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Fool In The Rain 60

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Posts posted by Fool In The Rain 60

  1. Well...I once said bacon makes everything taste better. I still stand by my statement, even in the face of the above, hehe.

    I have yet to encounter something like that in the U.S., Kate...although it's a wonder Wall-Mart hasn't marketed something such as this in Arkansas years ago.

    What does BD think of it? Has he tried it yet?

    BD is a Veggie so he wouldn't try it if I was to buy it...

    Tried to get some on Amazon, but they were out of stock...

  2. Sean, I suppose my main concern is the fact that the Military has been his life since the age of 13 when he joined the Cadets, then he left School at 16 and went straight into the Army.

    What with the jobs Market the way it is there are Thousands of people all after the same jobs, he is the type of person who likes to have structure in his life. That is why he has applied for the Austrailian Army, who are taking on some of the lads who have been made Redundant, as I think NZ are as well. I am probely worrying for nothing but that is my nature where my children are concerened no matter how old they get.!!

    I'm not over the moon about some of the other jobs that he has been thinking about doing either, but it is his life and would support him in any choice that he made.

  3. You Guys are the best, :kiss:

    I have just spoken to my son, good news he can apply for the Australian Army, but has to do so by Friday.

    As hard as this would be for me to see him & Leo go, I have given him every encouragement to apply...


    I'm with you Fool...er, you ARE rooting for Ireland, right? I know how contrary you English can be, hehe.

    BD is Big Dan...and if you have to ask who Big Dan is, well then, I think his feelings would be rather hurt as his legend is far and wide. I'd have to have Fool in the Rain give you thirty lashings...but being English, she'd probably enjoy that. ;)

    Hi Sean yes I AM rooting for Ireland, glad to see that they have scored... :thumbsup:

    BD is becoming a distant memory on this Forum now as there are quite a few new members, so LZF77 will be forgiven for not knowing who he is..

    As for the 30 lashes, yeah I would enjoy it.... :o

  5. That may have been what he called it ally but as English was not his 1st Language it was hard to tell...

    All i know is if there is no improvement in about 2 weeks, then i shall be going over to the A.E Department for a steroid injection, as Fruit picking season will be starting in about 3 weeks and that is something that i never miss, and do not intend to start now...

    So thank's for the concern you Guys, but as I thought it is a minor inconveniance although rather painful...

  6. Thank's ally, been to the quack got a talking to about smoking and the effect on my digestive problem which was sorted many years ago...

    Then he squeezed my wrist which then earned him a slap on the hand as it is really painful, he gave me a fancy name for the condition(which i now can't remember), but basically it is the Ligament or Tendon Sheath(can't remember now) to my thumb that is the problem, gave me some cream to rub in 3 times a day, rest the hand & come back in 6 weeks if it is no better... Now you know why I very rarely vist the Quacks... :lol:

  7. You've lost the use of your thumb and index finger and you don't think thats bad?!!

    Please, get yourself to that doctor as soon as possible ..... and let us know how you go.

    Thanks for the concern, I'm off to the Quacks later today sure it is just a trapped nerve...

  8. No nothing bad, have had a really painful hand for about 3 months that is getting worse, have lost the use of my Thumb and Index finger,

    apart from that yes i'm a very Healthy person, can't even remember the last time I had a cold about 10+ years i would guess..

    Get yourself to that Dentist or you Will look like 'Shane McGowan'. It is never as bad as you think it's going to be, it is not just about the Teeth but a Health check for your mouth as a smoker something that should be done every year...Get your Appointment made!!!

    I spent 3hrs in the Dentist chair last year for 1 Tooth, the though of having to have my Teeth pulled and having falsies make me break out in a cold sweat..

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