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Fool In The Rain 60

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Posts posted by Fool In The Rain 60

  1. omg i would kill for that! the sleep, not the vimto ..... :)

    Hi 'Slave' I think I was the manic day that my Daughter-in-law had on Saturday rather than the 'Vimto'

    Shopping for Dresses for 'The Grenadier Guards' ladies dinner night from 9am-1.30pm, followed by Colouring our hair then doing all the other stuff that us ladies do before a night out.

    We arrived at the Dinner at about 7 and had a Champagne Reception & photos taken, them had our meal that I must say was Amazing all cooked by Army chefs.

    The Entertainment was a 'Take That' Tribute band and I must say that they were really good (not that I am a fan', there was a Disco by which time I had consumed a large amount of Alcohol and was up Dancing, we partyed till Midnight then went on to another Bar till 3am, finally got to bed at about 4.30 up again at 9 then had to leave my sons house to come home which is about 11/2 hrs drive.

    The hole Night was Amazing the Raffle prizes are all Donations there were Diamonds & Gold as well as less expensive gifts in total there was 36 prizes even a Donation from Buckingham Palace.

    The Idea of the Night is to Raise funds for 'The Grenadiers' who are in Afghanistan at the moment, to help Families of any Soldier that maybe wounded or Killed, so £ 25 a Ticket was a small price to pay for such a Wonderful evening..

    'Cheeky Vimto' Recipe

    1-2 oz of Port..

    Bottle of WKD blue

    Mixed together, shot of Vodka (optional)

  2. well, it's been better, but it's also been worse.

    i've never really done anything other than retail, except i did run my own day care business when my older two were young, so i could stay at home with them and still earn. i couldn't go back to that though, no way. THAT is hard work!

    it all comes down to greed with these enormous companies. no matter what they earn, it's NEVER enough. they wont even pay ONE MINUTE overtime. ie if i sign off one minute late today, i have to sign on one minute late tomorrow! bastards!

    They are just Money Grabbing scum...

    let's hope something else turns up for you...

  3. my job.

    my employer is one of the biggest companies in australia, making huge profits each year, and big bonuses for the ones at the top.

    gradually over the last year or so, they have been cutting back manpower bit by bit. less casual and part-timers, and more work put on full-timers like me. now my boss tells me there will be MORE cut-backs AGAIN. i'm so tired after a shift. they want more and more out of us. they spend cazillions on advertising and reward schemes to lure customers and beat their competitors, yet when it comes to us workers ..... ppffffft!

    i'm very unhappy in my job, but not trained for anything else, and turning 50 this year ......

    i wish the public realised what these bastards are really like!

    That is really bad, but it is usually the big companys that are always taking the p**s by not paying there workers a decent wage and expecting them to give their all, or through not paying their Taxes. What is the Jobs market like in Oz, here in the UK even the most menial off jobs are attracting Hundreds of applicants

  4. oh you poor thing! i can't stand the hangovers i get after drinking. i get one after just a couple of drinks these day, so i have stopped alcohol altogether, and i don't miss it at all.

    hope leos' tooth came through without too much fuss!

    'Slave' the Tooth was a Nightmare they have had quite a few sleepless nights...

    Glad to say it is very rare that I have too much to drink these days, but the 'Cheeky Vimto' was a bit like Drinking Pimms, and we know how potent

    that can be... :lol:

  5. My vocal style I haven't tried to copy from anyone. It just developed until it became the girlish whine it is today.

    -- Robert Plant

    But to put out a greatest hits on one CD was totally impossible, I just couldn't do it. The best compromise was to put out two CDs -- Early Days -- which is what it is -- and Latter Days.

    -- Jimmy Page

  6. ^^^^^

    Oh dear 'Kat24' I'm sure your best Friend will forgive you, as it was Inadvertenly,and not your Intention to hurt her..

    What made me un-happy 2day was what should have been 24 Indivdual Victoria Sponges are now the Base for Raspberry Trifle..

    I'm not loving 'SiliconeBakeware'. So back to 'Old Fashion Tins and Papers' for Me...

  7. Yep, that's her. Very tall with long great legs, dazzling eyes and smile...and can talk sports!!!

    What's not to love?

    Being short and fat myself... There is plenty Not to love.. (just kidding) :P Yes she is pleasing to ones eye...

    I just like to put a face to a Name...

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