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Fool In The Rain 60

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Posts posted by Fool In The Rain 60

  1. Mazda is covering my car bill for a new engine!

    The shop I originally brought it to said that I was at fault for not keeping up with the oil changes. My husband never questioned it so I assumed they were right. My son had confidence in me and was sure there was a mistake.

    After being urged by a good girlfriend to call a Mazda dealer it turns out that I WASN'T delinquent and there was an extended warranty on the timing chain (whatever THAT is).

    I am feeling very happy (and vindicated) today! Woot! Woot!

    Congrats on your good fortune Kris..I know nothing about Cars, but it sounds like it was going to be expensive.

  2. Ha you don't know Mrs CP?. This morning she was up at 6.30. As I prepared the morning brew I said "Crikey it must be a foot deep outside". Anyway then I asked where she was going - "York and Sheffield" I nearly dropped my Assam.

    An hour and a half after she left she text me: Still in the next village - about 1 mile" Still not back home yet. I believe she is now in Bolton.

    Here are a couple of pics this morning from the kitchen:



    Nice Pics there CP..

    I would say that Mrs CP is a very Determined Lady LOL.. hope she gets home ok later.

  3. Hand eczema. Soooo painful, and I have to wash my hands a million times a day for work.

    I need humidity in the air!!

    That is a Painful condition Kris, my Sister suffers with that, she uses petroleum jelly, as a Hand Moisturizer especially at Night time..

  4. This isn't making me happy at all but need to respond to all of you who have been so kind with your well wishes and concern. I just received a call from my surgeons office informing me that my surgery , scheduled for tomorrow, has been postponed again :angry: . I'm feeling a little embarassed right now about having posted about my surgery at all but I honestly wasn't expecting it to be postponed for a second time. Thanks again to everyone and hope you won't think of me as an attention seeker :bagoverhead: .

    So sorry to hear this ally...hope the wait to have it re-scheduled is not too long... :(

    Attention Seeker, I don't think so...

  5. Aww you shouldn't be worried about me on your birthday!! (Happy Birthday by the way! :birthday:) But thank you :) And yeah it's not too much; nothing cosmetic at least (somehow) just like sway bars, linkages, control arms that sorta thing. I'll find out the full list of troubles tomorrow!

    Also one to add was hearing that HMV has gone into administration. First Virgin, then Zavvi, now this! Where are people meant to buy music anymore?!

    Thank-you april_lynn

    Hope that the cost won't be too painful for your car..

    yes another good Music store has bit the dust, thanks to the Internet,ebay Downloads, Play,Amazon but to name a few.

    I feel sorry for those people who where given Gift Vouchers for Christmas, who have been waiting to buy that something special, those Vouchers are now worth nothing...

    Thank-you MINI_Zoso

  6. Thank-you, Sean,STZ,CP,Walter,Melanie,jb126,LZG,and Paul for your Birthday Greetings...

    Also ally if I wanted a Good Night out BD is the last person I would go with...LOL

    but he did make me a very nice White Choc Cheesecake... :thumbsup:

  7. Great advice Fool. He will not help me and too be honest I don't want him to. The guy who delivers the logs will help me. He has been delivering my stash for years and always gives me a lift. Anyway I will get a good buzz out of doing it. Once it is all in I can relax with a glass of wine by the fire, maybe have a small joint of priscilla and watch The Albert Hall show. I have a Sloppy Guiseppe Pizza in the fridge for tonight. :D

    Thats your Day sorted then..Enjoy ;)

    It's now Snowing, and the weather forecast said rain about 10 mins ago..

  8. Thanks Fool. I tell her that a trip up to the cold uplands of Scotland is not a good idea but she is a determined beast Mrs CP. Still it keeps her in coats,bags,shoes,clothes, (contd p94)

    Not to keen on the logs today. They will have to be taken up the garden which is a snow covered wet slushy mess. But I could put them in the ginnel which seperates my house to next doors but the neighbour ( gollum), yes he does look like him, is shall we say, a little confused as to what is his - if you get me drift?

    Best to keep in today Fool and watch the snow falling from a leaden sky? Time for a cup of Assam

    I see, Mrs CP is a dedicated shopper, if she gets stranded with the Transport she can Shop,Shop,Shop..LOL

    Put some of the logs in the Ginnel nice and close to the House, and the rest in the wood pile, maybe Gollum will give you a hand to stack them if he is at home...( that's if he is a good Neighbour, my 70 year old Neighbour was helping my son split logs for me yesterday)

    Would love to stay indoors today but Hospital Appoint this afternoon, so got to go out. :(

    View from your House Great, but would Hate to be out in it...

  9. Hope Mrs CP doesn't get held up on her return Journey on Thursday, (snow and the Transport system recipe for Disaster)

    Light dusting of snow for London. Sky looks laden with more snow though and it is :freezing:

    Good luck with putting all your logs away...

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