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Everything posted by Percys_Plant

  1. What?? You didn't like Raising Sand?? Okay, so some songs were not exactly awesome, but for the most part, it was a beautiful album. Robert's voice in it was....*kisses tips of fingers* bellissimo!
  2. I still can't believe they never won a Grammy during the height of their fame. Were no categories for Rock music or what? *baffled*
  3. Aah, more Knebworth screen shots! (Seriously, doesn't his hair look like spun gold????) And the final cutey patootie smile to leave you ladies going to bed with similar smiles on your faces: G'night y'all! It's been fun!
  4. Yay! Mumford and Sons won "Album of the Year"! And I'm happy for them because Robert loves them and plugged them during the interview in New York. I'm sure he's gonna be thrilled for them as well. Whoohooo! Stop licking Robert long enough, pottedplant, to tell him the good news. *LMAO*
  5. Haha! Sorry that had me cracking up pottedplant. I vote for showing your friend a picture of a very manly/sexy Robert and maybe putting on another song where his voice range goes a little deeper. And I hear you SozoZoso *sigh* Such a shame that most young people today don't appreciate the classic rock gods of yesteryear. We should make them all do a Zepathon for punishment.
  6. Oh dear Lord...............................for some inexplicable reason, I suddenly have the strange compulsion to take off my clothes. Must be the damn thermostat in this room.......
  7. He IS a pancake! Mmmm...hot sticky maple syrup poured all over him..... ...I should just stop now. Hah!
  8. Makes me wonder just how much time he spent on his hair or if he just woke up in the morning with it looking that gorgeous.
  9. There's a special place reserved in the pits of Hell for us, eh pottedplant? In the interim, enjoy some more eyecandy: Hair-gasm + Duck-face = Sensory Overload
  10. Am I awful for wanting to lick the sweat off his body?? *prays for forgiveness* (not!)
  11. Yes! Thank you, SozoZoso! That and "Mens' Wear" in the deepest voice possible. *lol*
  12. ^^^ One of the best moments of that darn show.
  13. Ah! That's the guy from the show "Are you Being Served" John Ingram? (or something that like?) How cool! I looooove that show.
  14. *happily eats her fruit salad*
  15. That or it was some guy behind the lens. Just our luck. And here's some arms/shoulders and pre-naked butt shots for your consideration! I mean....seriously???
  16. Oooh, I just love hearing stories behind the pictures! So thank you, ProPlant and jayceeporter for the info! Thanks as well, ZepRex and Pagette for more eye candy....won't even bother asking what the heck he's wearing in that last one. Hah! LOL@JP78 and her fantasies. Oh, and don't forget to make sure to tell him to "spread 'em" before the frisking begins.
  17. These people I do know! Well not the cop, but I'm sure the picture pretty much captions itself. Cop: *pulling out notepad and looking all serious* Sir, you were going 20 kilometers over the speed limit. *finally looks up from notepad and into car* May I see your license and regis - Good God! Are you...?! I've got Led Zeppelin I sitting in my back seat! What a coincidence. Be back so you can sign it for me....and then your speeding ticket."
  18. Hear! Hear LLH! Good to see you back where you belong...filthy mind and all. And is that fishhead I see? Welcome! Some images for you...and I want to know who these people are.
  19. Oh NOW she's being shy??? Get your butt back in here, LLH! You started this!
  20. You get bonus points for reposting it, David.
  21. Don't spontaneously combust now, DavidZoso! And thanks for sharing your speculations on why Robert was shortless. Wow...do that now and you'll probably be arrested for indecent exposure or something.
  22. I'd really like to know the story behind those pics. Where or what the hell happened to his shorts?? [Not that we are complaining] Thanks for sharing, Pagette!
  23. Baffles the mind how a guy can don such a feminine blouse and make it look so damn sexy. Urgh. So not fair. Thanks for the lovely eye candy this Monday morning, LLH!
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