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Posts posted by SozoZoso

  1. Lemmy, Bowie and now Alan Rickman


    Memo to the Grim Reaper,

    Perhaps next time, you should weld your scythe towards the direction of those Kardashian muppets, Kanye West, Miley bloody Cyrus or that other imbecile Katie Hopkins.

    Either that or go to Specsavers.

  2. Hmmm a cheese fest for m


    How Tanya.. Hi are you? 36.gif

    As you slide down the bannister of life,

    May the splinters never point the wrong way.

    depositphotos_68456949-Red-wine-pouring-How about a little wine and cheese?


    :lol: Here's the cheesiest video I could think of, off the top of mah head! ^^

    To someone I love rockin' out with, I couldn't resist! :P
    Happy Birthday
    . Rock On!

    Hmmm a cheese fest for my birthday, you really know how to spoil a girl dontcha?  But I thank you anyhoos :D

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