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Posts posted by SozoZoso

  1. I didn't know there was a full moon, could explain why I was so bloody restless trying to get some kip last night (I've already checked, no fur or fangs though)

  2. Despite the fact that I have had cluster headaches and nosebleeds for the last 3 days, I did drag myself to archery and managed to pulverize my target...
    Even though I was allowed to bring it home, pity I can't get it framed....rest in pieces (And I broke another nock after getting another arrow fixed...so much for that)


  3. Happy that the final scores of the IMM archery score has come through.

    I got a total score of 610 and placed 7th in my category (the 600's mark seems to me where most of the archers competing have scored)

    ...Not bad for someone who has only been doing archery for a year and a half me thinks.

  4. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

    As skilled as you are becoming, SozoZoso, have you given any thought to pursuing employment in the field of archery? As maybe an instructor or something? You have mentioned your employment troubles in the past, so maybe this is an avenue you can try?

    Thanks Strider for your consideration.

    That is one thing that I would never have thought of.

    I do know that it takes years to get to the stage of becoming an instructor but to be honest, I don't know if it is a sport that you can take up AND rely on it to give you a steady wage.

    To be honest, archery isn't what you call a "full time sport" compare to the likes of professional or semi professional footballers/soccer players or even tennis players. It is one of those sports that isn't well covered and not really supported and you only get to know the ins' and outs through a club.

    Plus in the country where I live, to be honest....any form of sport isn't very well supported and Northern Ireland has a long history of producing good sports icons, but they soon fly the nest because of the lack of facilities to push that bit further.

  5. I had an outdoor archery session this morning, you can really tell that spring is on its way.

    The shooting itself was on top form (I did joke that there was a magnet behind where the gold was and was guiding all my arrows to that spot) plus with the sunny weather and birds around. It really did make forget all that is happening with me at the moment.

    Even coming home in the car it felt really warm, I even had a wee craving for what us Northern Irish call a "poke"..... that's a 99 ice cream with flake and choccie strands for anybody who doesn't understand my Belfast banter.

  6. I've just received another job refusal, but they wish me well for the future. That was from Santander (at least I got a response)

    At least you did get a reply, even if was to be turned down. I have applied for.....I dunno, as I have now lost count and it is soul destroying when you hear sod all from anyone or anything. And the longer it goes, the more depressed you get and you begin to blame yourself. And that is what is happening to me at the moment

    There was a job that I had applied for a few weeks back, the job was a part time sales assistant in a wallpaper shop. I called in two days ago to see what was going on and if they had filled that post, only to be told that "he was doing interviews right now and had short listed the candidates"....in other words, I didn't get it, and you tend to get a little on the fed up side when someone says "Oh maybe it wasn't for you" or whatever the case.

    I just hope that a few people here and myself get a little bit of luck and hope.

  7. ^^On the subject of applications forms and CVs, what I find is crippling and soul destroying is when you have applied for what it feels like hundreds of jobs and you hear f*** all (sorry)

    For instance, I had practically sold myself on a application form for a part time job working in a shop that sells wallpaper, no biggie you would have thought.

    But I pulled all the plugs by putting my heart and soul into that application form. I had even used the tatics that I had learnt from the "Steps to success" getting-back-into-work scheme.

    That was now over 3 weeks ago and I haven't heard a peep from them, even though it had been hand delivered into the shop and I had caught the guy (I guess the owner) opening the letter.

    I do understand if there is only say for talk sake, 1 opening...and you get hundreds applying......but this has been happening to me for the last 15 whole friggen months while at the same time, I am getting my ear bent by the unemployment office.

    All I am asking/begging is a chance to get some sort of work as there is only so much that I can take (and my health and family around me is starting to suffer).

    The whole thing is a joke or should I say "a roundabout of shittiness that I can't escape from"

    Sorry for going off on one, but I think that I would get some form of decent reply rather than being ignored by so-called friends on Facebook who rather prefer doing duck poses in front of toilet mirrors or endless photos of dribbling kids.

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