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Posts posted by SozoZoso

  1. Thursday, June 4, 2015 8:10 AM

    Good Day Andy,

    On your Final Exam, you receive 82% on your exam and your over all cumulative G.P.A for the class score is 90%, so you passed the class with a A average.


    All students with a passing score of an B average or better, have the option to sit for the State Board Exam before Externship. If this is an option you would like to take, please e-mail me to let me know.



    I knew you could do it!!!! So pleased for you :D :D


  2. A woman walked into the kitchen to find her hubby stalking around with a fly swatter.

    "What are you doing?" she asked

    "Hunting flies" he replied

    "Oh, have you killed any?" she said

    "Three males and two females" he replied

    Intrigued, she then asked "How can you tell them apart?"

    He responded, "Three were on the beer can and two were on the phone"

  3. Mum, dad and myself spent the day at a Medieval fair down at Carrickfergus, the fair was to celebrate the landing of Edward the Bruce 700 years ago (he was the brother of Robert the Bruce)

    There were knights, maidens, music, archery, jousting etc....all great fun which is just right up my street. On top of that, I tried to coax either mum or dad to do a bit of archery but since there was a lot of kiddies, we didn't bother.....oh and my face is the same shade as my hair as I got a lot of windburn.

    I will post some photos soon (of the knights and not my scarlet face)

  4. Slowly getting back into the saddle of liking archery, I managed to shoot 5 arrows into the centre (3 on the X and the other 2 on the outer centre ring)

    For a while I thought that I was starting to wean off the idea of loving archery even to the point of quitting (which horrifies me because I've worked so hard at getting to the point of where I am, seriously no pun taken there) But considering that is part of mild depression that I'm suffering, I guess that is normal.

  5. I've just started on a sketch of some WW2 planes for my Uncle, I wouldn't be surprised if it takes me a month to complete.

    And consider that I have never drawn a plane, this will be a massive challenge.

  6. I just got word back from a post delivering job that I had applied to, they told me I was unsuccessful but at least they had taken the time to tell me that which in my book is a BIG thing.
    One of the now many pet hates that I have is putting so much effort, time, blood, sweat, tears etc.....only for your application to be overlooked and the employer doesn't bother their barney telling you if you have got in or not.

  7. Just home from helping out to baby sit 3 small kiddies, a hyperactive puppy and a cat.

    I got pee'd on, covered in eczema cream, had a cats bottom shoved in my face and sticky candy in my hair....I'm knackered but other than that, I'm happy!

  8. Mum and I scoured a craft fair earlier today, there was a awful lot of hand crafted jewellery, knitted stuff, kitchy things etc....but no art work. So that might be a good sign for me to try and sell my prints.

  9. ^^5 more years....oh Lord help us....

    Over here in not-so-sunny Northern Ireland, the DUP have got in as well (they're basically a Tory extension)

    Another thing is, which people are they gonna target for future cuts? I mean the disabled, poor etc have already been bled dry, some have even taken thier own lives over the head of it all. The whole thing makes me shudder.

  10. The thing is, as someone has already pointed out that libraries are a community hub.

    In an area such as the place where I live, there is a lot of old folk who don't have access to internet. There is also a large number of unemployed people who may not have the luxery of smart phones, internet access etc to try and get themselves back onto their feet so they have no other choice than to use the computers etc there..

    Our library is also used for advertising, it's where I go to to see if there are any courses, get togethers and basically what's on.

    I do in a way understand where CJW is coming from in regards to the amount of money being spent, but without the community library, the world to me seems to be a pretty lonely place.

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