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Posts posted by SozoZoso

  1. Oh yes...one of my fav subjects...archery bows!! To be honest, yes it is another dying breed to make them. My ex boss (who is now retired) does wood turning. He makes plates etc but it is one of those skills that can or could be used for the likes of making bows.

    A lot of bows that are on the market tend to be mass produce in places like Korea etc....Compounds, recurves etc

  2. Many thanks for mentioning this topic.

    I myself am self taught at calligraphy. I studied the art in school and used to read everything from hand made parchment paper to the Book of Kells. It is a beautiful form of art and is such a shame that it seems to be dying out.

    I've tried myself to find some sort of income with the skills that I have currently got, but since computers and printers have taken over.

    To be honest, I have had only a smattering of orders for hand written wedding invites, table names etc that it seems pretty pointless nowdays (I hate to admit that)

  3. I love those images. The one at the beach and at the kiosk is especially lovely. I suspect he was annoyed at the weekend when his beloved Wolves missed out on going top of the league.

    Do you know when any of the images were taken?.

    Sorry I have no idea when they were taken as I got these images from a Facebook forum

  4. I have had a piece of my art published into a blog following the slaying of Cecil the lion (mine is the 6th sketch titled "The Big Lad".

    An artist from a self taught art forum on Facebook had pm'd me asking if he could use one of my lion sketches for the project. The blog also shows other lion art work and is very thought provoking as well.

    Here is the link if anyone is interested in reading it.


  5. This would be a good thread topic idea to talk about.

    I went through this for 6 months looking for a job. First of all the 'online application' process is just a black hole in the universe and doesn't really work. All they do is scan your resume looking for key words, and you never get the chance from the beginning to be filtered by a live person.

    What worked for me was eventually contacting every person I know, every neighbor, every family member and all of the old coworkers and sent emails and resumes to all of them. You have to network with the people you know, it is really the only way to get a job or an interview.

    Yeah, there should be a separate thread for this, but to be honest I would probably hijack the whole thing with my moans and ramblings.

    It's interesting about the "black hole" therory of online applications. In the past, my job success has been through word of mouth, either from neighbours or family so after reading what you have said it does make sense.

  6. Apologies if this quickly turns into a rant, but I'm sick to the back teeth of applying for jobs that have been either filled already or battling against 1000 other applicants and not having a hope in seven hells of ever getting a job.

    My time is now consiting of looking around for jobs (or scrounging as I now call it)...both online and skulking around shops/factories like Madonna at an African orphanage.

    When I'm not doing this, I'm either doing chores or listening to my semi retired father snoring his head off in the corner of the room. I am fed up of blaming myself for not able to get a job, fed up with those words "oh, you'll get something in the end" or whatever the case else and fed up of feeling like a failure.

    Oh and to stick the boot in further, I was EVEN unlucky to get a part time job shovelling donkey sh!t at a animal sanctuary.

    "Thank you for your application for the role of Centre Assistant/Groom at our Donkey Assisted Therapy Centre in Belfast. Applications are now back from short listing. The vacancy drew a considerable response, and unfortunately on this occasion, you have been unsuccessful and we will not be progressing any further with your application. We appreciate the effort and time you have put into the application."

    I'm currently typing this out with "Over the hills andfar away" playing through my headphones, which is exactly where I wanna be right now.

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