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Posts posted by LedZeppfan77

  1. It's like Bigfoot, I'm fascinated by the possibility, although I don't really believe it's out there.

    There have been some fairly aggressive shark attacks in recent years (Virginia Beach, Outer Banks). We have seen smaller sand sharks. Apparently they are following one great white as she migrates; she has been spotted near the Outer Banks: http://earlystart.blogs.cnn.com/2013/01/22/great-white-shark-mary-lee-enters-ncs-outer-banks-ocearch-founder-chris-fischer-on-the-sharks-travels/

    The shocking part of the study is the Great Whites were diving to depths up to 2000 ft!! Incredible. They assume to feed on squid in the Gulf. But that is deep. And off the East coast even. One did something quite different. It went out to sea towards the Sargasso Sea, a sea with no land borders, ,known for being the breeding grounds for Eels.

  2. The Megalodon special on Shark Week (Discovery Channel)

    I have seen that before. They have filmed Great Whites off Chatham in Cape Cod. Exactly where our hotel and beach were. IN Chatham harbour and at Lighthouse Beach in Chatham. Close to where Jaws was filmed and the show is called "Jaws comes home". They have placed satelite tracing devices on their dorsel fins. Five of them. They have learned that they believe they may be giving birth in the winter off Georgia or in southern waters and returning to Cape Cod in the summer. Large and increasing populations of grey seals have attracted Great Whites and they are growing in numbers. I have even seen the street we drove up every day to return to our hotel. Great area. Its beautiful. The water is cold. And there are Great Whites.

  3. My home town of Rochester NY is on the map this week as the PGA is here at Oak Hill in Pittsford, one of the two best suburban areas here. 27,000 were at Oak Hill yesterday and it does not start until Thurs. The entrance looks like Disney World.

  4. Merci beaucoup ma très jolie amie! And yes, you have my written permission...


    No worries, you're not late, FO...it is today, July 29. Yes, I share the sign of the sun and of the lion with a certain Golden God. If only I shared more than that...like his hair...or his bank account! ;)

    Well, I think I was fairly open about disclosing my turning 50 last year, so today I'm another year older. 51. It's all downhill from here as I pass the mid-century mark. Wheeeeeeeee!

    FYI Rick: There are two ways to check birthdays of Forum members...click on members profile page or check the Forum Calendar. Cheers!

    Thanks to all for your birthday wishes. :notworthy:

    I have not wondered off the Random forum in some time. So Happy B day. Don't over do it. All those strange bars and in redneck heaven

  5. This Breakout series is great. About prison escapes. It just kills me how smart some of these guys are at busting out, but once they are out is when they make their dumb mistakes. Not splitting up, leaving the area, knowing enough to sleep at night and not walk the streets in fucking orange jump suits at night. One poor bastard was in England. The isle of Wight. That place is not the vacation fairytale land one member here painted it to be. Its got a max sec prison full of the worst, and more cops than civilians. I am taping the series. Its really good. The Connecticut escape is a good one. Some of these poor bastards do not deserve to be in jail. The mentality of the king shit establishment super cops is laughable.

    One poor bastard gets thrown in a wing of skin heads who yell "SOS". Stab on site. Just because he is not a racist like them. I do not blame him for escaping a non protective bullshit establishment. I would pick him up at the gate if I could and take him anywhere

  6. This game is fucking rigged. Markakis steals second. Safe. Then they call him out and Machado out for interference. I cannot believe all of the calls going against the O's. Did these fucking rednecks bring their own umpire crew?

  7. Correct, we gained our independence from England in 1867, though technically Canada didn't get its own constitution until 1982 (Charter Of Rights And Freedoms), when the aforementioned Pierre Trudeau basically told Queen Elizabeth to go fuck herself :lol:

    Naturally Quebec shows more allegiance to the French (the irony being people in France tend to look down upon Quebeckers as something like third class citizens, not quite as lowdown as Muslims in France's eyes but pretty close :lol: )...I have no idea if they celebrate Victoria Day (18 May) in Quebec...their version is Bastille Day (24 June), and of course there was a bit of a hulabaloo when it transpired that Best Buy's Canada Day sale adverts didn't mention "Canada Day" in Quebec, they called it "Moving Day" instead, since a lotta Quebeckers seem to move on the Canada Day long weekend.

