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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. To each their own but I would suggest avoiding those Now compilations at all costs as it's the same shit that's currently clogging the airwaves. Believe me, there's much, much better comps out there, especially when it comes to "country" music. What passes for "country" on the radio these days is much closer to pop music.
  2. R.E.M. covering http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HKh0UBrtlM.
  3. Jahfin


    I don't think You Shook Me All Night Long or Whole Lotta Rosie have anything at all to do with either You Shook Me or Whole Lotta Love.
  4. What is this record? I'm familiar with Point of Know Return but I haven't heard of this one.
  5. Jahfin


    Which is why the whole deal with Walmart still strikes me as strange, especially with how they sell censored records and have gone to such great lengths to cultivate a wholesome image. I guess it is true that "money talks and bullshit walks"...
  6. $99 seems pretty reasonable for the 8 CD set of the first volume of the Archives even though I already own two of them (Fillmore East, Massey Hall).
  7. Yes, he is but they're scattered dates at best. I imagine if a Faces reunion tour were to materialize these dates wouldn't be enough to hold him back.
  8. I think if a vital member is missing some reunions can be downright embarrassing and border on being a tribute band instead. I've witnessed very few exceptions to that rule, the Allman Brothers being one of them. They've never seemed like a nostalgia act since losing Duane and Berry while certain groups just do the same exact setlist night after night and even stick to the same stage banter.
  9. I've had the exact opposite experience. I've never seen CSN but I have had the good fortune to see Neil a couple of times. Once on the Trans tour and again on the Music In Head tour back in 2000. I knew the night was off to a good start when he opened with Powderfinger. He then proceeded to play one outstanding song after another, not a single one a hit. The only downside was an assmonkey on the lawn who kept hollerin' "DONALD!!! DUCK!!! DUNN!!! until he was hoarse.
  10. For those that may have missed it when it first came out, I highly recommend ordering this very kickass back issue from Uncut. No doubt a Faces reunion could be great but I agree it just wouldn't be the same without Ronnie Lane. Aside from that I'm looking forward to Ian McLagan and the Bump Band returning to the area soon. If you're a Faces fan (hell, even if you're not) you owe it to yourself to check 'em out if they're playing a gig near you. Ian McLagan and the Bump Band show dates
  11. Exactly my point, even if there was a way to prove that a certain artist is best it's absolutely futile. If I already have a favorite (a term I prefer over "best") it's not going to change my opinion one way or the other.
  12. If you take the time to actually read the thread you will see where it indeed has been mentioned. I feel the same way about Led Zeppelin, without John Bonham it's just not the same. The same is true of any group that has tried to carry on without any of it's key members (Skynyrd, Little Feat, etc.). The only one that has come close is the Allman Brothers Band.
  13. Tickets were actually on sale? I didn't realize things were that far along.
  14. Neil Young's new site for his electric car idea: lincvolt.com ...and a link to a new song: Fork In the Road
  15. No need to apologize but I stand by my statement, there is no one best artist, group. song, etc.. Besides, there is no way to determine that.
  16. I really don't think Rod is at all concerned about his "rock" cred, street or otherwise and hasn't been for quite some time. A Faces reunion would still be nice though. Of course, you can't really have a true reunion without Ronnie Lane so maybe it's all for the best.
  17. Whether an artist is "special" or not isn't the question at hand, it's the assumption that "X" artist is "the best". There is NO way to prove that. It's only a matter of opinion. I have favorites but have never once proclaimed that any one artist, song, album, etc. is "best".
  18. So, even if one were able to determine an artists' ability on a certain instrument, does that make them the "best"?
  19. Good point and nice post but I still don't think the "test of time" determines if a certain artist is "best", at least the way Yukon chooses to define it. If Nirvana records are still being played regularly centuries from now do you think he would agree they are "best"? I think not because he will continue to base his criteria of what is "best" on technical ability alone and everyone knows Cobain was far from a technically proficient guitar player. By the way, I have nothing whatsover against Nirvana or Kurt Cobain, I'm merely using them as an example for those that base what is "best" on one's technical ability.
  20. Faces reunion a no go: Tough Times for Ron Wood
  21. It's painfully obvious you're entirely missing my point. How does one go about determining technical ability? Even if there was a way (which there isn't) would it mean that a certain artist is unequivocally the "best"?
  22. You're reading things into this that I never said. I stand by my statement that music isn't a competition and it's up to the individual as to what they like. I could give a shit about a Playboy poll or the Grammys, they don't have a thing to do with my point. I'm referring to individuals and what they chose to listen to. The bigger point being, there's no way to determine who the best artist or instrumentalist is in any given category in music. That's why conversations such as this that pit The Who against Zeppelin (or whoever) as the "best" are completely inane and utterly pointless.
  23. I always thought it spoke volumes about Lynyrd Skynyrd's prowess as a live act that Pete Townshend handpicked them to open for the Who on the tour for Quadrophenia.
  24. Again, there is no such thing as a "best" anything. If someone feels like the Jonas Brothers are the best, that's up to them. I don't have to agree with them but they have every right to feel that way. It's just music, not some sort of competition. Who or what I listen to on any given day isn't determined by that artists' ability, it's determined by what mood I'm in. Ability (or one's perception of it) doesn't even enter the picture.
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