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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. How was that? I love their video for "Romance", especially the part where they knock the Arcade Fire album off of the Now Playing stand in the record store.
  2. For anyone that's interested, Jason Isbell & the 400 Unit will be performing on the Late Show with David Letterman tonight.
  3. Chris Knight, who was accompanied by his guitarist Chris Clark, at the Berkeley Café in Raleigh last night. Great show and he even debuted some new songs that sounded wonderful but most of the audience talked (and not softly) throughout the course of the entire show which proved to be a major distraction. I can understand talking between songs, which doesn't bother me in the least but when folks continue to carry on a conversation when someone is performing (particularly acoustically, as Chris was last night), that's just plain rude. People also love to sing along to his songs which doesn't really bother me but when he would perform a new, or less familiar song, that seemed to be an excuse to up the chatter quotient simply because no one knew the words the songs.
  4. I guess the upside to iTunes is that it took a pretty messy situation (ie, filesharing sites such as Napster) and harnessed them into a more user friendly application. I haven't used Spotify yet but from what I understand, it also isn't exactly rewarding when it comes to song royalties. In regards to what Townshend said about iTunes, people tend to see headlines like "Pete Townshend Calls Apple A Digital Vampire" and have an immediate knee-jerk reaction to it without ever actually reading the article (or in the is case, also watching the video). It's also peculiar how Jimmy Page expressed similar thoughts on licensing Zep's music to iTunes and is also paranoid about allowing Zeppelin's music to be used for Guitar Hero and similar games.
  5. I was actually referring to where I grew up, not where I live now (Raleigh, NC). I have no idea how they celebrate Halloween back where I grew up but since that area is still pretty rural, I'm guessing it hasn't changed much. As for how Halloween is celebrated in the Triangle area (Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill), this article will probably give you some idea. It's also worth noting that we had a pretty good rainstorm on Monday night that cut down on the amount of people (meaning children and adults) out trick or treating. Group wants Chapel Hill out of Halloween business Understood but from how your post was worded, you referred to them as "women" so I didn't think you were talking about children.
  6. My first concert was the Allman Brothers Band in Savannah, GA in 1975 with their roadies opening. This was during the period when Gregg was dating Cher, which a certain faction of the audience didn't take too kindly to, resulting in some pretty mean spirited jeers and thrown whiskey bottles busting across the top of his grand piano. Quite the first concert experience for me though one of the other things that stands out in my memory about that evening was leaving at midnight as they were still playing "Whipping Post". In the years since, I've seen the Allman Brothers Band three more times. The first two were in the early 90s when Dickey Betts was still in the band. For no particular reason, I never saw them again until around 3-4 summers ago when they came to town with J.J. Grey & Mofro and the Drive-By Truckers opening the show. With Derek Trucks now a permanent member, they're an entirely different beast but still just as vital as ever as he has them breaking new ground. As a nearly lifelong fan, I found myself losing interest in their albums over the years but Seven Turns is what brought me back on board. I've also been enjoying Gregg's latest solo outing, Low Country. Now, for something completely different but still on topic: Nels Cline (of Wilco) playing Duane Allman's 1957 Goldtop Les Paul, courtesy of the Allman Brothers Band Museum at the Big House, last night in Atlanta. Photo courtesy of Paste magazine, more photos here.
  7. I think that if he was actually up to no good, that would have come out in the proceedings.
  8. Townshend has some pretty interesting things to say about the future of the Who in this new interview he did with Rolling Stone. I realize most everyone is focusing on his comments about iTunes but there's more to this interview than that. There's also a video accompanying the article that is well worth watching.
  9. On the subject of "We All Go Back To Where We Belong", former No Depression magazine co-editor and co-founder Peter Blackstock shares his thoughts on in it in this entry from his That Magnificent Ghost blog. Yesterday, Michael Stipe and Mike Mills made the rounds on the BBC doing interviews with Simon Mayo for his radio program and putting in an appearance on the television program Newsnight. To listen to the radio interview, click here. To watch the Newsnight segment, click here.
