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Posts posted by kipper

  1. The creator of 'That '70s Show' is a great rock and roll fan. During the creation of the pilot show they wanted to call the show either:  The Kids are Aright, Teenage Wasteland, Reelin in the Years, or Feelin' Alright, but couldn't get Fox to agree to try and get the rights to use those song titles by paying for them, and Pete Townshend despite willing to peddle his songs to just about every movie, TV show, or commercial, was not interested in a show having a title like The Kids Are Alright, especially since there is already a Who documentary with that title. So,  during that time they creating the show and get it picked, they just referred to their project as "That '70s Show" --which eventually stuck.

    Starting in season 5 all of the show episodes were given titles to Led Zeppelin songs. But since like many episodic shows a episode title is never shown in the title or credits when broadcast. Many shows are like this, the titles are part of the script (along with season and episode number) but they don't then have to pay anyone for using a song title that never broadcasts.

    Season 6 were all Who titles

    Season 7 Rolling Stones

    and Season 8 the final season were all titles of Queen Songs

    Here is photo of an autographed script from Season 7  (#706  season 7 episode 6) showing the Rolling Stones song "Rip this Joint"



  2. 22 minutes ago, redrum said:

    I know. New model rims are so feckin' ugly and look ridiculous.

    I always wanted a '60 El Camino with a 409 and 4 speed, candy apple red.


    My brother and step daughter with his '58 wagon in San Francisco. .


    Candy apple REDrum?

    Nice car there!  REAL tires on it too.

    Ever see a Cadillac Deville Mirage? Because even pimps sometimes need to make run to Home Depot..


  3. 2 minutes ago, BobDobbs said:

    What would stop you is when your dead fathers ballot was received it would be flagged and you would get a not so friendly knock on your door that's what would happen. Why? Because the secretary of state has the deceased listed in a database which cross-references with all ballots cast. Most people are not aware of it but dead people cannot vote even if a ballot is mailed to them. Ironically it is literally one hand not knowing what the other is doing until the counting begins. Stupid yes bust seriously, if you or anyone else tries this you will get in serious trouble. I know this because I was joking with a friend at dinner who works for the sec of state in my state and told me about this.

    Believe me, they have more info on you, me, the dead, etc. than we think. Unless a machine is hacked or, there is an inside job at the highest levels in a state, voter fraud is pretty much impossible. The fact people still think this is a thing in an era where your whereabouts are known 24/7, where they know every little thing you do (for the most part) through your purchasing habits. Then you have cameras everywhere, toll booths which use tracking, etc. The privacy ship sailed a LONG time ago.

    I tell ya, its hard to be a pimp these days

    You're right, and of course I would never do that, although each year some people do try. What happens more often is "ballot harvesting" which may not be illegal, but does make you wonder about some of the ethics around that.  Before my father passed he was in care facility, and a group offered "to help" residents with their ballots and then turn them in for them. Many of these people like my father were cognitive care, so anything put on that ballot would be whoever filled it out wanted to put on it. 

    Voting is right, but it should be required that people make the effort to go and vote on ONE day in person, as much as that can be done. It makes sense to me to have ID too.... we have ID for everything else.  And then after that, for people who cannot be present, then a sensible way for those who qualify to not be in there in person (for example people serving in the military), then I am fine with that.  But we are at a point now where there is a loss in confidence in the system. Whether that perception is actual or imagined, may not matter.

    In a world where everything can be hacked now, even top secret FBI files and servers by outside nations. Do we really want people to be able to vote using a smart phone? One made in China?

    Election day should be  national holiday so everyone has the time to go vote. Just my 2 cents.

  4. 9 minutes ago, redrum said:

    Sounds like something the whacked out hoarders do.

    China woman cost 200 dollah.

    Get your patriot on with these Memorial Day movies

    The actress who played the Chinese prostitute was Emmanuelle Arsan who was Thai. She is the one who wrote the Emmanuel series of erotic novels. She would have NEVER sold her body, for money, she just gave it away free as was her's and her husband's lifestyle.

