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Fool In The Rain 60

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Posts posted by Fool In The Rain 60

  1. oh no! that's too bad! :( hope you are coping ok.

    krill oil is meant to be more concentrated than fish oil, and the ills are MUCH smaller. plus you only need to take 2-3 a day. they have no taste at all too, which is a bonus. :)

    Hi 'Slave' BD has taken cod liver oil for years, 1 high strengh a day, and Imust say that i really cannot see what difference they have made, he is still a wreck, ( health wise) LOL...

    I'm use to having stiff knees, so i just do things within my capabilities... How are you getting on with those Spurs, any treatment?

  2. sorry fool, i only just saw this .....

    still taking the krill oil, at first i thought it was having a big effect, but now not so sure. but i figure i will kee on with it anyway, it cant hurt, and it is suposed to very good for heart and brain health too.

    how is the physio going?

    Hi 'Slave' :wave: it was a total waste of time, after my first examination, all it did was give me a swollen leg and a limp for a week..LOL

    they decided that another appointment was a waste of time, and just to carry on with heat lamp and walking as exercise...

    Does krill work the same as cod liver oil?

  3. Thanks you guys!!

    Well he is out of recovery! (surgery-recovery-ward) They didn't have to do a colostomy, good, but his liver is full of cancer, terrible. He is a scared man right now. Mum and my sister just got home from the hospital, he obviously has to rest, they said he was able to crack a joke before they left him.

    To everyone else going through this or something similar, my thoughts are with you too.

    So sorry to hear what they have found, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your Family... x

  4. So my dad goes under the knife tomorrow for his fourth round with cancer. Twice with skin cancer, once for his thyroid and now his colon!!! The fact he had a massive stroke 8 years ago and is now 73 and still alive is a miracle in it's self I suppose.

    Tomorrow will be a long day.

    I know we are not alone dealing with this.

    Time to spin some Zep, "Thank You" I think would be a place to start.

    Hope all is well with your Dad,

  5. I'm not a Ladies but I am an expert. In 2010 I lost... Ready for it?... Ready?... Here it comes... 70 pounds! I lost it VERY fast too. Like in a few months. All I did was count calories. I said no more than 1,000 calories (and as much less as I could but that was my cap) a day distributed throughout the day to keep my metabolism moving. It just flew off. Also I read if you don't eat you will lose 2 pounds a day. So if you want to go really fast just don't eat for like a month and get some fast skinnies, oh yeah! lol

    'DAS' that weight loss is amazing... Well done

    I have read a few snippits from 'Quit Digging Your Grave' and i must say it is me to a tee I'm one of lifes 'Procrastonators'. I really don't think I could not eat for a Month LOL Hot water with Lemon and a cracker is not me.. Yuk..

    I have an under active Thyroid so weight is always a problem, but a healthy eating plan is the way to go. Like 'ledzepfvr' if I skip meals then I feel quite ill.

    So thanks 'DAS' & 'ledzepfvr' I shall be taking on board what you have both said..

    Oh 'DAS' us Ladies are most certainly a lot Brighter.... LOL

  6. Ladies got 5 weeks till my Holiday (my birthday prezzie) need to lose a bit of weight but hate to Diet...so any tips!!!

    BTW 'Slave' how is the Krill working, I'm off for my 1st lot of Physio tomorrow on my wonky knees...

  7. Freaking raining cats and dogs in L.A. today. More thunderstorms predicted for Sunday, which is the same day as the L.A. Marathon...which means traffic and chaos, haha.

    'Strider' don't complain about the rain, here is the South East of England we are facing a Drought. There will be a hose pipe ban as from the 5 April and that is before the Summer has even started!!!!

  8. ^^^Thanks planted and Kate for the kind thoughts and support. My friend and I just arrived at Staples Center. It's about an hour before game-time. It will be a group of about 20 kids and they are singing in the key of F.

    'Strider' hope all went well, let us know if it can be seen on you-tube, I for 1 would love to see it.

    What age group are they?...

  9. My day will come soon when my parents are gone. It's too bad we are so distant. My mother is a thousand miles away, and my dad put a ban on my girlfriend because she used to have a serious drinking problem. But both my parents are, in some ways, exceptionally good people. I feel for you. If 60 is your year of birth, we are the same age.

    As for the Wars on(sic) Terror. It's beyond tragic. It is completely fraudulent.

    60 is my birth year..

    Hope that your Dad gives your Girlfriend a chance to prove her worth, and that you keep in touch with your Mum..

    What has made me really sad is that 5 of the Soldier were 21 and under, and the other one was only 33.. Such a waste of Life before it has even really begun...

    You need to start Kicking some butt with those Guys who have the Nerve to charge late fees when they don't keep up the Maintenance of your Building... Wow that was some Dentist Bill that makes me Happy that we in the UK have the NHS..LOL

    Are Bats a protected Species out there, if you have them over here then they have to stay Legally you are not allowed to Deliberatley Disturb them...

  10. Today would have been my Mums 80 Birthday.. :( If there is an After life hope she has a Great day with other Family Members who have passed over... :)

    Also the lost of six British Soldiers in Afghanistan, bring the Total to 404...

    Such a sad loss and waste of lives on all sides.. :(

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