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Posts posted by LedZeppfan77

  1. I understand what Steve Coburn was saying- believe me I really wanted Chrome to win & was hoping he would finally be the one- but Secretariat faced all fresh horses in the Belmont except 1 ( Sham ran in all 3) and Seattle Slew & Affirmed also had many fresh contenders to deal with as well...it's not called The Test of Champions for nothing. Chrome did have a gash on his hoof after the race so that could have affected his performance. I hope we see more of him down the road, especially the Breeders Cup Classic.

    I remember those battles between Sunday Silence and Easy Goer and those were some great races. You do not see that anymore. I do feel the Derby field of 20 is just crazy. I think 16 is enough. Afleet Alex was a champion. Only a huge field cost him, terrible traffic problems. that you cannot overcome. Now Coburn went off on National TV. Good thing he doesnt have to show his face at Belmont daily. LOL

  2. I thought that's the way it was - that they had to run in one or the other to get in at Belmont. That rule should be changed, IMO, for the betterment of the sport. Chrome gave it all he could, not a bad run - just not a winning run. You could see his legs start to straighten and lose their push coming off turn 4. Beautiful horse.

    I never believed he was the type of horse that could win at that gruelling distance. I do feel for the owner but his horse was not going to win that race. But I agree the rule should change. A horse can be entered as long as their is not a Triple crown on the liine

  3. Such a sad day. I remember it like it was yesterday. What really hurts now also is thinking of all the great music and shows that would have continued had this terrible tragedy not happened. John did live recklessly and his driving escapades were as dangerous as his drinking. He was the greatest drummer of all time. A perfectionist. An absolute miracle that these four monstrous talents found each other. John is a legend that will never die.

  4. Steve Coburn, owner of California Chrome, his after race rant has comments pouring into websites, more chastising him than supporting him. I do think he has some merit to his argument. A rested horse that a trainer "sandbagged" to knock out a Triple Crown winner, may be going a bit far, but I do agree that the rest factor is big and a horse should have to run in one of the first two jewels to qualify. Too larger is the Kentucky Derby field these days. It cost Afleet Alex the Crown he deserved. Coburn has sure got people fighting over his post race rant on national TV. If you missed it, I am sure its online to see. He called them a bunch of cheaters and really called out the entire system. I am a bit surprised this has not been done before. I do think its gotten a bit crazy. Of course in Europle and Australia there are large fields often in turf (races on the grass) races. Turf races are usually longer races and not as often sprints. I did not like CC's chances because of his Preakness. I thought it was too difficult a win for him to come back and win at a mile and a half. Back to the drawing board

  5. Far more civil? are you kidding me? I don't believe that for a second. As I said before, we haven't ;earned anything yet!

    Bush and Obama have done evil also. ( and many other leaders )

    I mean in comparison to the days of World War II and such. Do you really believe the world is like it was then? In some places yes but at a far lesser level. The entire world must fight and keep those like the Taliban down and powerless. But outside of the threat of nuclear weapons by Iran and N Korea we are a better place than in 1940's for an example. Or during the Vietnam War or even the Civil War for that matter

  6. OK, today we find out if we have our first triple crown winner in over three decades or not. I am skeptical at the least. I believe the 9 horse Wicked Strong may ruin the party. The 4 could also. And so too could the 5, the Curlin bred horse that could do better with the added distance. Would he have caught CC in the Preakness had the race been and eighth of a mile longer? We have been down this road many times only to find disappointment in the end. This horse is not as fond to me as Afleet Alex was. A horse that should have won the triple crown but was beaten by luck of the draw. He weaved in and out of traffic and almost pulled off the Derby. Then he clobbered Giacamo in teh Preakness and Belmont and proved he was indeed the better horse. The fact that California Chrome did not win the Preakness in big fashion worries me alot. I have bet an exacta box of 2,9. Cal Chrome with Wicked Strong. Trifecta 2,9 with 2,9 with 5, 4, 10. The undercard is very good. All but the first race or two are half million dollar graded races.

    Race 6 I like an ex. 8 with 2,7,9

  7. it's not just them.

    What about your neighbour that abuses his kids. pimps and drug dealers. murderers . mass murderers. paedophiles .....

    There will always be evil in the world STZ. The devil's work is never done. Good usually has defeated evil in the end. Hitler and Bin Laden are both dead. Yes lives were lost doing it. There is no avoiding that. The world is a far more civil place than it once was.

  8. How do you suggest that good wins over evil, I know, let's use those immortal words of wisdom. AN EYE FOR AN EYE, now there's a loving caring saying if ever there was one. What shall we do?? wipe out the Taliban??.Using of course in the words of your god, the same methods they use. Didn't this god also change water into wine???? What a marvellous thing that would be in this day and age!! No money for alchohol, no worries we can change water into wine.....What's that you say, hundreds of thousands of people die every year through alcohol???? No problem, there is a god available that can raise them from the dead!!!!!

    Your words here are that of a raving lunatic.

  9. we are still doing these atrocities to each other.

    And sadly there is probably no end in sight. The evil doings of the Taliban are as bad as the Nazi's were over half a century ago. We just have to hope that good will win over evil.

  10. well, I will add my opinion - and remember it is my opinion .....

    I do not, can not, believe in the " God " that somehow created the world/universe ....

    if that guy exists, why would he allow all the pain and suffering? To teach us to be better? so, a newborn baby is given horrible, incurable, painful afflictions/disease/disfigurements/mental or physical problems ..... yeah, that will teach her!

