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Fool In The Rain 60

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Posts posted by Fool In The Rain 60

  1. Dreadful. Cold wet windy and grey. Mrs CP is taking me with her to Wales today. Can't wait for a cone of chips by the sea. NOT

    But the up side is you get to spend the Day with Mrs CP, hope the Weather improves for you...

    London is very windy but the sun is shining....

  2. Thanks Kate. Not sure she'll be able to play golf we will wait and see. The most pressing is work. I couldn't possibly go into this but she has been left with a financial dilema. In other words dammed if you do dammed if you don't. The next few weeks will be very interesting and very stressful. I am on hand for support as always but she is a chipper woman Mrs CP, she dosen't get down about things. It's not life threatening or anything just maybe inconvenient.

    Have a look around for some Mirrors for the car which will reduce the need for Mrs CP to turn her neck...

    Whilst she is deciding what to do about work...

  3. I think I may start a neck/back problem thread?

    Anyway we have had bad news this weekend. Mrs CP has had neck problems on and off for a few years. Last Tuesday she got a grating sound feeling at the top of her neck and had weak wrists and a numbing in one arm.

    Doctor has diagnosed Cervical Spodolosis ( spellcheck?). Today she has gone for an x ray, which will prove inconclusive as it can't see cartlidge damage. The doctor also said that it years of driving which has caused the wearing of the cartlidge and the grating sound is the bones rubbing together. Naturally she is very worried. Of course she does drive for a living and it will mean that she will have to give up work.

    We don't know how this is going to be in the future. We have heard physio/charopractor may work and acupuncture. We will have to wait and see.

    Oh Dear poor Mrs CP, being a Arthritis sufferer I can relate to that horrible crunching in the neck, numb arm and the weak joints.

    Anti inflammatory drugs can help as can swimming. (Lets hope that she will still be able to Whip your ass on the Golf course) lol.

    Wishing Mrs CP all the Best..

  4. the bed is amazing, love it!

    the pain in my knee has become worse .... i still wake up about 4-6 times a night. so tired ..... i just don't know what to do. i have been taking glucosamine every day, plus panadol osteo, and sometimes an anti-inflam tab as well..... i might add fish oil or krill oil again .... :(

    that knee pain is a menace, is it arthritis

  5. thank you, i sure will :)

    well, hubby and i are going away this weekend, and then we have a week together. we'll probably just do a few day trips/drives/lunch. then the next week i have off, my youngest will be home on school holidays.

    it will be nice to not have to go to work every day!

    Have a Great Weekend, and enjoy your 2 weeks...

    How is that New Bed of yours, is it helping with your Aches and Pains?

  6. Yes I heard that too. Funny how the scum are associated with that trash Jeremy Kyle isn't it? Still thankfully it will not be an easy ride in the slammer for all 3. But to be honest these lowlifes have no morals anyway so the more than likely will appeal. But what a way to go through a life? Never having a job and he will be in the hole until pension time. Assuming the twat lives long enough

    That is one programme that I never ever watch. I hope that everyday that they spend behind Bars are Horrific...

  7. Not on the home course. I have added a course report in Fishy's golf thread.

    What's weird about living up here is that 5 miles down the road and they had no snow at all. So a friend is a member of a great course so we play hers when ours is not playable. Rumours of the course reopening tomorrow but sods law Mrs CP has had a bad back this week so we may decline what could be the best weekend we've had for months. If she dosen't play I won't because it's the weekend and we hardly see each other during the week. May go shopping instead

    This Weather is Crazy the Snow is now starting to settle...

    Nice that you have a contingencey Plan to be able to play Golf. Shame about Mrs CP's back hope she feels better soon

  8. These Vile Excuses of Parents Should be locked up forever and the Key Thrown Away....

    Mick Philpott was today jailed for life and will serve a minimum of 15 years for the “uniquely grave” killings of six of his children in a house fire.

    Aged 56, he will be 71 before he can apply for release but will still have to convince a parole board that he is no longer a danger to the public. The father of 17 was condemned as “a driving force behind this shockingly dangerous enterprise” by Mrs Justice Thirlwall.

    His wife Mairead was sentenced to 17 years and fellow accomplice Paul Mosley to 17 years. However, they will both only have to serve half of that term. All three were convicted of manslaughter on Tuesday.

  9. eeemmmmm lovely. Mrs CP won a box of chockie things last week at Golf and we had a layer last evening. Felt a bit Brian Clough this morning. I am not used to eating such delights.

    Anyway I am making a bloomer for the weekend. That scouse Hollywoods version. Cold water and olive oil in the dough??? I will wait and see.

    Can't beat a Nice bit of Choc to give the Spirits a lift, thats the trouble with this never ending Winter. Hope your feeling better now.

    I have been watching that Paul Hollywood and his Bread Making, has made some nice Loaves, will you be making it by hand or Bread Machine..

  10. Not really Kate. I still have snow on the lawn and we have had a harsh frost every night. Snow won't settle now the sun is warmer anyway. Maybe a chance of a good weekend me hears?

    Temp's for the Weekend could be reaching the Dizzy Heights of round about 8-9 c thats about 49ish F I think...

    Hope you have a few more Sunny days to melt the Snow. How is the Golf Course, have you & Mrs CP been able to get a round in?

  11. :o . Oh deary me F. Must be grim down there? Sunny up here again. A breeze nonetheless. Just putting out a few rugs and mats on the line to dry.

    Glad to say that it's not Settleing it is just so Cold...

    Sounds like Spring has finally Sprung up in your Neck of the Woods CP enjoy....

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