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Posts posted by SozoZoso

  1. Many thanks for sharing the video Ddladner, those guys fairly know their stuff.

    It's just a pity that I don't have a huge garden or live near an open field where I can try something like that.

  2. I was at my first 3D archery Christmas shoot today with a chum of mine. Had great fun shooting at life size animal targets (I'm glad they weren't real as I would never entertain the thought of shooting real animals as I am a animal lover and I do not like blood sports), ate mince pies and saw loads and loads of people, I think we all had a blast.

    I enjoyed it that much that first of all, two of my arrows pierced a 3D bears "gentlemens area" (NOT from the below photo, that picture was from another round)...I got some worried looks from some of the guy archers there mind you...then I accidentally shoot a turkey target right through the head while I was aiming for another target behind it (I think that was great practice if zombies ever cam back to hunt us down) then finally, I managed to shoot another 2 arrows through a tiny 2" gap while trying to aim for a deer while it sitting on a plinth. I could never do that again no matter how hard I tried, even though I wasn't scored for that...I believe that was my first ever trick shot! I was way impressed with myself


  3. Doctors told me that my rheumatoid arthritis factor has become active again. Before this it had settled to the point of where I thought that my illness had become semi remission....now it has started again.

    I think the cause of it was all the stress of the death in the family, work woes etc and just when I thought it was nice to be feeling "normal" again....ah well, sods law I suppose.

  4. I had my 2nd archery competition earlier today. My scoring wasn't too bad, I got just 10 points less from my previous competition score but there were a few reasons behind that.

    Firstly, trying to use a kisser button like this one pictured on a sore, dry, cracked lip...not comfortable and I kept moving position which did affect the final outcome which did not help. Towards the end I thought that the kisser had flayed off half the skin on my lip. Normally kisser buttons are made of soft plastic but mines is smothered with superglue as the bugger keeps flying off and landing half way across the walk.


    Secondly, even though I was a tad nervous at the line at first, I was there for a bit of a laugh, but that was until I made the mistake of seeing my points half way through the competition.

    My whole attitude changed...I became way too hard on myself to the point of scolding myself for not getting higher scores instead of focusing on the target. So with that embedded in my mind, I forgot about the "shoot and enjoy yourself" and instead was scold, scold, scold and focusing too hard on the point system instead of the shoot itself.

    On the plus side, I didn't get any misses and most importantly my chum (who does archery at our club and we have been best friends since we were very young) She came first in her category and got a medal for it..i'm so chuffed to pieces for her.

  5. I am really not looking forward to tomorrow morning as I have an appointment with some thing called "Steps to Success" in which I will be judged, criticized and made to look so small, all because I'm still out of work. Even the so called "title" sounds bogus to me...but if I do not attend, they will take my money off me (or what little of it) for about 26 weeks.

    I will see if they might be a little impressed at the thought of me going back to college, either from studying Reiki and alternative remedies or I was thinking of doing something completely different like cake decorating, as my previous attempts at getting a job with having RA has been a smack in the face for me as employers do not want to know.

    It's not that I am making excuses, far from that as I WANT to go back into work. I miss not having a job and as far as I remember from my last job interview last winter, the interview was great (it was in a factory in which I have experience in) but when I disclosed that I had RA at the end of the interview, the air went frosty and the interviewer didn't want to know. In fact I do remember him asking me was I a bit unsure about disclosing what I have during a job interview, which made me feel uncomfortable but I stated to him that I prefer being upfront and honest from day 1 about what I have, rather than employers finding out a few months down the line.

    I'm gonna need all the luck and whoever is looking down on me for tomorrow. I will be bringing some tissues as I'm feeling a tad emotionally off balance at the moment so I can only guess there might be tears, literally.

  6. Thank you Strider, slave, chillumpuffer, Pagefan55, and geekfreak. 19810824_zps11c2f369.jpg

    But yeah Strider. Since I was 3 and he was 4. My first friend ever.

    We're in this pic at my 10th B-Day party. He's the one looking away from the camera. I didn't realize how many people wore blue shoes in '81.

    Geekfreak, I sure do feel for you and your good wife and family. Please accept my sincerest condolences. It sure isn't easy with a void in your heart. I'm glad she has someone strong that loves her so. For what it's worth y'all are in my thoughts, heart and prayers.

    Lovely photo there :)

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