    We are allowed to drop nuclear bombs on each other, rape and murder. abuse each other, torture little children .....

    look, this stuff has gone on for thousands of years, we haven't learned ANYTHING yet.

    What do you mean we have not learned anything yet? That is a loaded statement. I find too much evidence to support God than to deny him

  11. I agree!

    I just filled out three free contest brackets on ESPN and I took England to win it all on a couple. Also took Argentina and Netherlands and Germany. I do not want Spain again.

    I will add my two cents on God and why he does not interfere with life on Earth. For those that are believers, and to other Catholics like myself, why would God constantly interfere and use us like pawns in a chess game? If he took human form as Jesus and died for our sins, then we all must bear our own cross and burdens in this short life. If you think of your life in comparison with eternity, its so short its beyond comprehension. So you do what you can here, and hope things will be better for eternity. There are certainly instances where many believe God does take a hand. There are many many miracles that have occurred. Who and why he choses we can only guess. I look at my own misfortunes and the impending surgery I have next week. But I know there are others far worse off than me. I have a cousin in Florida with Cancer. So I will do what I must and know that so many others have had it far worse. Those that died in wars for our freedom, and those that are stricken with Cancer and terrible diseases like Spina Bifida. Well, spell check is red, I do not have the energy to look up the correct spelling but you know what I mean. Religion and faith can be a very powerful source of getting you through many problems. Sometimes I joke to myself and say the Bills and Sabres have not won it all yet because God is punishing me for the sins of my youth, and present. But i am sure there are plenty of sinners in LA, and they are about to win the Cup. I think. I would say if you are depressed, talk to someone. Whether its another person or God. I get alot of help in life from my pets. Yes, my cats. They are just great little companions. They can be a good distraction from all of the bad things that go on daily

  12. Anybody on here who does have a Smartphone ever play the free Baseball game that is called 9 Innings? A co-worker of mine downloaded it for Me a couple of days after I got My new phone. The game is Awesome. 9 Innings 2014. It is sanctioned by MLB and uses the full and current team roster and the actual 2014 team schedule. Of course I chose My team, the Saint Louis Cardinals and I played an entire 162 game season. My record was 91 wins and 71 loses and I still managed to get into the Play-Offs. I lost 3 games to 2 to the Arizona Diamondbacks. I restarted the game and am going to win it all. The StL Cardinals verses ?

    For those that Love Baseball, check this game out. It is actually "addicting".

    I just bought a new Apple I Phone. I have downloaded a few apps that are free, including the baseball steak one. You pick a hitter every day and see how long you can go. They give you the top 5 best average propositions if you want to let them pick for you. I am not sure if I downloaded the game you mention. There was something similiar but I did not have much patience for it and deleted it. There are so many apps its mind boggling. my phone is going off every damn thrity seconds with either an email, text or something. I have updates on my sports teams to boot. Like the Orioles and Bills and such. Just the final score and score after the third and sixth innings. ESPN. Bough Kashmir for my new ringtone. Lost the Stairway solo I had from my other phone. Love the phone. It even has a flashlight. I like the weather app, compass, and I have downloaded CBS sports too.

  13. I gave the pics an antique effect along with and old frame effect....got some cool post production stuff for pics on my new phone......Im not sure about the Texas race circuit. ...Im thinking your correct about it. Most of the horses that ran today are from Texas, some from this area.

    I have seen a few Texas breds in NY before. But rare. Kentucky, Florida and Cal and NY are the most known and common. Kentucky breds were always the best back in the day. Now the other's, expecially Fl and Cal have caught up a bit. So do you think Cal Chrome wins the triple crown and ends the 34 year hex? Even VISA bailed out. Remember they were going to put up $5 million? I have to see the form and see the field before I decide. Now I have hit a button that does this to my letters. Does anyone know what this is? fuck

  14. I think crome will do it next week.....Lone Star Park is pretty cool and clean enough to take kids to.

    Here are a few more pics I took....

    So quite old some look? Is Sam Houston part of the same circuit down there? As for Cal Chrome, he did have to fight to beat the offspring of Curlin, a great horse in his day. The Belmont being a mile and a half I do not think he would have won on that day if it had been that distance. Curlin's baby would have reeled him in. But there will be a different field no doubt and no doubt the Curlin horse will run. And General A Rod is the type of horse that I may put my money on. I like to bet closer's anyway and always in a marathon race like the Belmont. I wish the Belmont were run on Turf. I prefer Turf racing anyway, European style racing. I like large fields and turf races longer than 1 1/8 miles. You can seperate the talent in races of long distances and bad luck can be overcome. Such as being bumped hard leaving the gate or having little room to maneuver without compromising your position and having to check. If you check your horse you are done. This dirt marathon has been a graveyard to many a triple crown hopeful. Even the great Secretariat did not have to beat many horses to take down the triple crown. These 20 horse fields in the KD can really hurt a horse's chances and it denied Afleet Alex the triple crown due to traffic. He was a monster that would have won if not for traffic.

  15. Worked a half day and took the kidos to Lone Star track today....very muddy......good times!

    Ah you go to Lone Star? I have bet it a couple times at local OTB. Isn't Sam Houston down there too? I like the Fairgrounds but you have to be up on what is going on. Like Oaklawn you do not see much of it. So is this horse the real deal? I am not sure yet

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