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Posts posted by LedZeppfan77

  1. Incorrect sir, it is all hypothetical. To call it theory it needs to have enough scientific proof to stand on its own. Even a null hypothesis can not be proven. There are very few theories if any that have even proven. The only scientific proof are laws.

    However there Is enough evidence and knowledge of asteroids to make predictions. SETI grounds itself on scientific proof and does not rule out the possibility their hypothetical models may be wrong.

    Well Ill accept that as I am not a comlete buyer of the asteroid struck the Earth and wiped everything out theory. I know it could decimate the oxygen for a thousand years they say? What of life in the water? Would it be totally changed? Yes they can probably predict the course of certain objects based on Sir Isaac Newton's work, and I guess hypothetical is less accepting of there proclomation.

  2. and some people still think we are alone. i really can't believe that. surely we can't be the only ones?

    Based on the numbers the liklihood of other life being out there has to be almost a certainty. But to say "they walk amoung us" with no evidence whatsoever is just plain crazy. What proof is there that intelligent life has ever payed us a visit? Why would they not send us a message? What would they have to lose? I am very confident they have not only not been here, but they are not close enough to detect us at least not yet. And the fact that the universe is so large does not in itself prove that there is intelligent life. It makes it far more likely there is life, but whether its intelligent is another story. One can conclude there is plenty of space for heaven to exist too cant it? And not just in spiritual form.

  3. I rather thought this thread was about astronomy too?

    I must stick up for Black Dawg here. He did not go off topic. He simply joked about those guys reporting an apparent UFO sighting we have seen so many of. But we have no dead alien or Bigfoot for that matter do we? Now we are both on the fucking clothes line Black Dawg. LOL

  4. this really annoys me. still, hope you had fun.

    Slave to Zep, what annoys you? The part where he made fun of the translatiion? IE made it sound like it was fabricated? Do you believe strongly that UFO's truly exist? I just cannot believe in it. Not with what I have learned in astronomy about time and distance. But maybe some forms of intelligent life could live far longer than us?

  5. Reporter; let's shut this eruption in a green filter and the kooks will go crazy

    Camera man: I'll flah my laser pointer on and off and thy won't know what to think

    Reporter : one momento let me get read this script in jibberish and they'll really get a rise.

    Camera man: you are so crazy you son of bitch. They'll be asking for their Brazilian friends to translate

    :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

  6. I'm watching the Oregon Duck dynasty hammer K. state

    Just switched to Buckwid oh yeah booooy

    I dont know what game you are watching? They were lucky to have the lead at halftime. what an obnoxious statement. 21-10 in this game and you say they are gettiing killed? K State is getting 8 fella. And the fucking ball.

  7. My toothache is coming back. It comes and it goes, drinking cold soda is kind of a bitch right now. <_<

    You better get to a dentist before it gets worse. You can use Ambusol for temp relief and or pain killers. But you most likely need a root canal or the tooth pulled? Depending on where it is? If its one of your front ones, you have to take care of it. A moller, you could pull it. Costs about $100 for a tooth to be pulled. A root canal can be $700 and up. Usually a bit more. And a crown is expensive too. If its one that will make you look like you are a crack using, trailor trasher who opens beer bottles with his teeth, then you had better consider the crown. :lol:

  8. Rick, you can buy a refillable K cup. I bought mine at Bed Bath and Beyond.

    I actually mean the small pellets for one time use that the coffee is in. The small item that goes into the machine that makes the one cup. They come in either 12 or 18 to a box. I think for now Ill be using the Starbucks Veranda (Blonde) and I also like Caribeau. Its a medium blend.

  9. Nice thread Rick, minus the circle-jerk on page 1..... :rolleyes:

    We brew the old fashioned way at home, daily. Use Starbucks beans and grind them up. Have been using this Coconut Milk creamer lately, which is better for you and tastes about the same. Loving the Christmas Blend right now, I'll have to try out the Blonde, seen it but never tried it.

