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Fool In The Rain 60

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Posts posted by Fool In The Rain 60

  1. ^ Mum,Bigdan is letting you watch the telly? :P

    KB I have started to put my foot down now where the T.V is concerened, I'm sick of the History Channel. There was no way that I was going to miss out on 'The Queens Celebrations'.... And my son gave ME the T.V so now it's my way or the highway for BD... :lol:

  2. Mum,that old Scot,he will be alright,......damn! :D

    Now,how is the little nut?OK?

    BIGDAN?Does he do his chores? :lol:


    I'm sure he will KB...

    My little nut nut Leonidas is fine now thanks..

    BD do Chores.... :hysterical: I think not too busy being a Armchair sport Critic... :rolleyes:

  3. We've already tried some low level narcs but other than make me high as a kite, they didn't do much else . Tbh, as much as I want this pain to be gone, I'm not prepared to settle for drug therapy unless absolutely every other option has been exhausted. The irony of surgery is that it would fix my current pain in my hip and leg but could very well create worse pain in my core that would not be fixable. I see my surgeon in early June so we'll see what he thinks but my guess is that he'll still be as reluctant as he was the last time. Having said that, I have to help myself too. My condition is definitely life altering but not life threatening so in the scheme of things, it's just something I'll just have to learn to live with and not allow it to hold me back. Mind over matter with a chaser on the side ;)

    'ally' that is the right attitude to have keep thinking positive, your way to young to be sitting in a chair and letting life pass you by. As long as you know your limitations, hopefully Surgery will not take place for a long time. Lets us know how things go.. :)

  4. Happy to hear that :)

    I'm somewhat embarassed to say that ( don't ask how :shifty: ) I managed to get bumped to the head of the line and had the injection last week. That's the good news. The bad news is, it didn't work. Not even a little.

    'ally' i'm really sorry to hear that it didn't work this time :(

    As for getting to the front of the queue, your Doc must have thought that you were suffering more than enough.

    Where do you go from here is Surgery on the cards for you now?, if it is lets hope the waiting list isn't to long...

    Hope that in the meantime the Doc has been able to give some Meds that at least take the edge off the pain...

  5. No worries Mum,he is a rugged little guy,he will kick it's ***! :console:


    Your right there he is a tough little nut, hope to go see him this weekend, and give him his prezzie that I got him from my Holiday, that will make him feel better. When I have downloaded my photos I will post a pic of it then you will see that it will make him very happy...

  6. I learnt a new word: polyols.

    I don't get to learn many new words anymore, but I found this one on the ingredients panel of my Diabetics' Easter Egg, after I'd eaten it all. The egg was cool - 6% sugar, compared with about 65% for a normal one. 'That's just great!', I thought. So I ate it all. Then I read the ingredients, to see how they pulled this off. I saw that it contained 45% 'polyols'. I was just wondering what 'polyols' were when I spotted this: "This product contains polyols and we recommend eating no more than 20g polyols per day due to potential laxative effects. However, sensitive individuals may react to levels less than this".

    The egg I'd just wolfed down weighed 205g. Do the math.

    just thinking of solid times

    and when times do get loose.....

    always remembering there will be more solid times :)

    Poor you 'Major' another 1 to look out for is 'Sorbitol' found in sugar free mints, it has the same effect...LOL

  7. i guess its one of those things where you don't know how much effect its having, ( maybe he would have been worse without it

    no treatment for the back or foot spurs, only i take an anti-inflammatory every day, and have some gel heel supports in my work shoes. sometimes i take some panadol osteo tabs too.

    stiff knees must be awful, you must be a toughy!

    'Slave' the way i look at is it aint gonna kill me , so i just get on with it, i'm not a pill person only take what i have too, having a Digestive problem i'm limited to what i can take anyway. Oh the joys of getting old... LOL

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