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Posts posted by LedZeppfan77

  1. The racing form I can get free online for over seas racing is not the greatest, so is all I had to go on. The 6 made sense, I tried to beat him. Thought the 19 had a shot. I do like grass racing and large fields alot. I have done well at Churchill and Saratoga on grass races

  2. I see you picked Dandino (8), thats my main selection and also the favourite Fiorente (6) is in your mix too. The other two you picked I haven't taken much notice of, but anything can win this race, luck has a great deal to do with it.

    The race is about 2 hrs 30 mins away now. Good luck and to you too Jules.

    Good luck to you both. I just played the 4th race but did not win. Put a couple on the 8. I would like to see the 8 win the big race or the 19 over the 8

  3. Hey Rick, it's time to become an honourary Aussie for one day and have a bet in our biggest race of the year ...... The Melbourne Cup.

    In saying that, it's a mug punters chance of picking the winner, as there's 24 horses in the field battling it out over 2 miles for the $6 million prize money ....... and while form is obviously important, anything can win this race.

    It's un Australian not to have a few bets in this race, which literally stops the nation. So I'll be backing #8 - Dandino and #4 - Sea Moon. I'm also taking a trifecta of those 2 horses plus #22 - Dear Demi

    Race 7, Flemington, Tuesday 5th November, 3pm. Remember, we do our day/month opposite to yours (if looking at form guide) and we're about 16 hours ahead of you.


    Detailed form guide http://www.sportsbetform.com.au/27715/194299/

    Hey, I think I csn bet it tonight? I can get the Australian races and they start after midnight here. Online I can watch and bet. I am going to see if its tonight. Which is tomorrow there. I can see the form for free. Ill post my pick if I can find it

    Yes I am going to bet it. I found it

    I am betting the 8 and exactas. 8 with 6,19,21. And 19 with 6,8

  4. Breeders Cup races tomorrow at Santa Anita in California. They started today but the main events are tomorrow. One long shot, 15-1 on the morning line that i believe has a reasonable shot is Vagabond Shoes in race 9, the number 1 horse.

  5. I think rovers and probes are doing a excellent job, someone has to step forward and address the difficult part which is putting man into space again. I know CGI demonstrations look wonderful, but man did not get to the Moon by sitting around watching artists impressions.

    Slave....behave. <_<

    Seems to be no reason for us to put a man on Mars. We have the robots and rovers that can tell us alot. If we send a man into space, perhaps it will be a non return mission destination outside of the Solar System. But it brings in alot of moral questions. Reproducing on the ship. Can it be done? How long would it take to communicate back to Earth?

  6. Forget Mars, It's cool and all, but we have explored Mars to the point that we know more about it than we know about our own moon, or the deepest depths of our own oceans. There is nothing there of scientific importance that we have been able to find......I say we focus on what's under the ice of Europa.

    Very good point that we do not know that much about the "center of the Earth" and some of the deepest parts of the oceans. But we do not know very much about what is beneath the Martian surface either. It must be studied in greater depth with Rovers at least. They must dig in many places, especially if there is ice

  7. Thinking back to the moon walk in 1969 it was common belief we would put a man on Mars by 2000 or soon after. Now it seems unlikely we will ever do it because we have enough information from rovers to know there is nothing important there. At least so it seems. So what will NASA do? Will space exploration now be limited to computers and robots? Or will they someday send a crew on a mission never to return to Earth. Reproduce on the ship and transmit signals back to Earth? Unless they come to us, it seems the most likely way to prove if there is anything out there within reach. It will take years, many years to reach anything of importance it now seems as we have seen so much with the Hubble. Certainly there are men and women that would do this. Leave and never return for the sake of science and adventure.

