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Posts posted by LedZeppfan77

  1. Heh, the only problem with that is that I live in Jacksonville. I hear Ft Lauderdale is a nice place though.

    I was in Orlando. that is as close as I got to Jacksonville. I drove from Hollywood beach where my relatives live to Ft Myers beach for a few days and then to Ocala and went to Orlando to Sea World. My cousins are Dolphins fans. they moved from here to there in the early 1970's

  2. I remember when I saw them in 1975 and on the Some Girls tour around 1980, do not remembe the exact year, but it was outdoors in Buffalo, where the Bills play now., and they were already referred to by many as getting too old to play anymore. Geez. Who would have imagined in 2012 they would still be at it? I love the old Stones, Eagles and the Who but can certainly agree with your point on the greed issue. I wonder how many will pay those prices? I can see Led Zeppelin getting those prices but the Stones have done this too many times. I am sure there are enough die hards out there that will pay it and maybe some young fans that never got the chance to see them? But can they be financially that bad off to ask for this kind of money? They had better play for 3 1/2 hours and do alot of the old classics. Its not going to sound like Get yer ya ya's Out, that is for sure.

  3. NFL Live on ESPN

    Direct TV has the NFL channel also. I will never go back to those dickheads at Time Warner. They can shove that company where the sun don't shine. So the Bills sign Merriman again? They must think Anderson is going to be out a bit. Let him sit forever. Kelsay got a safety and the defense is reborn. subbosedly Wambstedt told them to just "play". So why do we need to give him a check? so he dumped his schemes>? The ones that made alot of great players look terrible? Watch out for the birdman now I tell you. Jarius Byrd. I say he is the best pickoff guy in the game. He knows how to get interceptions. And now we have a a pass rush. My only concern is to stop Tennessee's running back. Do that and its lights out. I parlayed the Bills with Tampa, Detroit and Cleveland. Took Raiders with Lions, love both of those bets. Took Dallas on one. I really love the Raiders, Bills, and Tampa this week and like the Lions quite a bit too. Spiller should have a big day

    My apologies. I thought I was on the football thread. that post threw me off

  4. Back and forth to the second debate of course. Can America's problems be solved in any debate? Can we know the true numbers by any debate? The things Romney has said seem to make more sense to me than this sitting president. In the end you have to go with a gut feeling as to who will do the best job. If one guy gets it wrong its time for someone new. As a Dem I knew as much when Carter was in and when Bush was in. I may go independant. I have a feeling this will be a nail biter. A very close election,.

  5. Man, my daughter is 15 minutes from the Newark venue. But I saw them twice in the 70's and I cant see myself paying that kind of money. Though I am tempted to make the flight. We were thinking of going down there in November but not sure. If anyone knows the on sale date please post.

  6. I can't agree with you Major, Some Girls is a great album and Tattoo You has some great songs on it, my favourite being 'Worried About You'. Undercover and Dirty Work are complete rubbish though but Voodoo Lounge and Bridges To Babylon do have some good songs on them imo.

    In other news Keith has said in a recent interview that they have shows booked in London and New York!


    Also, the new song 'Doom and Gloom' will be released on itunes on the 11th, I'm very intrigued as to what it will sound like.

    Some Girls was Great. It really put Ron Wood's stamp on being a true contributer to the Stones. That Fort Worth show was just on TV and I taped it. I thought it was real good. I love I Miss you.

  7. ^ That's why they call it the Ultimate Destroyer! :D And the fat isn't a big concern since everyone who attempts this probably gains 10 pounds anyways. I kinda want to try it just to get my face on the wall of shame. You know they actually make you sign a release form saying they are not responsible if the sandwich kills you! That's no joke either. You also get a bucket in case you can't keep it down.

    I have not posted a picture of myself here. Perhaps I will.

    Nobody is going to judge you DAS. Dont worry about it. We are not holding a beauty contest here. Its just nice to know who you are talking to. My picture is in "post a picture of yourself" but you probably have to go back a ways. It could be under either Silvermedalist, or Yukon Cornelius or Icantquityoubabe,. Ha. three of my former names.

  8. Recently I've undertaken the manliest challenge of all-time. I'm going to eat at every BBQ house in the KC area. We have the best BBQ in the world here and I'm going to experience it all. Every time I knock out a new one I'm happy. When I finally finish I'll be a national hero! And I'll probably have a clogged artery or two.

    If I get really crazy I might go back to this place and try this sandwich:

    If you eat it all in 45 mins it's free. If you fail they put your face on the wall of shame in the restaurant and it cost $55.

    I could never do it. It would destroy me. I watch alot of those cooking shows where they tour the country and you see alot of great dishes. just curious, have you posted any pics of yourself in the forum? I only know what a very small percentage of people here look like. my picture is posted in several places. Back to the barbecue, if its pork, that is worse than chicken for the fat. Unless you are eating the skin. The sides are usuallly the killer.

  9. Gorgeous October day here, too. In the high 70s. Sitting on the patio of a New Orleans Saints bar, having a Shrimp Po ' Boy and Jambalaya and an Abita Turbodog English Brown Ale, getting ready to watch the Saints vs. Chargers game and the Orioles-Yankees, if it ever starts.

    I know what you mean. I hope the damp weather does not bother Hammel.

  10. Townsend and Who special was just on CBS morning. They said the Who will tour next year. ie Townsend and Daltrey. Still worth seeing for sure. Showed him going down the Thames river in London and talking about his childhood and of course the false child porn accusations that were simply bullshit.

  11. I lost my Dad this morning.

    Sorry for the downer folks, but after coming to this site for a couple of years now it was the first place I could think of at this time of the morning. I know some of you have gone through what I am going through right now. Not wanting you to re-live it though, I apologise for that.

    Isn't Led Zeppelin great?

    Sorry for your loss. May God be with you all.

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