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Fool In The Rain 60

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Posts posted by Fool In The Rain 60

  1. thanks, mate.

    ha ha, they would be so pissed off! but after a week, i will be able to use it again. not full-strength lifting etc, but ok to serve customers and other lighter duties. i'm fine with a week off, i wasn't expecting even a day! i just hope when i return they don't try and get all smart with me and get me to do crap ... my actual department boss wasn't there yesterday, but she will be fine, it's the store manager that is the real pr*ck.

    edited to add : it's still really sore! being my dominant hand, i find the hardest things are dressing/undressing, brushing hair and teeth, little things like that, it's the angle i have to have my hand.

    It's always the One at the Top that is the Biggest Tosser...I would have 2 weeks just to annoy him... ;)

    Has the Doctor given you a splint to wear to restrict your Wrist movement? They are uncomfortable but they do help.

    Hope it feels better soon Jules

  2. well, my news starts off UNhappy,.....

    re-injured my wrist at work ( this is about the 5th time in about 6-7 years ). it's on the outside of my right hand, just where it bends.

    anyway, i go to management who don't even ask if it's hurting!, who tell me to keep working and use my left hand only( can you believe them? ) and go to doc at 4.30.... my workmate goes and gets an icepack and wraps a bandage for me....

    so i go to doc, and he gives me a week off, with physio and an xray. i tell him they wont like me taking time off, and he says "i don't care what they say, i am the doctor, and i say you need time off! "..

    so i take my certificate into them, and their faces were just classic. company has to pay my normal pay and all doctors/physio bills.

    and they still didn't ask me how i was feeling ....

    Well I will ask you Jules, how is your Wrist feeling now... :(

    I am not in the least bit surprised at how your Employer reacted to your Injury, they are only bothered about Profit. Maybe your Doctor can stretch it to 2 weeks for you that will really Piss your Employer off...

  3. Going to watch 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' with my baby girl.

    We got to experience Tiffany's Dept Store for the first time together last December. Great memories..

    Hope you have the Tissues handy Kris...I love that Movie enjoy..

  4. Not looking too good for us either on Sunday. Looks like Mrs CP will be having an extra lie in on Monday as we will get alot of snow. Will there be no end to this perpetual cold?

    MRS CP get the list?

    Wine, food, Kindling, milk,bread, crisps, horse burgers,baps,tommy sauce,more Rizlas - hey check the stash!! What?? No that will be fine. Best get some more wine though. To be continued

    Good luck to everyone

    Best bring those logs up nearer to the House as well...

  5. Thanks for that. So have you a blizzard where you are? My geography of North America maybe not that great but is that storm hitting the Eastern Seaboard?

    No Blizzard here, it is a very Calm day...

    Is that just Cloud Cover on that Satellite map or Snow falling

    And my Geograph is crap, can't even read a map so if you say that that Storm is hitting the Eastern Seaboard, i'll take your word for it...LOL

  6. i haven't bought new bedding in years. i figure at 50 years of age, i deserve it!

    any ideas for a doona cover style? i thought of making a thread about bedding .....

    have a great time at your great neices bash!

    I always have a Pintuck style Cover

    Thanks Jules been a while since I had a good Night out,got to wait about 6 weeks though...


  7. back is slightly better, thanks. had a terrible nights sleep last night, but the new one just got delivered, so here's hoping. even if it doesn't help my back, it is soooooo much better than my old bed. here is a link to a pic of one the same


    i've bought new egyption cotton sheets ( white ) and new pillows and underlay. now am looking for a new doona and cover ....

    Looks comfy, hope you get a better nights sleep... Nothing quite like nice new bedding

  8. we bought a new king koil mattress and base, medium firmness with extra pillow top. can't wait!

    Nice hope it does the trick for your back... is it feeling any better?

    Just recieved our Invite to my Great Nieces 18th Birthday Bash...

  9. ^^^ hope the rain goes away soon!

    Today the local forecaster said, "Beautiful with sun and light clouds, high of 74 degrees F." Sometimes I forget how nice our weather can be, and it really is the Sunshine State. :) Missy

    Thanks 'Missy' last year was the wettest since records began, 2013 is not starting out to great, things can only get better..

    Enjoy that sunshine... ;)

  10. Nothing since the phone call, but my niece's friend works there and said that they are cancelling the night shift and starting a 7 until midnight shift and it didn't go down too well. So with a bit of luck I may be in with a chance. I also applied for an admin job at Liverpool University on 9th Jan, and I haven't received a reusal e-mail yet. But sometimes if you don't hear within 2 weeks.. tough shit.

    That is so rude of companies not to get in touch with you,

    Good luck with the Asda job...

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