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Posts posted by LedZeppfan77

  1. I remember the Ghost to the post game. Dave Casper of the Oakland Raiders in Old Memorial Stadium beat the Colts to go to the Super Bowl. That game still haunts me.

    But I find this alien life mystery very interesting. Do you think they have mind control to keep us from understanding their plan?

    I will take that as a NO

  2. The String theory is was divised to account for the fact that the accepted model, Einstein's equation does not fit black holes. What the string theory states is then there must be an alternative universe that has different rules. It is all hypothetical and needs a shitload of work on the model to be considered valid.

    Maybe your 4.0 mind can shed a litte light on the likelihood of intelligent life. What say you Rick?

    I did not mention it to sound arrogant or brag, simply to state that I do have more than a 4th grade level knowledge on the subject. Do you and Slave believe in ghosts? Or lets say, the supernatural? Just curious. I say there is a high liklihood that other life must be out there given the incredible and seemingly endless universe out there. All those galaxies, planets must have life supporting situations like we have on Earth. I do not believe there is life in our Solar System outside of Earth. Now at least. But I do believe there has to be life out there far far away. Whether any of it is more intelligent than a dog or a dolphin is a guess, but my guess, or hypothesis if you will, says yes.

  3. i found this clip. quite interesting.

    You still have the argument "how do you get something from nothiing? " How would you classify there to be a divisioin of two vacuum's in empty space? There has to be a "divider". So I am not buying into this with the studying of astronomy I did in college. For the record I recieved an A (4.0) so I do have a formal education on the subject. Moving forward, I am very skeptical of the big bang's beginning. I know there is evidence to support expansion to some degree and we certainly know the makeup and aging process of stars. Scary in itself knowing our own Sun is in fact a star.

    Here is a book worth buying http://books.google.com/books?id=t6rbeC13t6AC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false

    Horizons by Micheal Seeds

  4. I didn't realize PP was still on. I watched Grey's for years, and I watched PP occasionally, but haven't watched either in a couple of years. PP I just lost interest in, and Grey's was more a matter of timing. The episodes of PP that I watched always featured ethical dilemmas/lapses and unprofessional behavior, and I also didn't think any of the characters were very likeable. The characters on Grey's were messes in their personal lives, but usually they behaved professionally with their patients, and they were a lot more likeable.

    Overall, much better writing and better character development on Grey's, IMO.

    Not recently at all. Maybe a ways back, but recently PP was far better

  5. Thanks Black Dawg. I'm happy about the Caps. Nervous about the Ravens. And yes, I do have Monday off - yay!

    Rick, Private Practice is a terrible show. It's amazing that it's been on the air this long :)

    You are right that today is a very sad day for baseball...

    EBK I stronglly disagree that it is a terrible show. It is a fabulous show. Of the other few I watch are Revenge and Grays included. I dont know why you would not like it? You do not like Kate Walsh or Amy Brennaman or who?

  6. "There are many hypotheses in science which are wrong. That's perfectly all right; they're the aperture to finding out what's right. Science is a self-correcting process. To be accepted, new ideas must survive the most rigorous standards of evidence and scrutiny."

    Dr. Carl Sagan

    Yet they have very much arrogance and put out their theories on the extinction of the dinosaurs and the big bang theory as fact.

  7. I remember the movies in the 70s. I didn't believe it then. I was more interested in the archeologists studying the pyramids rather than some bogus alien BS concocted to appeal to the masses.

    I find it more fascinating to painsatkingly uncover the past than to fabricate a hoax.

    Well we now know that the famous Bigfoot film was a hoax just as was the 1960ish photo of the lock ness monster. There were some interesting things in that book, the Pyramids themselves are a mystery. And Stonehenge amoung others

  8. i don't mean to sound like a baby, but i do get tired of people constantly poking fun at my beliefs. if i did that to someone elses, i'd probably be banned, and i get sooooooooo sick and tired of it. bd seems an intelligent person, but continues with this line, even after i asked him not to once before.

    i can ignore it to a point, but why should i have to?

    I think what you mean is that you have an open mind. I doubt you believe anything when it comes to alien life without some form of proof? Certainly the evidence suggests they must exist. But are they intelligent? How far away are they if they are? And have they ever been here? I do not believe they have ever been here. I do think there are people that pull pranks to fool us

  9. good to see you can have an open mind , ledzepfav77. i feel the same about hoping to find some answers before i die. maybe they would look like us, maybe nothing like us. maybe we can't even see them with our eyes! it is fascinating to think about .

    black dawg, i would like to ask you to please refrain from the childish jokes, it's getting old. i know you think it is funny to do that, but to me, it isn't. i'm asking nicely. thanks :)

    Ill try and call off the Dawgs. LOL

  10. Damn, this feud is almost as bad as the football one. It certainly is entertaining. So if alen life does in fact exist. And they are intelligent and flying around here in the night undected by our radar and satelite systems and they are just making fools out of us, what do yo think they look like? There is nothing to say they would have arms, legs, heads, or look like primates? Even though we seem to always depict them that way, like in ET and such. Maybe they do not even have male and female genetics? The scientific idea put forth by Darwin, random selection certainly makes sense in a broad overview of any life that may exist. Anywhere. If you belkieve in Darwin and his theory of evolution you must believe it has occured elsewhere and often. The only questions are, where? How far away and how advanced would a life supporting planet be in comparison to ours? Would the chain reaction be similiar? IE, would we have dinosaurs? Reptiles, birds, plant life, mammals, etc? Or could it be so very different it would be mind boggling? Would they rely on oxygen and sunlight as we do? There are so many questions, so few answers and so little time to learn the answers given our own mortality. I would love to see us make contact before I depart this world in physical form. Will I survive in another form? Spiritual? i am not so sure the answer to that has to be no. We all have our own beliefs and faith and coping mechanisms. We will disagree on these issues often. But it is a good thing to ponder and discuss these things rather than to ignore them. Ignoring anything has never really gotten us anywhere good.

  11. I wasn't sent home Rick. It was cancelled a day before. That said, yeah, there are some serious problems within our system. I don't really want to get into a debate about it all but from what I've been led to believe, the issue is over what our provincial government is willing to pay an anesthesiologist. With the cost of living in Vancouver being as high as it is, many choose not to work here and that my friend has created a shortage of them. Hence, the prioritizing of surgeries. It's all about money Rick

    It makes the world go round I guess.

    I am running out of patience. This fucking Verizon tech was due here and I have no land line. Then I have to get on the phone with support from Netgear and talk to some jamoke halfway around the world in India, give him control of my laptop and get fucked some more. No communication with the printer. Bought the cable, new ink cartrdges, and I am still down. you wonder why I pop fuckiing pills

  12. I was pissed when I got the call yesterday but there's really no point in staying mad. If there was something else I could do to make it happen, I'd do it but, there isn't. I'll just do what I gotta do and hope that the wait isn't too much longer

    I have to say in my neck of the woods I just cannot see this happening to someone. Our medical has its problems, but no way would they leave someone hanging. If they bumped your surgery due to diabetic case or something, you would be in hours later. You would not be sent home.

  13. Thank you to everyone for the kind thoughts and well wishes :) . Surgery is actually on Thur so you'll all have to tolerate me for at least another day :P:lol:

    Angel, you too are a most excellent person. Hopefully we get to meet up again...soon :)

    I hope you are scheduled early and dont get bumped due to diabetic patients? That happens alot here. And its better to be early because as you know by now you cannot eat or drink after midnight

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