    Rumor was that Arsan had an affair with McQueen during the production of he film.  

  5. On 1/28/2021 at 1:43 AM, SteveAJones said:

    It's like a switch is flipped when they go on vacation though. 

    I was in line for a rollercoaster ride at Disneyland and a young man in front of me pulled out a ziplock bag and started filling it with his own urine. The guy was right in front of me, not ashamed or anything. He then gave the bag to his girlfriend/wife and she put it in her purse. Me thinking they must be planning to toss the bag of urine on someone from the ride as a prank, alerted a park employee. At first I thought the Disney employee would not believe me, but he was like, "where, who point him out to me".  The employee then confronted the group of Chinese tourists and spoke to their guide, and demanded anyone with bags of urine leave the que and go to a restroom and dispose of the urine bags, otherwise they would all be forced to leave the park. About 5 people got out of the line.

    When I asked the Disney employee about it he said, they aren't doing it is a prank, they think in their mind they are just being polite to use a disposable bag--- otherwise they would just take piss in the bushes.  I said, why don't they just use a restroom, there is one about every 20 yards in the theme park?  He said, they find that to be a personal inconvenience.  I said, well, I don't want to be on amusement rides-- especially roller coasters with people toting bags of urine with them for obvious reason. Exactly! He agreed. Then he leaned in and whispered to me saying, sometimes it isn't just urine in the bags. They find rolled up newspaper in the bushes with feces too.... usually from the children.


  6. On 1/28/2021 at 1:44 AM, JTM said:

    Claims of fraud, absolutely riddiculous. Nuff said.

    There is ALWAYS fraud. How much and to what extent is a matter of debate. But always fraud at some level and to some degree.

    I'm not going to make a political debate here, not the place for it. But it is important that these things have the confidence of the people, a situation the same in your nation.

    I live in Los Angeles county. Most populated county in America. A few years back there was a question of whether or not the voter polls needed to be audited and people purged from the list. The County election board said it wasn't necessary. Others disagreed, believed with number of people who die or move away, it should be audited. County government said no, but eventually a judge ruled that is should happen, so the county begrudgingly agreed to an audit...

    1.5 million names ended up being purged from the list. No small number even for a population as large as this county.  Why would the government NOT want to update the polls?  Bias or incompetence, maybe both?

    Now, were those used fraudulently, or were they changing the results?  I'm not saying they were, but the system needs have our confidence, after all it ONLY works with 'the consent of the governed.

    BTW, my father has been dead several years. His death was recorded as customary and by law with the county hall of records. Yet still, every election a ballot is still mailed to the house, plus he still gets jury duty summonses. So, what would stop me from sending out his ballot and me having "two votes"?  I would never do that, but some do. And in a close election determined by a few thousand votes... well, maybe it could change a result.


  7. 22 hours ago, redrum said:

    El Camino side swipe.


    Even with damage like that, an El Camino of that vintage would be a restorers dream find.

    My uncle had the same year in the Impala station wagon.  But not the two door model, which are insanely sought after now.  Worst thing about many of these cars I see are the STUPID rims guys put on them. Yeah, I get lowering, and maybe some paint schemes. But putting 26 inch rims on anything makes it look dumb. Cars like those were classic as designed.




  8. On 1/28/2021 at 3:01 AM, RainbowElf said:

    Cool pics Kipper, are they your personal ones you’ve taken?

    No, never.  Just images I find while browsing google. Things that catch my eye and worthy to be shared.



  9. On 1/26/2021 at 2:04 PM, Strider said:

    At the Goodwill or thrift store or on the internet? I hope you didn't have to pay full-price for those relics. Some of the sexual politics of those movies have dated quite badly and, of course, the Jerry Lewis movies will depend on your tolerance for Jerry Lewis. I know some people who cannot and will not watch any Jerry Lewis movie at all. Oh well, at least "Boeing Boeing" has Suzanna Leigh…and the always fun Thelma Ritter.

