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Fool In The Rain 60

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Posts posted by Fool In The Rain 60

  1. Oh ok from Texas Melanie's comment I thought it may have been someone I should have known of, like a reality star. Sorry for buttin in :)

    thats ok, BD watches the 'Housewifes of Orange County' so we take the piss out of him....

    Poor Kate has been taken into Hospital, due to severe morning sickness....

  2. Thanks Kate ! I wasn't totally suprised by the delay as it's pretty common in these parts . I'll be fine as long as they keep giving me meds but at this rate, they may have to send me to rehab as part of my post surgery recovery :lol: .

    At least your keeping a sense of Humour....

  3. More disappointed than unhappy but received a phone call telling me that my back surgery has been postponed . I was supposed to go in next week but now I'll have to wait until mid Jan. At least they didn't wait until I showed up ! .

    Sorry to hear that 'ally' :( hope your not in to much pain...

  4. My son was sweet enough to give me his cold so I have been very lethargic this week and might break down and get some Sudafed. Word has it that it is good stuff. I guess if it is good enough for meth heads, it should be good for my cold.

    hope you feel better soon... Why do they always share the things you don't want....

    what made me un-happy BD promised to finish the wallpapering, but no he has been watching those 'Housewives' Revoke his man-card ....

  5. "Dear wife, You must realize that you are 54 years old and I have certain needs which you are no longer able to satisfy. I am otherwise happy with you as a wife, and I sincerely hope you will not be hurt or offended to learn that by the time you receive this letter, I will be at the Grand Hotel with my 18-year-old teaching assistant. I'

    ll be home before midnight. - Your Husband"

    When he arrived at the hotel, there was a faxed letter waiting for him that read as follows,

    "Dear Husband. You too are 54 years old, and by the time you receive this, I will be at the Breakwater Hotel with the 18-year-old pool boy. Being the brilliant mathematician that you are, you can easily appreciate the fact that 18 goes into 54 a lot more times than 54 goes into 18. Don't wait up.":)

  6. I will Kate, thank you. :) Poor Danny having to wait, but I'm sure it will make his Christmas! Send him my very best wishes.

    Will do ... my son may take pity on him and let him have it for his Birthday which is on... 24-12 a whole day earlier...LOL

  7. My copy of 'Celebration Day' finally arrived in the post. :cheer: I nearly hugged my postman when I saw that Amazon package in his hands. :D

    My next door neighbours, a lovely retired couple, have just gone away for a few days so 'Celebration Day' will be played at an appropiate volume tonight without me worrying about disturbing them. Somehow I don't think they're Zep heads!

    'My, my, my, I'm so happy, I'm gonna join the band'.

    Have a great evening...

    BD's 1 arrived last week, but my son won't allow him to have it, it's for Christmas...LOL

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