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Posts posted by SozoZoso

  1. That photo of the suitcases above reminds me of a comment that I had read just a few days ago, only it was to do with a photo of thousands of shoes in Auschwitz. All shapes and sizes.. men, women and children.

    And the comment was that those shoes "where walked in through the gates, never to be walked out again"

    You can only imagine.

  2. I remember once watching a documentry about the children and grand children of Nazis who

    were based in those camps and how they felt disgusted at the thought of what their Nazi realitives had done.

    There was even a brother and sister whos father was a Nazi and these two people went to certain lengths to "wipe out" any trace of their Nazi realtive, including having hysterectomys so they will never have children who will carry a murdering Nazi gene in them.

    There was one guy who was the grandson of one (I cannot remember the name) but he visited Auschwitz and came face to face with a group of Jewish students. He told them who he was and one student looked at him and asked "what are you doing here??". This fellow then said he wanted to bury the memory of his Nazi realtive and asked the student to forgive him. There was such sencere honesty and humbling that this guy had literally went onto his knees in front of the Jewish student, cried and begged for forgivness.

    I myself became very tearful watching it. Very hard stuff to watch as well.

    I was screened in the UK over a year ago but dunno if it was shown anywhere else.

    If I get the time, I will try to find a video of it on Youtube and post it here.

  3. Absolutely furious that a friend has advertised on Facebook my pixel art page without my authorisation in full embarrasing gushing mode.

    It reads : "Thought I would brighten everyones day and bring some great artworks your way!! Awesome art by the talented Tanya Green, and privileged to say she is a friend of mine smile emoticon if you think her art is as fantastic as I do like her page, and maybe we can persuade her to sell some of these gems! wink emoticon feel free to share this post if there are people on your list who would like to see these".

    This friend tends to be controlling, laps up attention when she goes into "organisation" mode and expects many pats on the back for a job well done. So in other words, after she has posted this, she expects me to thank her for advertising my product and she will get all the praise for doing so.

    I have been advertising on Facebook about my page, but have been doing it in my way and in my time. I would have prefered if she wanted to advertise it, she should have asked my permission in the first place.

    I am so angry and embarrassed at this, not to mention my mum who is livid at this as well.

  4. I scored 4 straight tens at 40 yards this morning at archery. In fact, I was on fire today after a last few weeks of duff/crap shooting.

    My coach lent me some twin rods and a V bar which gave me more stability and helped my draw issues, even though my set up ended up weighing a ton. I hadn't the heart in telling him that I was on the verge of pinching the V bar and twin rods.....that would be rather cheeky of me!

  5. Stuck indoors as there is a suspected pipe bomb at the top of my street. The police are there, there's tape right across the street blocking off traffic and also the TV news camera crew are there right now.

    All fun and games here...

  6. I'm not long home from attending a 3 hour meetng/workshop about learning interview techniques. This is part of a scheme to get me back into work.

    A lot was covered and yes...a lot of did make sense and I did find myself nodding my head in agreement BUT....no matter how tailor

    made your CV/resume is, how fantastic your body language/vocal skills are yadda yadda etc....the overall job situation in Northern Ireland in general is frankly, pathetic.

    It's a bit like getting yourself all dolled up but nowhere to go.

    I'm still thinking of going self employed. I have a few ideas but I'm gonna need a miracle for them to take off.

  7. I've been bitten badly by the art bug and taken up sketching after so many years of not drawing.

    I've managed to get a set of oil pastels and planning later on doing some sketches whilst listening to a mixture of Led Zep, Bowie and Fleetwood Mac on the headphones.

    If they're that good, I might even try to sell one or two, though to be honest, I've never tried to attempt to sell any of my stuff but I have been "advertising" them on Facebook.

    Whilst on the subject of art, I'm currently un-employed (still)... but would you say if I was a "un-employed self employed artist" or did I make that whole job title up??

  8. Oh and I've forgot to say that I managed to get the dole by the skin of my teeth.

    And yes, this country is still the dogs dangly bits (ever notice that people refer it as just "Britain" and the "Great" bit has been dropped)

  9. Plantpothead... My mum and dad went through the exact same thing years ago when the Tory scum was in power back in the eighties... and when my mum was laid off 2 years ago, she tried to sign on only to be told that she wouldn't get any money as she hadn't contributed enough into her tax...which is a load of crap as she HAD been working.

    I wish I can say that things will get better, but as I have been on the dole for over a year (this is the longest I've been unemployed) My ex boss has run off leaving me high and dry without any redundacy. I would be kidding myself if I thought life was a bed of roses.

    I wish I had something positive to say, except


  10. After a mixed 2014 and spending that year revaluating myself, I'm seriously thinking of going self employed.

    I have a few interests and I tend to be quite arty

    but to turn that into some kind of job that brings in income, I am uncertain about that. All I do know is that I cannot spend another year being unemployed and having to live off from handouts, and as for the employment situation in this country, well I don't think I have to mention that again.

    The past month I have been attending a programme that is supposed to get me a job but after two workshops in which one has told me how to write the perfect CV (mines has been professionally done by an advisor nearly a year ago) and the other workshop has told me which "colour" I am based on my personality....frankly these workshops and the programme itself is a waste of time and an insult to my intelligence. I have no choice but to attend because if I don't, I get money taken off me (a paltry £71.50 a week is what I'm entitled to). So in my eyes, there's a bit of goverment blackmail thrown at the likes of me.

    There was a guy at my last workshop that was a former boss with his own company (now defunct because of the recession) and here he was sitting with a bunch of unemployed people including myself, with someone wittering on about "what colour he was"...well lets just say this guys face just said it all.

    His face was like "I've been in business for 40/50 odd years, and now I'm sitting at a table with someone telling me what colour I am....what the hell is that to do with me getting a job??"

    I just have an uncertainy feeling hanging over me, I am excited about the thought of being my own boss, but I have no experience of doing that.

    In the plus side, I have been keeping in contact with my ex boss and he has been giving me a few tips but also a friend has said to me to stick by him, watch and learn from him etc.

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