  8. Me (on the right) with my brother Larry at Fisherman's Wharf in San Fran. Note the old destroyer docked with the 5 inch guns. This was such an awesome place to fish as a kid with all the old fishing boats passing by to either to go out to the ocean or come in to dock.

    i am now 56. When I was 4 we lived in Rodando Beach for 1 year. I know my late step father took us to a fisherman's wharf in the LA area. But my memories are very scarce. Someday I want to return to the West coast. I just am not sure whether I would go to LA or SF? Or San Diego? Its good you have these old pics. My mother is really good about keeping old pics. Has many from the late 1800's

  9. Thanks. Here's me at age 9 (1959) in that same area in San Francisco behind the ferry building. That's a rainbow perch.

    An aerial view of the pier area before it was all demolished.

    Just think, you could have solved the Alcatraz mystery. As for whaling, I am totally against it and I wish the US Navy would torpedo those fucking Japs into driftwood

  10. I don't know if it's still in print, but when I lived in Maryland back in the 60s, there was a magazine called Fishing In Maryland which contained articles, maps to fishing areas throughout the state, and in the back, a listing of the biggest specimen of each species, divided into Freshwater and Saltwater categories.

    In 1968, at the age of 8, I was listed under Black Crappie for the 4th largest caught that year.

    It was 17.5 inches long, and weighed - I believe - 3 lbs. 15 oz.

    I still have a Fishing In Maryland patch I received, along with a certificate.

    Funny thing is, I thought the line on my cane pole had become snagged - again - so I didn't say anything because I didn't want my Dad to get mad at me.

    So I kept easing on the line until suddenly he broke the surface and THEN I hollered out! LOL

    Somewhere in our family's stuff is a color Kodak slide of me holding the fish up.

    Never got it mounted, but it stayed wrapped in foil in our freezer for probably 2 or 3 years.

    That is a shame you did not have that crappie or (strawberry bass as they are also called) mounted. That is a great story. You caught a very big fish for that species. Worth mounting for sure. My mother has a nice smallmouth basss from the St Lawrence mounted that is a beauty. She caught it between Clayton and Alex Bay in the 80s. I have always been fascinated with the places where waters meet like salt and fresh and where the St Lawrence meets Lake Ontario. There are trout and Salmon in the Lake, but not in the St Lawrence. As there are no muskelunge in the Lake only the River

    Whoopie Cat, if you ever get back to Cape Cod, I recommend the tour out of Barnstable. Great little fish market there. Will cook you anything from a Lobster to a swordfish sandwich and Lobster Bisque soup and fried clams

  11. Thar she blows, Starbuck.


    Captain Ahab. Gregory Peck was great in that movie. I never would have returned home. Those were the homliest bunch or women I have ever seen. Moby Dick of course was a sperm. Can a sperm really be white I wonder? Known for going deep for squid. I was fascinated to learn that Great Whites were diving up to 2000 ft deep off waters near Georgia, and the outer banks.

  12. It was probably a mistake putting the word "Whales" in the title, because it was only a matter of time before I started posting whale pics :D

    Both photo's of humpback whales on their annual migration back down south after calving in the warmer northern waters. Taken off the coast of NSW Australia.



    I am happy you are posting them. I went on a tour to watch them at Cape Cod a couple years back. We saw them, about 9-12 miles out. I have always wanted to see a sperm. So if you have any shots of a sperm please post.

  13. I am rebooting my Direct TV Genie receiver. Last night we had the grid go down for seconds on the whole block, a transformer. I just had trouble accessing you tube on my on demand. How will I survive? Ha. I hope the reboot solves it. Usually it does. You reconnect to the dish and all of that. Takes a few minutes but I should be up and running soon. I will probably watch some of my prison break shows. Breakout. Love that shit.

  14. http://www.grindtv.com/outdoor/nature/post/fisherman-sends-distress-call-for-help-landing-big-fish/

    Look at the size of this blue Tuna caught in Cape Cod waters!!! Unreal. I cant believe there is not a thread for fishing or anything related. So now there is.

    I also recorded a show called "Jaws returns home". Five Great Whites were tagged right in the waters off the hotel and beach we stayed at. And right about the time we were there. Yikes. Good thing the water was like ice. So I did not go out far. The sand bar across from the hotel has only seals on it. And that has increased the Great White population in Cape Cod.

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