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Fool In The Rain 60

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Posts posted by Fool In The Rain 60

  1. I gave one of my customers a Christmas card. He really liked it. Actually, he had tears in his eyes. I know this might sound cheesy but, it really made me want to cry. My heart was so full. :tears:

    Not cheesy at all 'LZG', it's the simple things in life that people appreciate...

    Having nothing to do today has made me happy...

  2. Morning Sean, the problem with the cake was I never put the bottom of the tin in properly, glad to say I remembered the foil.

    Gave half to a Neighbour, should have thought this through a bit better, BD & 1 of my sons are Diabetic, they ate the cake then I had to listen to them babble a load of crap for the next 2 hours, so no more for them.

    Didn't think to take a photo of it..

    Jules, Melanie & ebk, had a lovely Pedicure, then did a bit of channel surfing (the remote was all mine), even had a power nap.

    It was a welcome break as I am with BD 24/7..so I don't have time to miss him,

    Melanie glad to hear that your Husband is doing well, how much longer before he is back behind the wheel?

  3. The ability to make it happy in anyway possible. My mood is very bad today. I have done basically nothing proactive and I have no motivation. It's the dark and wet and cold that does it. Every year gets worse and worse. But Mrs CP will be home shortly and that always raises my spirits.

    Are you suffering from S.A.D?

  4. Awww, that sucks Kate! :console:

    How does your son feel about it? I'm making cookies...sounds like you could use one.

    He is quite upset about it, maybe he can help Leo make a new one for the tree..

    What cookies are you making.. Don't matter what they are I'll send you my Address you can post me one or two... ;)

  5. And.......

    I never made it home till the next day, with one mother of a hangover.

    Started our own Karaoke sing along, then were asked to leave the pub, so we just moved on to the next pub after which my memory is rather hazy... :blush:

    Glad to say I got home sober today..

  6. A fine potato crisp there fool. Their C/O are a tad on the strong side though. Have you managed to try any Ox liver yet?

    Can't find Ox liver, have to search further a field, may have to try the 'New Super Dooper Tesco', that has just opened...

    Bacon sandwich with TK....

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