    If I'm buying a coffee at Starbucks, it's usually a venti, non-fat, peppermint mocha - with whip. Or a hazelnut coffee. That's rare anymore though. In the summer their frappuccinos are nice and refreshing.

    As far as tea goes, usually unsweetened iced tea. Or if the pollen is bad and I'm losing my voice at work - hot tea, just plain.

    They got me on the Kuerig. You dont get as much coffee for the money, but I am so sick of having a cheap Mr Coffee type machine that takes so long for a coffee, I cheat and put my cup under it before its done. Love the speed of the Kuerig and I refuse to spend $200 on a Bunn. I saw the Xmas blend today in Starbucks. But I am only using the Kuerig and did not see it in K Cups. But the Blonde is. I am in love with this blonde. Ha. I love the SO coconut creamer too. I put it in my hot cereal too. I love the Latte's at Starbucks and you can order them at 140 degrees so you can actually drink them without getting third degree burns like you do at DD. Starbucks has the best environment also. I see all kinds of crazy CDs there too. I actually found a Who CD with like all of the best songs they ever did. Kind of a greatest hits from Quad, Tommy, Who's Next, etc. I do like hot teas in the winter. Green or white preferably and I am a raspberry nut.

  10. Oh Rick. You are a man after my heart. I have a Keurig and have had it for a couple of years. It has made me really spoiled and impatient because anytime I have to use a regular coffee maker, it drives me insane. If I have to wait longer than 30 seconds for my cup of coffee in the morning,I will hurt someone! LOL I like to buy K Cups at Costco. 80 cups for $35. Do you use each cup twice or just once? I use mine just once.

    I love cappachinos(?) and espresso, straight up. If I go to Starbucks, I love the holiday lattes. My faves so far are peppermint mocha, salted caramel, and gingerbread.

    I do like hot tea, very much but it could never make me feel so happy as a cup of espresso.

    Sorry, I have been away and have just started to read some replys. I am now in love with the Starbucks Blonde but I like many latte's also. I am a real coffe holic

  11. , I have always liked the major chains like Starbucks, Tim Horton's and Dunkin Dohnuts. I am an avid coffee and tea drinker. Must have my coffee in the morning. I now have the Kuerig machine and I like the speed of getting a fast cup and I dont waste coffee as much, making too much and drink less. I drink tea in the afternoon on cold days more. Like the Lipton white bluberry and the mandarin.

    Back to coffee. My daugher sent me some K Cups and I must say it may be the best I have ever had. Its the Starbucks Veranda Blend Blonde. It is milder than their bold blends. Very mild in comparison. But it is great tasting and I am going to get more. I dont know if its carried at all the locations because I have never seen it. I have had verona and sumatra and most of their others. This Blonde is fabulous. I also love Tim Horton's but they do not have Kuerig and it does not look like they will. They have a different machine. One that is used in Canada often I hear. Dunkin Dohnuts has it but its too expensive and not worth the money IMO

    As for Latte's, I do like the Vanilla, Pumpkin and Gingerbread at Starbucks. All having expresso

  12. I live for snow. Bring it on. Except for the fact that I leave for Florida tomorrow on a school trip :( but my first step when I get back will be to open the garage door, fill up with gas and hit the trails.

    Lucky you. And Buffalo is probably already getting hammered 60 miles up the thruway? We are starting to get hit now.

  13. i bought my darlin 'hubby a telescope for chrissy!

    he was surprised :)

    just getting it set up .....

    Great gift for the "Hubby". Too bad the telescope wasnt a Hubby. IE, the Hubble. Ha. A poor attempt at humour. Anyway, I know that Seeds book gives a rating of telescopes and their ability to reflect vs refracting power. I do not remember the ones they recommended off hand. If I run across the book i will look into the matter. Alot of good viewing will depend on where you live. I never bought a telescope of quality for the reason of where I live alone. I live in a very poor area for observing. Too cloudy.

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