    I buy used DVD and books (hardcover) on ebay. Great deals to be had, many sellers are thrift stores like Goodwill or Salvation Army. Others will offer a 'buy 3 get one free' deal on ebay as well.

    Speaking of "politics"---or should we say PC politics. I recently purchased a DVD of Disney' Peter Pan from the 1950s because I just KNOW for certain that film may end up being "cancelled" for domestic sales, and/or edited to remove certain "offending parts".  Same thing with many Warner Bros classic cartoons we grew up.  Can't get them now... too controversial. Like Speedy Gonzalez.

    I realize they reflected a different time in our culture, but dang, does everything need to be cancelled?





  10. 17 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    I got the COVID right after Thanksgiving. This was 100% my fault as we had our son, his GF, our daughter and my mom over. My son & GF appeared to have had it and did not develop symptoms until the day after they left. I became symptomatic a week later and I can say it sucked. My symptoms were not really flu like as I always get a sore throat, followed by body ache and fatigue plus a general overall crappiness with the flu. This shit I started with a horrendous headache at the back of my head which slowly migrated forward over the course of three days. This was followed by fatigue I have never experienced before, severe joint pain in my knees and ankles, and neuropathy in my left foot. The whole thing lasted about 3 days (when I get the flu its 1 to 2 days max) and then poof, gone. Unfortunately exactly a week after the symptoms had gone away the whole thing came back with round 2 right before Christmas. After that 3 days of hell I have been fine, recovered with no lingering affects, or at least none which I am aware of. Just an FYI, I am a 52 year old guy in excellent health otherwise, work out every day and eat right (no land animal meat or dairy) so I was rather surprised. Then again my son and his GF are in the same boat but younger (son is 25 as is his GF) and were also hit hard but recovered quickly. Interestingly neither my wife, Mom, or daughter got it, or, were asymptomatic and my Mom is 78 and overweight while my daughter has PTOC and is slightly underweight.

    This really is a strange virus.

    Thanks for sharing.  And this is why I don't want to get this. Because when I get the flu I suffer for weeks, so this I know would be worse.

    In late fall of 2019 I had flu symptoms which went away after a couple days with only a lingering cough. But the cough got worse and worse as usually happens with my lungs until after one night of sever coughing I tore something in my abdomen and it swelled up from internal bleeding. Ended up going to the ER just to be safe and have xrays taken. 

    This was only a couple months before covid hit...so I wonder.

  11. 16 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Even though I lived in SoCal for several years back in the late 80's - early 90's I never surfed. More of a swimmer as surfing takes skill and balance, two things I am in short supply when it comes to sporting activities. Figured if I tried it I would be the schmuck who drowns in 2" of water after wiping out on a baby wave.

    Get a big thick foam soft top and find an "old farts beach", and then just practice.  Bring coffee and donuts for the old guys in the morning and they won't even make fun of you--- at least not until you attempt to paddle out.







  12. 9 hours ago, RainbowElf said:

    I work with mostly Chinese people and they are very humble folk, no complaints against them. Except for their government who created Covid-19.

    I like Chinese...


  13. On 1/23/2021 at 6:12 AM, Walter said:

    Yup. I’ve read many have experienced the same symptoms. Meanwhile my buddies 92 year old dad, nothing. His 86 and 76 year old in laws, nothing. My 81 and 77 year old in laws, nothing. Crazy how the reactions are so radically different. 
    I hope Mrs CP feels better soon! 

    Neighbor lady up the street is 92 and only had mild symptoms. Her caregiver is 35 and is still in ICU after 2 weeks.

    Guy I used to work with is 58 and has diminished lung capacity now, he can't hardly walk 50 feet without feeling faint. And no, he isn't obese, diabetic, a smoker, or any other conditions.

    Another friend I have is a cop, he had it, his wife, and didn't even know it until after his mother got it and died in the hospital and then he was tested.

