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Fool In The Rain 60

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Posts posted by Fool In The Rain 60

  1. Lots of Happy people today...

    ally hope all goes well next week..Will be waiting for the Video of you doing the Limbo..LOL

    Melanie lots of hard work by your son with his Speech Therapy..Well done to him..

    My Old Aunt is on the mend, they have taken her off the Oxygen they were giving her, she is out of bed and fingers crossed she may be home at the weekend.

    She is one lucky Lady given her age...

  2. Quoting myself because I found out today its TWINS!!!! Both boys.......

    Congrat's to your Family 'ledzepfvr' when is the Happy Event?

    Glad to hear your feeling better Kris..

    Hope all goes well ally, and that dreaded Virus leaves you alone.. when is Surgery due to take place?

  3. ^ :o Mrs CP will be pleased as she is in Fulham today. I know that's south west London but it's got to better than here in the peaks where it's foggy and cold. I hope your household has recovered Fool?

    I'm sure that Mrs CP will be basking in the Sunshine, hope she has her Shades with her it is that bright, shame that you have got the foggy weather.. I love these cold Sunny Winter Days...Gives me such a lift

    Household is getting there CP thanks for asking... I'm thinking about becoming a Doddie smoker, to help me chill...LOL

  4. You are very welcome. How are your aunt and brother?

    Thanks for asking Melanie...

    My Aunt is showing some sign of Improvment, still not out of the woods yet but looking good, she is a tough old bird so fingers crossed...

    My Brother on the other hand is a lost cause, at the rate he is drinking he will be back in Hospital before the week is over...

  5. That's the one. I found this topic very interesting so I did a little research. Here is a link to an article listing 11 American companies that supported Hitler. As with everything on the 'net, I am talking it with a grain of salt...a little bit.


    Of course, the companies are decades removed from Hitler and those in charge had zero to do with such a controversial and vile past.

    Thanks Melanie,

    Interesting read, who would have thought that is how Fanta came about.

  6. Yep. There are quite a lot of companies that worked with or supported Hitler. Plus, Hitler was the one that came up with Volkswagon, a car for all people. Porsche(can't think of his first name) designed the prototype for Hitler. He went on to start his own car company.

    Is this the one Melanie..

    Volkswagen. Ferdinand Porsche, the man behind Volkswagen and Porsche, met with Hitler in 1934, to discuss the creation of a "people's car." (That's the English translation of Volkswagen.)

    Hitler told Porsche to make the car with a streamlined shape, "like a beetle." And that's the genesis of the Volkswagen Beetle... it wasn't just designed for the Nazis, Hitler NAMED it.

  7. About 24 hrs ago, I finally took the bull by the horns and joined a BMW owner's site to ask about a problem with my car that's been bugging the shit out of me for nearly a year. A day later, 50 views and no replies. Looks like there's no cure. Damn.

    I won't even bother explaining the problem here, because you'll all think I'm being ridiculously picky.

    Should have stuck with a Ford...lol

  8. Marge and Barb are outside their nursing home, having a drink and a smoke, when it starts to rain. Marge pulls out a condom, cuts off the end, puts it over her cigarette, and continues smoking.

    Barb asks, "What in the hell is that? Marge answers, "A condom. This way my cigarette doesn't get wet."

    Barb says, "Great idea. Where did you get it?" Marge says, "You can get them at any drugstore." The next day, Barb hobbles herself into the local drugstore and announces to the pharmacist that she wants a box of condoms.

    The pharmacist, obviously embarrassed, looks at her kind of strangely (she is after all, over 80 years of age), but very delicately asks what brand of condom she prefers. Barb replies,"Doesn't matter sonny, as long as it fits on a Camel."

  9. I am sorry Kate. My thoughts are with your aunt and brother. My mom has had her struggles with alcohol the past few decades. Her psychiatrist put her on a medicine that blocks the receptors in her brain that triggers the cravings. So far, so good. She has been on it for a couple of months.

    Hi 'Melanie' sounds like your Mom is getting the right Treatment,hope all works out for her..

    My Brother is suppose to take 20 Tablets a day, but he seems to think that he is cured now that he feels a little better.

    Sadly only he can help him self, and at the moment he is set on a path of self destruction...

  10. Please, call me Kris.

    Yeah, 87 is a fragile age, but you're right, there is always hope.

    Alcoholism is a terrible disease, and yes, I believe it to be so.

    My best to you. It must be very difficult for your family.

    Thanks Kris,

    it is quite a difficult time as it will be the Anniversary of my Brothers Death on the 9th 0f Jan...(8 years)

    Yes it is an Addiction just like Smoking, Drugs and many other things..


  11. Sorry to hear about your troubles, Fool in the Rain...pneumonia can be difficult in the elderly. :(

    I was having a conversation over New Years with a Registered Nurse about alcohol abuse. There is no substitute for alcohol that allows the body to adjust to not drinking. You know, like suboxone, methadone, etc.

    My thoughts are with you and your family.

    Thanks 'Planted' with my Aunt being 87 the out look is not good, but there is always hope..

    Sadly I had another Brother who Died because of Alcohol, he got into a fight whilst Drunk and the end result was he ended up being Beaten to Death.

    This one who was trying to beat this Demon now, has already got Liver and Kidney Damage and suffers with Blackouts.

  12. ^^^^

    Hey Jules that is great that you found an old friend thanks to fb, hope it's not too long before you meet up again!!

    What made me happy today, took the Dog for a walk for about 1 1/2 hours in the 'SUNSHINE', when I got back I sat outside with a bottle of Bud and a ciggie,

    and 'Let the sun beat down upon my face'...

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