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Everything posted by Percys_Plant

  1. Why are y'all laughing? You know it's the truth. Can't mention the man's name without some food reference attached to it. In fact! Let's just create a Robert Plant Recipe Book and be done with it. Hah! So while you are all contemplating your sinful delicacies, here's one of my favorite photos. Just something about his pose, expression, physique, the jeans...abs...maybe it's the shirt...or the hair...just...urgh.
  2. Hi Honeydrip79!! Welcome to the Food Network...eh...I mean the Robert Plant appreciation thread (and forum of course)
  3. Thanks for sharing that link! Looooooved that story and would love to know more from others who have met him too.
  4. Aaaah such a great story!! Though it's been a while, still thanks for sharing! I was just as giddy as you must have felt while reading it *lol*
  5. Oh my God. If this guy gets any more adorable, I'm jumping off the nearest skyscraper!!
  6. ^^^ He would be so proud of you all. Seriously, I think he'd get a kick out of all ye ladies (*tries to look innocent*) fantasizing about him. Reminds me of that woman in the CBS Morning interview who told him he still looks sexy and how he waggled his brows in approval.
  7. That was one sweltering club - and those clothes from the 80s were made with pretty iffy material. *lol*
  8. Hahaha! Seriously, the conversation always turns to eating or licking something when it comes to Robert. We've covered lemons and lemonades, syrup (and pancakes???), did someone mention sushi? Or was that just my inner fantasy of him being in his birthday suit and me simply eating the sushi off him? But I digress! And noooooooooow we've got pepperoni pizza. In summary......ROBERT PLANT IS DELICIOUS!!
  9. .............do I even want to know what you were thinking while eating that pizza? ...the pepperoni to be exact??
  10. My guess is '67? Part of the publicity stunt he did for his band at the time.
  11. They did? Didn't notice it. But if they do it in such a way (and you know that day is coming soon) when these holographic things become so real you can hardly tell the difference, I think I'll be buying me a ticket to see it.
  12. Hahaha! Speaking of open shirt...what do you guys think of them doing a holographic concert of the band? Like you go to an actual stadium/arena/wherever and there's the band from their hey-dey right in front of you! Would fans go for it or go 'hell no!'??
  13. I think it's the angle (for the most part). [Or maybe he's been working out in preparation for the tour] Who knows?
  14. Oooh?? You know what this means, don't you, Night Shirt? We must have evidence of said shirt being posted on this board! In the meantime, enjoy some Robert and his lady love having some fun in Hawaii. [i believe the guy is the tour guide]
  15. ^^^ Yup. Got that vibe too. I doubt it was a crush. Admiration for the most part.
  16. Ten bucks to whoever does the best caption(s) for these set of photos. I tried to come up with something, but they were pretty lame.
  17. Haha! I want that hat *lol* Who's he with in the picture please?
  18. 2901 Cuming Street....where Roberts' Lemonade is made from freshly squeezed lemons.... Nope. No sexual innuendo in any of that at all. Nada. Zip. Zilch. ....dies....
  19. Well...this speaks for itself...and it's not photoshopped either!
  20. Because we can never get enough of Knebworth Robert.....
  21. Whoa, interesting dream. I've experienced something similar (intense dreams that translate in real life), but it didn't involve Robert (sadly). @Pagette - yep. Guyliner and everything in-between. Ah, gotta love that era.
  22. Ah ha! Knew that picture looked familiar (at least the events surrounding it) Thanks for the response, aen27!
  23. Was this at Richard Cole's wedding? =/ .....hmm...though it looks earlier though. Anyhoo, who is the smiling couple in the picture?
  24. Keep 'em pics coming, ladies! Love the bulge....eh...the arms and everything inbetween.
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