mr Eastwood wrote the introduction. The book contains 300 photographs, many of which have never been published before. It covers every film he made, it is full of production notes, film stills, poster artwork, together with a 20 min DVD. Stars do not come much bigger than Clint. This is for the grand sum of £25 (you will have to translate that into dollars, but the book is available on Amazon). Alright, in terms of the cover and paper, it will not be of the same quality as that of Genesis, but it is a hardback. If Jimmy had produced something along these lines, it would have been bought in its millions by Page fans worldwide. It is really not you and the other buyers who should be the object of criticism here. Take care
  21. Beautifully put Knebby. There are people who have been fans since the beginning who would not be able to afford this. Even if they did have the money, it could cause a row between a couple - there are so many other family priorities.
  22. From RH's Diary of May 8:- "And I know you'd like some photos of Ozzy and Jimmy Page to lift for your fan sites - so here's me at dawn instead..." Someone should explain to Ross (slowly, if necessary) that it is the people on the fan sites who have been ordering the Genesis Publications' Jimmy Page book, some of the proceeds of which will be finding their way into Mr Halfin's bank account. The people on the fan sites bought the albums and paid for LZ concert tickets over the years, thereby funding JP's lifestyle. If anything, I wish JP would use another photographer for a change, IMHO RH's photographs lack imagination and composition.
  23. From Ross Halfin's Diary for May 7:- "A big shoot today - Jimmy Page for something he has coming soon."
  24. Taken from Facebook page. Sadly Rick passed away on monday the 25th aged 81yrs It was peaceful and painless.
  25. Don't know if this news has been covered elsewhere on the site, but according to his former Facebook page, Rick Hobbs, Jimmy's former PA/driver, passed away on Monday, 25 January. He was 81.
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