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Posts posted by LedZeppfan77

  1. My daughter works not that far from ground zero now. She works for a huge marketing and financial corporation. That day really upset her as well as us all. My ex wife I will not speak for as she had one foot out the door that very week. I was at the dentist and after 9 am or so my friend called my cell as I was leaving. I ran back in and told the dentists office what was unfolding. They put on the sets. We watched the plane hit the pentagon and then knew it was no accident. It was the worst week of my life for sure. It is very difficult to walk away and not have some degree of hatred toward the race of people that did this. Killing innocent people that you do not know has no reasoning behind it and I do not buy into their religous BS. The God I believe in would never condone this. They will have to answer to him in the end. That day is proof that Satan is hard at work to destroy anything that is good. But he will lose. He is losing.

  2. I know we are super excited about the Led Zeppelin countdown that is happening but, for me, this is a day to reflect on what happened eleven years ago. Everybody remembers what they were doing when disaster hit. To me, I felt as if a 747 hit my heart. I was really hurt to see what had happened. There is tons of conspiracies out there but, you choose what you want to believe. If anybody would like to share their experience (s) of 9/11, feel free to do so.

    Well I think we pretty much have the big answers. Hatred of our way of life and jealousy no doubt. Extremists that got too much rope to play with and lax security at Boston especially, led to the worst day in modern history, comparable to Pearl Harbour and Nazi Germany. I do not like this President trying to take credit for taking down Bin Ladin. Gee, I thought a Navy seal shot the bastard. The sharks probably spit him out. He has a place in hell right next to Hitler. And those sons of bitches that pulled it off. I was on several flights last week, and it crossed my mind. But i though that with the amount of men on the plane, four guys with towels wrapped around their heads and a few box cutters would not have been enough. i would have fought them to the death just like those hero's on flight 93 and I know all of you would also. They probably thought it was a hijacking and that they were not intending to crash the plane or I think the other flights would have fought harder also. If you think you are going to be landing in Cuba and think they may have guns, I guess you would be less willing to put up a fight. I am sure they did fight them but could not get into the cock pit. Its a very sad day that never should have happened. And now we all have to go through hell to get on a plane. God bless and be with those that perished and their loved ones. We will never forget.

  3. The car/SUV I rented in Florida had XM radio. First time I have ever got to hear this or Sirius. I liked it because of how easily it categorized the music and such. I was not lucky enough to find any Zeppelin at the time. Good to have but probably pricey.

  4. I like them all but Unforgiven is my favourite

    I like the movie but am not agreeing it was more deserving of him getting an Oscar than many others. He was due one and they basically gave it to him as a consolation prize then. Not his best movie. No way. But he never really made a bad movie. Maybe one of the Orangutang ones? He is in my all time top three actors for sure. Along with Pacino and De Niro and maybe McQueen.

  5. My top 5 :

    1- High Plains Drifter

    2- The Outlaw Josey Wales

    3- Kelly's Heroes

    4- Dirty Harry

    5- Joe Kidd

    OK. Ill bite

    The Outlaw Josey Wales

    Magnum Force

    Escape from Alcatraz

    High Plains Drifter

    The Guantlet

    But tomorrow it could be different. Love em all

  6. Sorry for not responding, haven't been online much the past few days...had to do 1984....wasn't bad at all, and I got everything done :) A couple of days before I had started and finished Tom Sawyer and huckleberry Finn.

    You just read 1984?? I read it before 1984. It should have been called 2012. I read all the Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn novels back in the day. All good reads. Looks like no hockey pal.

  7. O's-Saux

    It's not going well...

    I got the game on MLB channel. Well, as they say, you cant win them all. We won the series EBK. We have to be happy with where we are. Now on to Motown. We have to play two of the best teams in basball on the road next 6 days. Detroit and Texas. If we can get three wins Ill be happy.

  8. :birthday:

    Happy birthday to our resident sports prognosticator/gambling addict: Rick!

    Aka LedZeppfan77 aka Newkidintown aka Icantquityoubabe...and my personal favourite incarnation, Yukon Cornelius.

    A true believer in his beloved(but often awful and tragic) Buffalo Bills and Sabres...for his, and his bank account's sake, I hope they win a championship one day.

    You can be a rapscallion sometimes...but who among us isn't at times...but I wish you a happy happy day, Rick.

    Thanks Strider

  9. Watching Olympics and its also Mob Week on AMC. The Godfather last night and tonight the Godfather part II on over and over. Many more to come like Scarface, Goodfellas, Donny Brasco, Carlito's Way, etc. One of my favorites is HEAT. i guess the only one that was a big failure was the Godfather part III

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