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Everything posted by april_lynn

  1. I think so! He's done quite a few funny ones...I'm not on my own computer at the moment, but the one where he's standing under the hand is quite a classic!
  2. This is adorable!! I know right?! It really suits him! I'm really into Duck Dynasty lately so I love beards at the moment Love this one as well!
  3. OMG thank you! So glad you had a good one!!
  4. But of course Love it! Very Page-like shirt as well!
  5. Thank you so much Chuck!! I love that "Page's pout"! We should call that look he does that in general now Thank you so much!
  6. Spooky! I'll have to watch that!
  7. OMG!!! How cool is that?! Is my love of Jimmy turning me into Jimmy?! Was he saying he's happy he took everything with him or unhappy that he didn't?? I've never read that one yet!
  8. Haha what are you on about Sean Thank you very much though!
  9. Sweet! I saw it on there a couple years back and I thought "Ugh 20 quid", but now I see the error of my ways!!
  10. I like it too Do you have this one?! Lucky girl if you do!! I'm gonna grab that when I get back to the UK Ha naughty! I know I love it when he does that!
  11. Ha! Now that's a compliment! I bet you've perfected that as well for your band!
  12. Thank you so so much Anu and aen27!!! I'm in love with that dress! I love animal print and then it's got this high/low thing goin on too. Thank you guys so much!
  13. Aww lightandshade!! I legit love you! Thank you so much!!
  14. ^^ Aww how sweet! And Happy Birthday!!! You don't show up until tomorrow over here! Hope you had a great day!!!
  15. Anytime! I know right?! I especially love that last one with his very smoochable duckface!
  16. Great pics everybody! Love the necklace Dano59! And Victoria7 your outfit is so cute! I guess its 'been a long time' and I got a new dress so heeeyyy Please pardon the duckface; I feel badass in this dress
  17. Also agreed This one's been posted before but it's sooo good! Those lips!
  18. Daaammmn!! He's super sexy here!! Thank you for posting!!
  19. Love all your Knebworth shots Dano59! I'm in a Bearded Jimmy mood again
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