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Posts posted by SozoZoso

  1. Anywhere but here, if my mum found out about this, she would be embarrassed esp at the state of the house...not our fault but that's how it goes when there is decorating being done, plus there's gonna be clothes/packing etc going on, so it's gonna be a utter bombsite here.

    On the other hand, I simply don't have the cash to hold it anywhere else. I was gonna try that pub as already stated but I was gonna beg the guy to have a quiet corner (we will be bringing our food, so that might not good down well) but also half of the family will go mental at the thought of alcohol being served.

  2. Massive running in with my dick of a sister over the head of a 60th party for mum.

    She wants the party to be held at our house, which is tiny enough. There will be about 20 people including screaming kids (we don't even have a proper garden to shove them out onto). The house is a pre-decorating bombsite with my bedroom being stripped down and the bathroom is a no-go area (it needs ripped out asap).

    And to top it all, we're heading off in a few days so mum will want to do washing and packing on Saturday anyway....and that's on the day of this social get together.

    I was gonna try to hold it at a family friendly pub down the road, but half of the guests are strict Bretherns....so the sight of booze will make thier heads spin.

    My sister is completly in for having it here, dispite of any common sense creeping into her brain matter.

    And you know what?? Besides the fact I'm doing the cakes etc....I'm having nothing else to do with this, so if their is any snobby comments, I'll leave it to her to deal with it.

    This will be a disaster from start to finish.

    Sorry about the rant. I haven't been feeling right lately.

  3. I completed my course on Stage 1 Reiki earlier today, plus still doing a wee celebration dance around the house after my 2nd place winning in yesterdays archery competition at Kilmore.

    It's been a very eventful weekend. :D :D

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