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Posts posted by SozoZoso

  1. Part 2 of a set of 3 IMM scores completed tonight at archery, this time was a big improvement compared to the last score. So from now, I have another competition this Saturday afternoon, part 3 of the IMM score sometime in March and our club is hosting a tournament in April.

    Gonna be a busy time for archery

  2. I had another outdoor archery shoot this morning. My sister tagged along although she didn't get out of the car as she was too cold...big girls blouse that she is.

    Now I'm tackling yet more windows updates on my laptop after I decided to do a complete system reboot. I had a total of 179 updates yesterday and 18 today. I hope that will be the end of it.

  3. Nursing a cup of tea while thinking of ideas for this afternoon. I got a brand new box of 48 coloured chalk pastels...lovely colours too

    I have one or two sketches in mind atm...

    Blimey! I would never have thought how much that art has now taken over?!

  4. Well it's been a week now and the so-called mate of mine that made a patronising post about me and my art on Facebook is nowhere to be seen. I did forget to say after I asked her politely to remove it, she then said "good luck"...utter cheek!

    Also a friend of hers has joined in with the piss take too by saying that I'm wasting my time....she barely knows me this girl!

    I'm still advertising my art on Facebook in my spare time but all in all, I feel like I have come down to earth with an almighty bump and have woken up and I'm now taking note of fakeness around me, that's including patronising friends who make a fool out of you in public websites.

    Also trying to type this lot out on a ipod and pressing the wrong buttons because your fingers are too big to type on tiny keys is driving me up the wall.

  5. Trying to create a 'mud room' for the crappy, salty, snowy, wet shoes and boots that are multiplying in my foyer...

    The rock salt is especially getting in my nerves...doesn't really go with hardwood floors..grrrr...

    I once made the mistake of using cheap cat litter to clear the snow off our pathway and our hall is very very tiny so we ended up with a trail of snowy, muddy cat litter grounded into the living room carpet.

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