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Everything posted by DAS

  1. As the story goes Lead Zeppelin would have been the name but they changed it to Led Zeppelin so no one would pronounce it wrong.
  2. Moonlight Sonata - Beethoven
  3. See joewalsh.com today for the official release date of his new album and hear his new song Analog Man which has been posted to the front page and can be listened to in it's entirety for free.
  4. DAS

    2012 NFL Thread

    I'll clarify. I believe that Tebow has the ability and potential to be a truely great player. I just don't think he'll ever reach his potential. He needs a guy like Manning to help him. I'm saying he CAN but he WON'T. That's my opinion.
  5. I Can't Stop Loving You - Elvis Presley
  6. Here I Go Again - Whitesnake
  7. DAS

    2012 NFL Thread

    I think Tebow has the natural ability. He just lacks the mental ability. I persoanlly can't stand Tebow and HATE the Broncos so I'm not trying to throw him a bone or anything here. Do I think Tebow will ever see the inside of the HOF? Yes, if he buys tickets to tour the museum. But he has potential.
  8. DAS

    2012 NFL Thread

    I didn't delete anything. The mods must have not liked it or something. Did I break a rule? Anyways, I'm always hearing about what a super amazing guy Tebow is suppose to be and if that's true he would refuse to play for them because they are morally oppsed to what he believes. But I think at the end of the day he'll let the money do the talking. You never know though since he did pretty much tell Playboy to shove it but I don't know if any money was involved in that deal or how much. And this may be a little too deep or political for football talk but that's the kind of drama that people like Tebow, Vick and the talking heads on ESPN bring to sports unfortantely. I hope this isn't deleted too. If it is I'll have to reread the rules so I don't get banned or anything.
  9. I took Dazed and Confused. It's not the best studio track on the album but it is the best song because of how amazing and creative the live versions are.
  10. DAS

    2012 NFL Thread

    You underestimated the Donkeys amazing ability to fail.
  11. Time Is On My Side - Rolling Stones
  12. I've never seen a white vinyl before. I have a Led Zeppelin bootleg on yellow vinyl. But never seen the white. That's awesome. Oh, and sorry about your luck.
  13. DAS


    :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
  14. DAS


    One day away from a new Jimmy Page album!
  15. DAS

    Make me laugh!

  16. DAS


    I'm so excited I'm going to explode!
  17. DAS

    2012 NFL Thread

    I wonder what Tebow would think of that. Jacksonville uses it's revenue to fund abortion providers and Tebow is super pro-life after the whole doctors told his parents to abort him thing. If he played for Jacksonville he would be helping abortion but still be pro-life? That would be hypocrisy would it not?
  18. Pink Houses - Someone I can't stand.
  19. One Of These Nights - Eagles
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