  10. I'm going to need to watch Into the Wild again. The disc was damaged (one of the downsides of renting) so I missed the entire segment with Vince Vaughan as well as another chunk of the movie when my DVD player was "skipping over damaged area". As much as I enjoyed the movie, I'm in no real hurry to watch it again because of the dire subject matter. On the upside, I did enjoy it enough that I would like to own a copy someday so when I get around to purchasing it, I'll watch it again. As for the soundtrack, I'm a pretty big Pearl Jam fan so it's a wonder I don't already own it. In regards to the latest Pirates movie, I can't say I ever felt bored by it. I also think having Keith Richards in it is a nice touch, especially since Johnny Depp has always said he based his character on a cross between Keith and Pepé Le Pew. So far, Keith's appearances in the movies have been relegated to cameo status so it doesn't really bother me. Plus, I think he's only been in two of them so far. Nothing about that really gets under my skin at all, I think he fits in perfectly. Yeah, didn't know what I was getting into with Tuxedo but not every movie you rent is going to be a winner.
  11. Not exactly sure what I was thinking when I rented this or if I was even thinking at all. It has a few laughs but nothing worthy of redeeming the entire movie. I was a bit hesitant to rent this one because of all the poor reviews I read about it last summer, not just from critics but from fans. After having watched it, I have to wonder what it was about it that they hated so much. Personally, I loved it and found it to be among the better entries in the Pirates series.
  12. Everyone (particularly Townshend's detractors) love to leave out the part where he was exonerated of those charges. From his recent comments about iTunes, it's obvious he hasn't stayed off of the internet, nor should he feel compelled to. To read more on his remarks regarding iTunes, you can do so here. There's also a video segment which you can watch at that link. Having watched it myself, I wouldn't say he wasn't a "gentleman" (English or otherwise) but he definitely speaks his mind.
  13. This is a cut Mount Moriah recorded for the HearYa Live Sessions earlier this year:
  14. Although terms like "arena rock" and "stadium rock" can be used insultingly, I don't think that is always the case, especially when it comes to artists such as Zeppelin, U2, the Who, the Stones, Queen and Springsteen (to name just a few). It takes a special brand of artist that can hold the attention of that many people so Zeppelin fits that description to a t. As for "D'yer Mak'er", I would never mistake it for the more authentic reggae of Marley, Tosh, Toots, etc. but it shows they were more than willing to take chances musically and maybe even have a little fun.
  15. I like it because it shows their versatility as a band. People like to pigeonhole Zeppelin as "heavy metal" or "hard rock" when in reality, there was much more to their music than that.
  16. I don't always agree with everything he says but if he wasn't so outspoken he wouldn't be Pete Townshend.
  17. Remember how Zeppelin held out for so long when it came to licensing their music to iTunes? It was for many of the same reasons. There's lots of people out these days that feel entitled to music and feel they shouldn't have to pay for it. That has to be frustrating for any musician, including Pete Townshend. Jimmy Page has expressed some very similar thoughts. It's a very different game out there now, particularly for folks like Townshend and Page who have seen music media go from reel-to-reel, vinyl, 8-tracks, cassettes, compact discs to downloads during their respective careers. No one has really figured it out yet but if you're interested in reading them, Bono has some pretty interesting comments about that (as well as the future of U2) he recently shared with The Irish Times.
  18. I heard a short piece about that on NPR yesterday. I can't find an archived version of the segment on their site at the moment but as I recall, the commentator said Townshend made pretty much the same remarks in regards to signing to a record label back in the 60's.
  19. For those interested, Patterson Hood looks back on the Adam's House Cat days here.
  20. Tough one, especially since I'm a fan of #'s 2-4. I realize that doesn't help any but I do empathise with you. Tomorrow night Chuck Prophet w/ Heather McEntire of Mount Moriah are playing at the Casbah in Durham. The next night Chris Knight is doing an acoustic show (accompanied by Chris Clark on guitar) at the Berkeley Cafe in Raleigh. Even though I've never seen Chuck Prophet before and I love Mount Moriah, I'm probably going to opt for the Chris Knight show. I've only seen him once but that's been several years ago now.
  21. Click on the poster below for more info on these shows.
  22. Ever get this confused with The Cars and other pseudo punk rock from the States? Yeah, me neither...
  23. I haven't been in a big hurry to see this movie because, even though I didn't know for sure, I had an inkling as to how it ends. Well, that inkling turned out to be true and makes for some very difficult viewing but it turned out to be very well worth it.
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