    In Canadian history wars fought between the Enlgish and French took place long before 1867...although that's only actual combat. Quebec and the rest of Canada have been at each others' throats for decades; Quebec wants to separate so they can have their own 'distinct identity'...but the only way Ottawa will allow it is if they take their share of the national defecit with them, so we're still stuck with Quebec. That's the short version :lol: On a political level, the opposition party in our Parliament, the NDP (New Democratic Party- bleeding heart Socialists, not to put too fine a point on it) is chock full of people who support the Quebec Separatist movement, and the leader of the NDP, Tom Mulcair, not only has dual citizenship with France but in press conferences tends to speak French more than he does English...which is the main reason why the NDP will never form a government in Canada, they'd sell out the rest of the country to Quebec in a heartbeat. It is worth mentioning that the leader of the other opposition party, the Liberals (a more centrist party than the NDP) is none other than Justin Trudeau, Pierre's son. The Trudeaus are basically Canada's version of the Kennedys.

    The actual government in power - the Conservative party, is as white bread Anglo as you can get...

    The same thing goes on in Florida. There are so many Canadians that own property there its mind boggling. And the French stay together there as well. When my Grandmother was alive her neighbor was from Ontario. She had always told her to let her know when she would sell. When she passed away my mother obliged to my knowledge and unloaded it fast to their Canadian friends. The whole damn unit is Canadian. But I try to go there>? Fuck you they tell me.

  8. Very hot and humid over the Canada Day weekend but it's cooled down.... quite nicely thank you :thumbsup:

    Just turned on the AC. Its going back up again. July 15th I am getting a new roof. I would not want that job. All the roofers I used to know kept a case of beer on the roof. Don't blame them.

  9. Damn right it is...it's our 146th birthday today! Got Exit Stage Left by Rush cranked up on the hi-fi, local brew and locally grown spliff in hand, just BBQ'd some steaks a while ago...happy Canada Day!

    So around the time of our Civil war you gained your independence? From the French or English? I am a bit rusty on my Canadian history. As a friend of mine from the board will find out when he opens his email. That would have been the same decade as Lincoln's assasination and the end of our Civil war. You honor Queen Victoria, does the province of Quebec share in this? I would guess they show more allegiance to the French? Were there any wars that had to be fought back then to gain control?

  10. Wine. Mostly red. I love Italian.

    Also into craft beers. Way too many to list. Search for the Bier thread...I've posted far too many pictures :)

    Right now, I'm enjoying a lovely Napa Zin, while keeping track of the WTSO.com (Wines Till Sold Out) "Cheapskate Wednesday". I've bought 4 Tempranillos and 4 Vino Nobile di Montepulcianos so far. It goes till midnight...my wallet hopes nothing else interesting comes up.

    Ah come on now Esther, your pockets are bottomless. We have much to drink to now dont we? Those O's!!!!!! Its been a while since we were this good. Or should I say great. I am excited

  11. omg i love merlot and grey goose with cranberry too. the best

    My wife always ordered Vodka and cranberry when we were out. I am sure they dont give you Grey Goose unless you ask. Smooth as silk. If you are going to spend the money on quality booze like Grey Goose, its more sensible to drink it straight. I would like to try a shot of that honey JD? Even though I am not a big fan of JD, but I know its very good stuff, the way its made, the process and all. I also want to try Blue or Green Label Johnny Walker scotch. I was a scotch drinker. Now I would probably stick with Vodka, Grey Goose Orange. Or absolute Mandarin. I like red wine, Fransican is one of my favs from Napa. Cabernet. And then beer. OMG. So many I like. Blue Moon, exports like Boddington, Guiness, German beers, Molson right from Canada.

  12. ESPN First Take

    I love watching Steven Smith. He is a riot. And very knowledgeable. I like to watch these prison escape shows. Great shit. If they ever lock my ass up Ill have a plan. If I get out, I am gone. I am not going to be like these guys who are smart enough to do the tough part, breaking out and then they get caught at some slummy motel a mile away from the prison.

  13. Facebook.....never had it, never will!

    My wife has been doing some marriage counseling for a few years and says it is one of the biggest causes of divorce currently she sees. Everyone is trying to relive their past glories, or what they perceived them to be! Planted, your take on it seems to be spot on.

    I never had a problem with it. I have talked to my daughter who is in another state and her husband and found people I have not seen in 30 years.

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