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Posts posted by LedZeppfan77

  1. Well, now that summer is over and all those interminable movies about zombies and post-apocalyptic disasters have come and gone(anybody see "World War Z" or "After Earth" or "Oblivion"? I hope you saved your money), the movie I have waited for months to see is finally opening this week. Ever since I saw the first teaser trailer back in April or May, Alfonso Cuarón's "Gravity" has been on my 'Must-see' list...the trailer blew me away. This is the director of "Y Tu Mamá También", "Children of Men", and "A Little Princess".

    Another film on my radar is "Captain Phillips", based on the true story of the Maersk Alabama hijacking by Somali pirates, starring Tom Hanks.

    And, since I missed it the first time around while I was travelling, now that it is being re-released, I want to see the Ryan Gosling film, "The Place Beyond the Pines".

    Well Tom Hanks is always a must see. I just love the guy. I hope you snuck in your drinks and popcorn. What a rip off the Regal Cinama's are. They charge more for the drinks than the movie. Its gotten to be ridiculous. I will not pay it. It has to be somthing I really want to see. Lincoln was my last and I was not that thrilled with it to be honest.

  2. we have been looking after our daughters cat for a couple of years, and just a few days ago she took it back. she kept it inside for a few nights, and when she was happy with it going outside, she let it, and it would come back in, and seemed quite happy and content around her.

    now the cat is missing ...... :(

    We had to put our old cat down this year. Very sad. We have the two kittens we saved from the wild last Sept and they are doing great. Now we are sooo attached to them. They are great. As for the rest of life, when you start to get older it basically sucks. So many physical problems with my wife and I. You just wonder about the future. About this life and start thinking of the next one. You wonder how much time you really have. You just hope your kids will be ok and make the right choices once you are gone.

    These damn greedy squirrels. I just filled my bird feeder again. I put out stuff for the squirrels but its not enough. Hopefully my cardinals and blue jays and morning doves will get their share. I am ready for the loony bin. As I watch my kiitens nap next to me I wish I was a cat sometimes

  3. Going out to dinner tomorrow at a place called the Distillery where the choices are endless. But Ill probably stick with Blue Moon which has become my local favorite beer. After they ruined Coors and Gennesee years ago.

  4. finsjags412143.jpg

    Wish I could see all the teams cheerleaders and see who has the hottest? Dallas has the reputation. I would also like to know who has more hard core porn on their PC between the four of you wise guys. Ha. You all must have some damn good anti virus software.

  5. I must be bored to have on a Bengals/Steelers pre game. I hate them both. But the Bills highlights keep getting played. We play Cincy at home later on. That should be interesting. We have pretty much destroyed them in the past, even when we were bad. Historically certain teams have had other teams numbers. The Lions were a jinx team for the Rams. The Rams always beat Atlanta. Atlanta always beat Chicago. That is why I am just slightly scared of the Browns vs Minnesota. My fist instinct was to jump on Minnesota right away. I do believe they will win. But will they cover? They had terrible luck in Chicago. They were my best bet of the week and they did cover. I thought they would win outright. I am not buying into this Pittsburgh bullshit. Their backs against the wall and all that. I think the Bengals will beat them

  6. If anyone is playing Belmont and I believe the heat could cancel the card but not sure, I like the 5 horse in race 9 on the Turf with Solis riding. Logan Street is the name of the horse. I have given my buddy two this week and both were winners. At Finger Lakes.

  7. I got a brake job done on all 4 wheels of my truck yesterday for less than $300 bucks. I came home happy as piss, and walked in the house to a broken furnace. :depressed: Sometimes life ain't fair I tell ya'.

    That sucks. What are furnace's now? $5,000? Maybe $4,000? Alot of places will throw in the central air unit so I would look into that if you do not have it already

  8. My wife and I were at a bar and I saw this german or dutch named liquer I believe it is and they let me try it on the house. I forget the name. But it tastes like Anisette. A bit milder on the liquorice taste but still black liquorice flavor. I did not care for it. They sell a 7 bottle set here of some liquer that costs $7000!!! No shit. Locked in a case. I thought King Louis the IVth was expensive.

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