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Posts posted by kipper

  1. 1 hour ago, BobDobbs said:

    Apology for what exactly? are you in possession of facts no one else is? This is all speculation, no one at this point knows the origin of COVID-19 and we need to investigate it. Could it be mad-made? Sure. Could it have simply jumped species? Yes indeed. They simply do not know.

    How about if we all put our big-people pants on, act like adults and investigate, gather evidence, and come to an educated, provable conclusion instead of playing "Um, deeer, lerp. Me thinks virus come from Chinese lab. Me smart. You dumb. My opinion mean true. Deeeerp." 

    Jesus Christ it seems society has devolved to gym class in 7th grade. Whatever happened to facts and evidence before conclusions are drawn?

    At some point the weight of suspicion tends to point to guilt.  China at some level seemed to suggest it may have been some species jump that happened at a "wet market", and for a short time the Chinese government put some restrictions on wet markets, but never actually closed them. And BTW, how convenient to have a virology lab close enough to a wet market that you could spit on it.  What a convenient cover if something slipped out.

    Then add to that the lies to the WHO; the lies to the rest of the world, and they way the commies threatened their own scientists, including news people and other in Hong Kong.

    Sorry, but that all points to a BIG GUILTY SIGN on China.  Innocent people do not act like this over what they could claim might be an accident.  Why is China lying and hiding so much?

    If someone was a police detective investigating a murder of a woman and her husband was acting this guilty, the investigators would never move on to investigate any on other lead.  China is a horrible regime currently involved in genocide, why shouldn't we assume they may be guilty of this too?  China is every bit as bad as the 3rd Reich in their diabolical plans to control the world.

  2. I think we all owe SAJ an apology for not all believing his theory about the Wuhan Kung Flu virus.

    Seems that China did make this thing in a lab after all.

  3. On 4/19/2021 at 8:45 AM, BobDobbs said:

    or by people who have been harassed for no reason repeatedly. Then again some people have no problem at all with others who abuse their power and deny law abiding citizens their rights. I have never broken any law outside of speeding and the last time I was legitimately pulled over by a cop was in 1991 for going 65 in a 55. Now from 1992 - 1999 when I had long hair I was CONSTSTNLY pulled over by the cops, had my vehicle searched while I was handcuffed on the side of the road and the cops making cheeky comments while searching my vehicle. The whole time I was polite and accommodating. I have been tackled by cops when I was in HS because I fit the description of a local drug dealer and as the cops told me after they checked my id and saw I was not the guy, "well, we are in out 40's and can't run like we used to so, too bad."

    It sounds like you never had these issues and good for you Crying, but just because a cop hassles someone does not make them guilty. I guess you failed your classes on government and the rule of law however such courses are available both on-line and at your local community college.


    Cops do what cops do. They INVESTIGATE. I never took that personally. Not even when I had long hair, was driving a beat up car, was out late at night looking for trouble anyway. They just do what they do. I don't think profiling is bad. I think it makes sense. How many 80 year old Norwegian grandmas are out breaking the law?  How many long haired teenage roustabouts are possibly up to trouble? 

    Like that.

  4. On 5/28/2021 at 4:23 PM, SteveAJones said:

    I was posting here in February 2020 that it came from the Wuhan bio lab, complete with maps, and taking nothing but heat for it from skeptics. The main reason we (US) aren't holding the Communist Chinese responsible for it is because that Fauci son of a bitch not only knew what they were doing he was funding it.

    Gotta hand it to you SAJ, you were on the right track over a year ago with this Chinese Kung Flu thing.  Some pretty compelling evidence now coming out that the odds of the amino acid chains in this virus happening naturally are about zero. Question remains; was it man made and then accidentally released?  Of man made and intentionally released?

    I believe the free world should be accusing China of INTENTIONAL. And I base that on their deceit, lying, and other actions as suggesting a "guilty mind".   Accidents happen, but if it was an accident and they knew that, why lie about it, and why not stop the flights going out all over the world????

    I wonder if facebook and twitter will now apologize to all of the people they banned for even suggesting this Wuhan virus was a conspiracy?  I doubt it.

  5. On 4/16/2021 at 8:03 PM, BobDobbs said:

    It has nothing to do with tolerance and open debate, its the rules of the board to keep things civil. No religion, no politics. It is a shame though as people cannot discuss these topics without devolving into mudslinging. Also, though one can debate politics, one cannot debate religion. 


    What no religion?  Does that mean no talk of Mr. Crowely too?  No tarot, no runes, none of that mystic shit that is so rock and roll cool!

    I'm fine with the talk, as long as it doesn't devolve into mudsharking.


  6. 11 minutes ago, JTM said:

    I went to buy myself a new pair of Reebok Classics today while out shopping, the store I visited were playing really loud rap style music I decided that as I wanted the shoes more more than I needed them I left.

    I have gone so far as to request they turn music off our down in some situations. Was at a big club store (Costco) and they had a display by the registers of one of those bluetooth amplifiers that can play music from any of your devices. The music I could tell was not what the store/chain had likely decided to play, but more likely what some of the employees wanted to hear, again rap music it was pretty over the top----and it was REALLY LOUD and right in my ears.  So, I requested it be turned off and I was ignored. So, then I just went over and turned it OFF, and a young employee came over and turned it on again, plus make it louder. I in turn then unplugged it and said DON'T TURN IT ON AGAIN, it is too loud, it is unpleasant, and not what any customer wants to hear.   I was serious, and eventually a manager came over, but I warned him, I will complain to the corporate office on this if he turns it on again.

