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Fool In The Rain 60

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Posts posted by Fool In The Rain 60

  1. Thanks Fool I will. Yes Mrs CP mentioned to me this morning, as I will be fine dining and wineing at The Theatre Of Dreams, she will have a M&S meal for one. She also told me not to forget my key and maybe turning left at the top of the stairs into the guest room might be a good idea, should I have had too much Vin Rouge :lol:

    Loving the crumpets for a 3 o'clock snack. Warbies?

    Oh yes got to be Warbies..

    Poor Mrs CP got to have a sub standard Meal this evening... Still at least she will get the Whole bottle of wine if she wants it

    Hope your not to cold and lonley in the spare room, have you got 1 of these..


    Dinner tonight Haddock with new spuds & peas

  2. Prawn Malaysian soup with noodles.

    We went to the Asian food store in town over the weekend and they were having a Malaysian food show on. I picked up a couple of curry pastes and made thIs one last evening. It was dead tasty - but. On looking at the ingredients it contained MSG and I don't mean the Garden :o

    Why does this ghastly flavour enhancer have to be added? The Chicken Randang paste dosen't have it though and I will be doing that next week.

    I had the usual for brekkie and no lunch today as I will be stuffing my gills at Old Trafford this evening :D

    Mrs CP has not got to get her own Tea this evening has she, while you are off out Stuffing your Gills.. Have a great time...

    Crumpets with Dairylea for my 3 o'clock snack

  3. Sadly not an option Kate. The other regional asked the very same question. It's either go with it or nowt. Anyway I am thinking hard about what to cook her for dinner. I think Prawns in a Malaysian sauce with Noodles - she'll love it

    So either way they have her over a barrel...

    Sounds nice as do a lot of your Meals, just wish I could eat half of what you cook...

  4. MACSHIT Ha. Yes it never fails to amaze me that whatever time of day you go past these places there are always people inside. 11 am tons of people inside, 3 pm same 10 pm yep full.

    When I was growing up I had 3 meals a day. On the weekend I would play sport and at lunchtime my mum would always have a homemade lunch , I always remember things like Steak & Kidney Pud or Hot Pot or salad in the summer. Friday was Fish and Chips night - ha I remember that.

    I suppose we were lucky. My mum was a housewife and a great cook too. Pre packaged junk crap was not a sight in our house. I always remember a pantry - full of goodies and the smells wafting from her Kitchen. MY mum was born in 1925 and when she brought me and my brother and sister up she knew what to do with fresh food. I suppose the pre war rationing had a lot to do with it? And your sad but true observation about young people cooking from scratch being way too much effort, is indicative of a "can't be arsed" culture.

    My mum was the same always cooked good food, I am 1 of six children, only Dad worked, so Mum would have to be quite inventive to stretch the meals to feed 8 of us.

    Never had a shop bought cake in our house..

    Today it is more about the Latest phone and Designer Cloths to pose with in the Shopping Center..

    Think i'll Make my own Burgers for Dinner tonight...

  5. CP big part of the Obesity problem in the UK is the fact that we have Central heating, but have not modified eating habits.

    Like you i was born in the 60's, when the only form of heating in most homes was a coal fire in the living room, so yer we ate a lot of fats, which we burned off trying to keep warm. Plus doing a lot of walking, and not stuck in front of some Electronic Device.

    For most of us the only time that take away was eaten was on a Friday (Fish Night), now days you see loads of Mums shoveing 'MACSHIT' at their Children rather than making them a health snack, I sometimes feel that cooking a meal from scratch for a lot of young people is way too much effort..

    Bowl of Fruit 'N' Fibre for Breakfast with Skimmed Milk... With a Coffee (Decaf)

  6. Sorry to hear that about Mrs CP, what an awful thing to have to do, give people their marching orders...

    Sadly in this day and age there is no job security what ever one decides to do as a Career.

    Fingers crossed that Mrs CP keeps her job, after the way she battled the Elements over the last few weeks to get to work, they would be mad to lose such a worker (IMO)

  7. I know right! Well my house is for sale (it's not the one I'm staying in and it's empty so that was good) and I haven't been there for over a week and apparently my furnace went out and all the pipes burst! My estate agent called and told me about this. I had the water shut off and tomorrow morning they'll be pumping the water out of it. I went there today and only got as far as the front door and it is such a disaster it's unreal! I still haven't seen the upstairs or the garage, but needless to say it's off the market now! One positive point is that I'll hopefully get a new basement carpet now which really coulda done with replacing anyways! And bad things come in threes so I think that's me done for a while hopefully! :)

    That is awful, hope your Insurance will cover the cost of the Damage. If it does there could be a Silver lining to this disaster, you could sell the Property for a bit more...

  8. Another day another house flood, only a proper one this time. My basement is under two foot of water and the first floor ceiling has come down. Not looking forward to a month of insurance claims and tradesmen...

    OMG 'april_lynn' what has happened?

  9. Sean Connery and Daniel Craig for me have got to be the Best Bonds ever...

    And Sky Fall reminded me of the Bond films of the 60's, not a big fan usually of the newer films...

    In the UK we had a programme called 'The Saint', that Roger Moore starred in, so for me he will always be 'The Saint' and not 'Bond'

  10. We actually get the young children to run them over to another adult. It is hoot, when they realize it is a Brazil Nut.

    Is it anything to do with the Unflattering name that they have in the U.S.A..?

    They are a really tasty Nut as CP said especially in Choc...

    Eating a Raspberry Jam Sarnie now..

  11. I put on a pair of boots this morning that I haven't worn since last winter, and I felt something in the toe. I took them off expecting to find a stone, and a pound coin dropped on the floor. :)

    That was lucky Rachel, go buy a Lotto ticket, you never know.... :wave:

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