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Posts posted by LedZeppfan77

  1. I am finally back up and running with my own pc after struggling with my wifes lappy for the past 2 weeks or so, particularly the keyboard which is a total nightmare, many apologies to anyone who read any of my posts with their terrible typing, my own pc won't make any more sense of what i have to say but at least it should now be easier to read lol.

    Those proxy's can be tricky Nick

  2. Why? Why is it so important what people look like to you? You are always badgering people about posting pictures. Unfortunately there have been some regrettable incidences for some girls here when posting photos, so I completely understand why most are cautious about posting photos or any type of personal info. There are some creeps out there who deserve an ass-kicking.

    You are very touchy on this subject Strider. What is the big deal. I just like to know who I am talking to that is it. I dont judge peoples looks. Why is it people dont want you to know what they look like?

  3. I taped the entire concert but what I saw of McCartney I did not like. I think he should have stuck to the Beatles music. Who wants to hear that other shit. The Who played their classics. Smart. The Stones came off as arrogant only playing 2 songs. Three would have been ok. Two was a bit lousy. I would not pay what they are charging for their concerts. We thought they were getting old in 1975, Imagine that. Wood was a Stone, Mick was gone, and I saw them twice outdoors in Buffalo.

  4. Homemade apple pie, made by my wonderful husband.


    I am sure its good EBK. But its not going to beat one from Wegmans. And Ill tell you why. Because NY has the best apples in the country and the best selection. You cant get Cortland apples down yonder

    I am sure Terry Crowley or Joe Altobelli will vouch for me

  5. yes, does seem weird that no explanation available. i thought that maybe someone on here lived in the area?

    Maybe there are aliens hiding in the one place we would never figure. The center of the Earth! We know very little about the deep core of our own planet. What kind of life is down there. The oceans have to be displaced or bottomless in some areas one would think. But are there huge area's that could have a supply of oxygen down there?

  6. Hey Rick….no one has found it yet, but this new news footage talks about where it might be. Living up in Peekskill NY during the famous “Peekskill Meteorite” and seeing how large that was compared to its trail in the sky, I would say, if this is made of the same materials, we should have something of the size of a volleyball and or other smaller fragments on the ground right now. Whoever finds it will make a lot of money!

    Perhaps? If it is intact and if it can be authenticated. I have strong doubts.

  7. There is some footage that has been posted , not great, but Im sure some better video will show up...........


    Thanks for posting. lets say for the sake of argument it was a meteor the size of the one shown? Would we expect it to disintigrate when it hit the Earths atmosphere? Or would it have enough power and force of gravity to leave a good size hole in the Earth wherever it hit? Let us know if they find any place of an impact?

  8. The Making of Bridge Over Troubled Water on Palladia. What an absolutely beautiful song.

    Yes it is. Simon and Garfunkel. They had some good stuff. I was watching Bowie in concert in 1973 in London, Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars. My fav album of his. Some real good songs on it. Of course he does Changes. I saw him when Fame came out and he got busted at his hotel here for weed. Showed up in court to a circus atmoshphere and vowed to never return to this shithole and he kept his word. Our Judicial system is a joke. Blood sucking bastards that work there all of them

  9. The dvd I was waiting on in the mail turned out to be defective. Now I got to wait for an email from the seller I bought it from to find out his return policy, plus I have to spend more money on a replacement. It's put a bit of a damper on my day.

    Please tell me you didnt buy it on Amazon?

  10. When I heard Tim Horton's had the K cup finally I got excited and went straight there. But you need a special machine they have in Canada and I am pretty disappointed. I have a Keurig and its not compatable. I will have to wait until Tim Horton's comes around.

  11. but that would be organic ....

    Well if you hear anything please post. Ill check in tomorrow. Have a good night. i have to crash early, an early morning for me tommorrow.

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