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Fool In The Rain 60

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Posts posted by Fool In The Rain 60

  1. ( in case anyone is interested, lol ) .....

    got the blood tests back, everything ok except my anti-nuclear antibodies were raised .... :blink: never heard of those before, but apparently it would explain my feet and joint pain. no treatment, just wait and see if it goes away ( great ).

    back ct showed compressed discs and arthritis as well as the spur....


    Hope you are feeling a little better now that you now have a possible cause for the pain that you are having in your legs.

    Keep us posted on how the Krill Oil...

  2. Harry's a shoo-in. And even if he doesn't get to start the job while he's still at Spurs, and it has to wait until the end of the season, we've got more chance of success at the Euros with him in charge for just a few weeks than with that clown tosser.

    Most likely scenario: Harry will stay at Spurs until it becomes obvious that (1) Spurs have no chance of the championship and (2) are guaranteed a CL place. Some time in April, I'd guess.


    I just had this posted to my Facebook wall.

    "And the thing is some people want Harry Redknapp to be the next England manager. He cant Weed or Wight (Read or Write), use a Computer and has his "Bonuses" invested in his dogs offshore account, GOOD HELP US, oh yeah and he is as dodgy as fcuk, I wont be surprised if he wins the World Cup for England, well Fifa are open to Bungs aren't they? and Harry is the Bung King, lol."

  3. What a waste of money - who will be fired over spending millions on a case over a few hundred thousand £ - must be very embarrassed.

    Genuine question, are we really expecting Capello to be dismissed and Redknapp to take over for Euro2012? Can't see it myself.

    Capello has resigned, now what?

  4. As far as I can make out, no tax was due, because it was a gift, or a loan, or an investment. Either way, I don't care, and I don't care if he was actually guilty or not. All I care about is him being the next England manager. If it took a miscarriage of justice to achieve that, well, that's fine by me.

    How were the fans cheated, btw? The money was Mandaric's, not the club's.

    If it was a Gift then Tax is paid by the Giver at 40%

    If it was a Loan then as long as it gets paid back there is nothing wrong with that.

    If it was an Investment then I'm sure Tax would need to be paid.

    The Fans were cheated because in the end they have to pay for the 10% that the Agent of the player pays the manager for signing the player.

    This happened a lot back in the good old days, huge bundles of cash being exchanged in carrierbags, Brian Clough was one such mentioned.

    And as i said before its the Fans that pay throught the nose once again, if the money was from Mandaric's as a gift then he would be the one who would have to pay the 40% gift tax, but wasent if for buying players?

  5. Seeing my dad after 8 long months! :D The man is finally home after a long voyage on board ship. He's a Marine Engineer. The poor man can finally take it easy now! B)

    Wow 'Kiwi'

    has your Dad been at sea all that time?

    Hope you & your Mom have a great time with him. Must be like a late Christmas present... :cheer:

  6. well girls, i bought the supper krill oil. it''s more potent than fish oil, so only 2 pills a day, and they are much smaller too!

    hope they start working soon. i was woken 3 times with knee/leg pain last night.


    How long does it take to become effective?

    Hope you soon get a good nights sleep...

  7. Terrible day yesterday, was involved in a car accident, luckly was a minor one, managed to walk away but was badly shaken... thank God it could have been worse.

    The car has some damage at the front so it'll have to be towed off to get fixed. Im hoping the insurance will cover it and I was told i'll get a couresty car

    Still a bit shaken but at least I was'nt injured and still in one piece

    Glad to hear that you are ok 'Minxter', was it due to weather conditions?

  8. Not being able to visit my nephew who was born last week because I'm snowed in. :(

    'Hi Magic' what bad luck, hopefully the snow won't last very long ours is already melting.

    Congrats on becoming an Auntie again?... :cheer:

  9. I really love snow! :thumbsup: It, IMO, is so picturesque. I remember getting all excited when it snowed for a minute or two here in Auckland on the 15th of August, 2011! B) That was the very first time I actually saw snow from where I was standing. The last time it snowed here in Auckland was in 1939.

    :wave: 'Kiwi' we now have about 3-4 inches. Don't know why I get so excited, as I usually end up on my Arse, so I will be staying in for the next few days... :lol:

  10. Congratulations!! :cheer:

    Thanks 'Kiwi' I just love watching the family expand... But I'm way behind my sisters they will both be getting their 9th Grandchild this year...

    But I'm more than Happy just having my 'Leo'.. :wub:

    Talking to leddy on fb has made me happy as well...

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