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Fool In The Rain 60

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Posts posted by Fool In The Rain 60

  1. Yum - it's the cinammon smell that does it for me. You're a fan of HCB's aren't you? I have one after my game of golf on a Saturday. Layers of butter and sometimes a preserve on top. I may just score a quartet on the the way home this afternoon.

    Breakfast today was a bowl of museli, bowl of blueberries with Natural Yogurt. Half a red grapefruit and a glass of OJ - WELL WHAT A SURPRISE

    Oh yes got to love the Aroma when Toasted makes them a lot lighter as well, find them a bit on the heavy side untoasted

  2. I love the English language - how we have 2 words that sound the same but have the extreme opposite. Bit like POT :D

    Good idea about the holes is to complain about them - in writing. Take a few snaps making sure there is a landmark to show that these are the ones. Then get a bicycle and ram into the hole - ensuring maximum damage to the 2 wheeler. Later drink vast quantities of your favourite tipple and ask a friend (or yourself) to hit yourself very hard on the knee or hands with a house brick or any suitable heavy object.

    Call an ambulance and go to A&E to get patched up.

    Finally contact a Solicitor and sue the fuckers !!!

    My Neighbour has beaten me to it, she has already written to them, and has put a claim in for her Car...

    Not a Bad Idea, maybe sent the other half out to have the said Accident...lol

    How did Mrs CPs trip to London go, was the outcome what she wanted?

  3. The chat about Leaks (leeks) has made me Happy today, who would have thought such a simple word could give anyone such a laugh!!!

    I can't Digest Leeks, that is why I dislike them...

    And this Leak started out as a Trickle going past my House and within 24 Hours it was a rather fast Running Torrent, that we had to endure for nearly a week, and it took them even longer to clear all the extra soil after the repair, and they still have not done anything about the 2 pot holes yet!!!

  4. I am marinting the said ocean prowler in lemon juice and garlic - no oil as it's our low calorie day ( i guess that rules the wine out). Then I will get the griddle pan out and sear it for a few mins each side. Serve with stir fry veg, greens,red onion, baby sweetcorn,green beans and some bean sprouts. A sprinking of soy and some oyster suce to bring the veggies to life. Starving already

    BTW what is a PG day?

    Staying in and Drinking Tea...

    Yes am feeling a little peckish now, love Tuna I just use Lemon, Garlic, plays havoc with my Digestive system..

    The Temp is struggling to get above freezing.. :freezing:

  5. Just had a cycle along the canal to the next village to get some Tuna for tonights dinner. Winds a bit keen but it is really good to feel the sun. Mrs CP is down your way today to hear what is happening to her Job. Fingers crossed for her. A long day for her. Up at 6 and I bet she won't be home until 7. I am going to do seared Tuna with stir fry veg and maybe, just maybe she will need a glass of wine to either celebrate or commiserate? I hope it's the former?

    Thats it I am now Depressed, I think that you are having more than your Fair Share of Sunshine up your way..lol ( i'm having a PG day)

    Hope all goes well for Mrs CP and she gets what she wants, either way your right to get the Wine out..

    How you cooking that Tuna ?

  6. ^ Thanks Kate. The Calorie day has been the hardest. It is the balance of eating a breakfast, loads of green tea and a dinner in the evening which is both tasty and @ 500 calories. Last evening I made A tray of baked veg. Fennel Bulb, Courgette,Carrots and leeks ( sorry) in veg stock and a baked piece of skinless and boneless Salmon. It was yum. Not drinking wine in the evening is the easiest part. I am now sans wine ( i don't drink beer) 4 days a week. Before I would open a red when Mrs CP got home and we would relax with a smoke and by 9.30 i would be nearly asleep !! I am one of those people who if a bottle is opened I would drink it - all of it. Having said that this is not a rigid rule. If we go out for dinner or I am at a friends midweek I will indulge.

    It is interesting though when it is recycling day the bottle bin is nearly empty. :)

    I do admire your willpower, over the Winter I eat everything in sight I usually pile on between 2-3 stone, as soon as the Weather improves I only eat Salads and fish, combined with the fact that I work during the Summer months the excess weight falls off.

    My biggest downfall in the Drink department is Soft Drinks sometimes with Vodka, I am not a Wine lover so don't have that problem of Having to Drink the whole Bottle. (Although I did at one time with Vodka)

    Keep up the good work, hope it's not too long till you are back playing Golf on a regular basis...

    What made me Happy they have finally filled in the Hole after Fixing the leak...

  7. Me and Mrs CP are well into our 3rd week of No alcohol ( and no hash) during the working week with 2 days having only 500 calories. Things are paying off as we have both lost about 6lbs each. Feel really sharp in the morning and with the spring almost upon us and that means golf, we should be well toned for the summer.

    Well done the Pair of you..

  8. An incident has occured which is causing considerable shock to the residents of The Peaks. It all started a few moments ago. Sirens have been heard, children screaming, adults and the alike are coming out of their cottages. Birds have stopped eating. What is this in the sky?

    Yes a large bright globe has appeared between the greyness. It is causing great distress. Welcome back THE SUN. :suntan:

    Needless to say another 2 days of this and the drought orders will be issued and there will be standpipes in the street.

    I'm so happy for you CP, 'oh to behold such a wondrous sight.'..

    They best not start talking about Hosepipe bans.. My street has got two leaks that have been running since Sunday, what started out as a trickle now sounds like a Stream rushing past my house..

    London has also seen that 'Big Golden Ball'...

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