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Posts posted by SozoZoso

  1. I am offering apologies in advance because I have reposted images that were on Google images. If they belonged to you SozoZozo very sorry.


    Don't worry about it, they're not my pictures in the first place...I saw them advertised on my facebook anyway :)

  2. A quick spot of photography this morning after doing a Short Western shoot (just before packing up)


    12038329_909971669040279_756195992340657   12049304_909979752372804_345206461425880   12039439_909979672372812_876774133032534


    I really enjoyed the shoot, we are currently trying out different classification shoots (pending on bow style, distances etc)  So this morning was a Short Western (8 ends at 50 metres and 8 ends at 40 metres)  Overall my score for both sets were 609 which would put me well over 2nd place if I was shooting in a competition.

    Over all...I'm proud as punch!



  3. Attended a "pre screening" for a job this morning, was told that the job interview was a two part, the first is a telephone and the second (if successful) is a call in for the proper interview.

    I had the telephone one done today, I think it went ok as the guy told me that I might be lucky to see the part two. 

    The thing is, I was all prepped up with job interview techniques from the work programme I am in (google the word "Ingeus") and was about to launch myself into "selling myself" mode.... the guy on the phone stopped me dead in my tracks, told me he wasn't interested in work programme style prepped bulls**t (and yes, he DID use the word bulls**t which I was quite shocked at) he just wanted to know about me.

    But to be honest, I can see his point...all he wants is someone who can do the job, someone who can count 1-10 and speak the Queens english, none of this "selling yourself" crap.

  4. Outdoor archery shoot this morning, we were shooting a short national classification practice which works out as 6 half dozen ends at 50 yards then 4 half dozen ends at 30 yards.

    My overall score was about 365 which isn't too bad as I should be averaging around 400 (I'm feeling the aftermath of fatigue from taking meds last night)

    So now, I'm home, I have my feet up with a well needed cuppa and probably jump online to study more into the scoring

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