    Like I said previously, elevator music would be fine with me as a happy medium. I like classic pop/rock and R&B while shopping, but I don't need to hear that if the playlist included crap too.



  7. 34 minutes ago, BobDobbs said:

    Yep, this all falls under the "perfect world" BS. Personally, I cannot stand the police, I have never had a semi-positive encounter with a cop even though I am always polite. Nor do I believe respect is automatically granted anyone, respect must be earned. All of that aside, it is not a perfect world and if the guy / gal cop with a gun, jackass or not, will be given my utmost respect as I bite my lip. Of course lets fight and work to change these attitude's but until then, unless you wish to risk death, just be polite and do what you are told (within reason of course). It sucks but its reality and it sure beats getting shot. Principals mean nothing if you're dead.

    Not all cops are the same and many can be assholes. I just understand what their job is, what kind of people are attracted to a job like that, and then after that consider what I can do to not "take the bait" and just play along. Not saying I waive my rights or anything. But just like some passive aggressive airline worker, or a store clerk armed with a "policy" or other means to ruin your whole day, I just play it smart and don't give them any ammunition.  Arguing with cops will NEVER work in your favor on the side of the road. Courts are for settling legal disputes.  You act foolish in front of cop, and they'll just call more cops, and then exercise the things they are legally allowed to do to FORCE you to comply.   Cops can pretty much make up just about any reason to DETAIN you (not arrest but detain), and then if you screw up and give them a reason to arrest you by actively resisting or acting aggressive--- even if you aren't charged and brought to trial, you still end up in jail, still need to get a lawyer, and still need to post bond. Sometimes a "yes sir, no sir" and sign the ticket is the better part of valor, and the cheapest economically.

    Fact is Bob, some fools just attract police like flies. If you drive a car, make sure all the brake lights work. If you have a political viewpoint, don't paste it on your window for everyone to know. Because not only may it piss of a cop, some other asshole will key your car door who doesn't like your views.


  8. 8 minutes ago, BobDobbs said:

    Manson was into a LOT of stuff. Manson was a card carrying Scientologist who while in prison, both made it to the level of Clear and engaged in private correspondence of LRH. The church denies this but the actual records and correspondence are there. Manson was into anything which would allow him to have control over weaker minds. Dude was essentially an evil Jedi with no power outside the Jedi Mind Trick via mental manipulation techniques.

    Ramirez was just straight up batshit-crazy and would have embraced the Power Rangers if someone told them they were Satanic.

    Living is SoCal and the L.A. area I am very familiar with both of those assholes. I was young at the time, but after the Manson murders the vibe of the times changed, and nobody looked at hippies the same way here in Los Angeles.  The "peace love" thing was OVER.

    Many people I know have a Richard Ramirez story, and how his murders affected or touched pretty much a lot of people. Ramirez for example murdered two people just a few houses away from where my aunt and uncle lived.  I actually had a personal encounter with Richard Ramirez too at one point, but it was a year or so BEFORE his killing spree. I found out about this after he was identified and arrested for murder, but then remembered having to defend a woman once in a store from this really creepy guy trying to steal her purse, and it was in fact Richard Ramirez as I found out later.



  9. On 4/10/2021 at 1:37 AM, JTM said:

    Music disappeared from supermarkets here years ago. They have recently brought it back in some places, with covid info announcements inbetween  songs. I'd rather they just had the announcements because the music (all current hits) is absolute garbage in my opinion, and me being a grumpy git it just adds to my grumpiness.

    I agree with the current music they have in many stores, but a few sill have great playlist and seem to understand that the people spending the MOST money are people from our generation.

    I stopped shopping at one store I used to like after they add a bunch current crap music songs, and also started making half of the announcements over the PA in Spanish.  I guess nobody can please everyone, but if I'm shopping and annoyed, or my blood pressure goes up, the I can't even be in the store to spend my money.

    I think some marketing people make a mistake of targeting music, or ads to larger young demographic, when they should be targeting to the age group which has and spends the most money. Which would still be our generation. When the market is playing some assclown vocal assisted crap aimed at the 12 year old coming into buy a bag of chips (crisps) and single sodapop, as apposed to the housewife there to fill a basket (trolly) full of hundreds of dollars of groceries and sundries, then they are just being short sighted.

  10. 14 hours ago, RainbowElf said:

    Is Union 76 Connoco Phillips?

    Yeah I think maybe it is owned by Connoco Phillips now.  It's so hard to keep track of all the oil company mergers and acquisitions. I think they are just now call "76" and not Union 76

    Union 76 had been based here in SoCal in El Segundo. Not far from Long Beach and the port of Los Angeles, right near Los Angeles International Airport.

    Their signs were a large orange ball with "76" on them signifying the year 1776.  Back in the 60s if you filled your tank they would give you an orange 76 ball to put on your antenna.  I always thought they were cool.



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