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Posts posted by LedZeppfan77

  1. Not only for Zep, The Beatles, The Stones et al, but also for the Premier drum set that I just picked up yesterday. It's the 'Artist Birch' series and the wood is a beautiful emerald green color. Cleaning them up right now and polishing the badges. I think I got them at a steal for $500 with 5 Zildjian cymbals, Drumworks hi-hat and Drumworks hi end double bass pedal. Will post some pics soon. :yesnod:

    I do not want to piss in your pool but the musician's corner forum is need of some action. This probably goes there. But so be it.

    Thanks for letting us win that war back in the 1700's too. Those red coats had enough trouble crossing the pond. Now we are best of friends like we are with Japan also. Back then who would have thought? Since you created a new England forum, the old one is buried in the archives with dust all over it, some Brit please post your currency compared to ours? for instance, the shilling no longer exists? If it did, what was it equal to? A penny? What is the comparison between a dollar and a pound?

  2. 'You just can't keep those Bailey's down, can you?'

    I have watched it twice this year. Do not forget, its been said our Seneca Falls NY is the real Bedford Falls. Not far from my house at all. I happened to see Jimmy Stewart on that Johnny Carson show, as they are selling CD's of his old shows. Jimmy was great indeed and Donna Reed was hot. I wonder how the movies that open on Xmas day will be? I am interested in the one about Dickens.

  3. That's not only the best Scrooge...it's the only Scrooge you need to see!

    Curious that it was released as "Scrooge" in the U.K., while in the U.S. it was given its proper Charles Dickens title "A Christmas Carol".

    Christmas isn't Christmas without at least one viewing of the 1951 "A Christmas Carol". That, along with "It's a Wonderful Life", the original "Miracle on 34th St.", "The Nightmare Before Christmas", and the classic television specials (Charlie Brown Christmas, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, The Year Without a Santa Claus) are all that constitute my holiday viewing.

    I agree with you Strider. You know, I love the 1951 version, the best by far and I watch it several times a year near Xmas as I own the DVD. But I must say I did like Reginald Owen's 1938 version too, but not nearly as good. But still worth seeing. Our Cats were on the couch watching Rudolph in amazement!!! We could not believe it. The Grinch, Rudolph, Its a Wonderful Life (which I am popping in next), Charlie Brown Xmas, and Miracle on 34th St are all on my lost as are yours. We are in complete agreement on this. I will watch Alistair Sim a few more times before Xmas

    Oh, and I also have to see A Christmas Story. I know they play it to death. But its great also

  4. So what is everyone drinking on Thanksgiving. I am drinking red wine as usual. Napa valley, Cabernet, Fransiscan and another one from the valley I forget the name of. Also some Burgundy from France. Louis Jadot. I will bring some Pinot Grigio for white drinkers. Maybe white Zin. Between the Turkey and wine I can never make it through the night game. Baltimore and Pittsburgh is not my cup of tea anyhow. I will watch the Lions. And I guess I should be cheering for Dallas just in case my Bills do run the table, for a wild card if possible.

  5. I have not seen our old friend who you often had "star wars" with, Black Dawg. Very strange his absence. Yet I dug deep into the old posts here and his avatar is different than I remember. So perhaps he has popped in? It says private under last active. I did not know one could do that? As for the Big Bang I have always thought modern day scientists are far too arrogant in their theories and assumptions. I have problems with it for sure. If you believe some chain of events spurred our existence and it started with dust in a void, where did the dust come from. There has to be something there. You cannot get something from nothing. Its like trying to imagine the endless universe. It is beyond comprehension.

  6. Here is an interesting read on Led Zeppelin III. (an album I always loved and always thought was under rated in comparison to some of their other works). Known as the "Folk" or Acoustic album, I still remember how much I loved the pinwheel cover to the album. This is one that you really needed to have the album, and not the CD or cassette or 8 track to appreciate. So read the following article that was just emailed to me. A LOOK BACK AT LZ III


  7. Did the weather service say for sure whether your area will get hit? I know reports are saying Pittsburgh and Cincinnati could get some of it...

    High wind warnings in Buffalo and Rochester Paul. I put my brand new SUV in the garage for the night. Candles and flashlights ready

  8. We are very confident that no intelligent life exists in our solar system. Most likely no life at all due to temperatures, other than Earth. So to find life we must go beyond our solar system. Send probes, robots out there with the capability of recieving any signal from an intelligent life form. But to find simply any type of life would be no easy task. Lets pretend for a minute a planet out there has life and its at the stage that our planet was in when the dinosaurs once roamed the planet. Retrieving this info would be very difficult and it would take many years for the signal to return to Earth. If lets say we randomly selected a planet that we could detect is within the same proximity of the Sun and our Earth, thus making it possible to sustain life based on temperature, and then send a probe there to investigate, preferably from a distance. It would take a long time to get the info back to Earth

  9. Nice to see you my friend! :D

    Yeah isn't that cool? I don't know what it could be.

    Here. Want one? :rolleyes:


    :lol: Just kidding. I'm outta here. You have a good one, alright.

    Maybe you would be a good no return to Earth candidate to send to the stars

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