    My the numbers this isn't all that much worse than years with a lot of influenza infections. But the difference is that when people get the flu, they start feeling sick pretty fast, stay home, and then don't infect as many people. However with this thing people can have with no signs, and then infect people for weeks without themselves feeling sick, and that is the part which concerns me the most.

  14. On 1/25/2021 at 1:19 AM, SteveAJones said:

    Ridiculously so. My favorite is if the light says don't walk they will wait for the light to cross, even if it's 3 am and there ain't car in sight on a two lane road.

    I like that, I am kind of that way too.I ride my bike down in the South Bay (Redondo, Hermosa, Manhattan Beaches) along a bike path just for bikes and pedestrians. And where there are traffic lights and street crossing I will ALWAYS stop at each red and wait, even when there is no cross traffic. Something 95% of other people won't do. Most just ride right through, doesn't matter if the light is red, they don't even slow down.

    Too me that makes those riders look bad. People in cars already have a negative view of bicyclist in many places. The opinion is that bicyclists act entitled and ignore the rules... like they are special.  Therefore I am conscience about what others are observing in my behavior. I don't want people to lump me in with the folks who act entitled.  Sounds like that is at play in Japan that way. The importance of how you are perceived by others matters.  

    Steve, what is your observation about how mainland Chinese tourists act as compared to how Japanese tourists act?  Because I can tell you over here in California where we get many of both Chinese and Japanese tourists, there is WORLD of difference in the two.

  15. On 1/24/2021 at 8:38 PM, BobDobbs said:

    Totally gnarly brah 🤙

    Lots of dudes getting axed or going over the falls in that video.  Worst thing about the Wedge on days like those are the high probability of getting nailed by flying boards--- or flying pieces of boards.  The place is not for the faint of heart when that winter south swell comes in.  



    And this clip from the famous Bruce Brown 1966 Film "The Endless Summer"   I mean... since we are talking about movies here



  16. 19 hours ago, redrum said:

    A surfer was killed by the Golden gate bridge a couple weeks ago. There are some big ass rocks in the area.

    A San Francisco pie shop owner and surfer, 64, has died after slamming into a rock while body-boarding near the Golden Gate Bridge.Haruwn Wesley died in San Francisco General Hospital Sunday surrounded by his family exactly one week after he suffered a tragic accident near Fort Point in the Presidio.

    Some very big surf and/or currents in the winter in that area. People need to understand the risks.  A few days ago there was 12 year old boy swept away and killed by a rogue wave up there near SF. He was there at the beach with his father and brother, and from he photo of him he didn't look like a kid who grew up on the West Coast.

    Here is SoCal there are always a few boarders and body surfers who end up with broken necks on big days at a place down in Newport Beach called "the wedge" near the harbor entrance. On a really big day the waves are funneled into an area by the breakwater and jetty where the waves get vertical very quickly and then break pretty much right just a foot or so of water.





  17. 23 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    One of the big misperceptions about Japan is that assimilation would be appreciated. On a superficial level it is -- when it minimizes rudeness for example-- but beyond that it actually works against foreigners. Acclimation is sufficient. It's hard to explain but perhaps the best example would be imagine if the most sensual, exotic Japanese woman of your dreams moved to LA...and behaved in a fully assimilated manner. You'd be impressed -- initially -- but over time may resent it (at least within the context of a romantic relationship). Perhaps the example falls short in that in the US there is (or was) an expectation of assimilation, whereas here there is no such expectation and faux paus are dismissed as, "Oh, they're a foreigner so what can you expect". Even so, I too would like to increase my Japanese language proficiency, if only because there is so much information inaccessible to me without the use of translation devices and services.   

    BEYOOOOONDS『ニッポンノD・N・A!』(BEYOOOOONDS [The Japanese D・N・A!])(Promotion Edit) - YouTube 

    Good points Steve.  acclimation  vs assimilation, I see where you are coming from. Which is basically what I meant to say. Like "when in Rome...".  I would have no expectation that anyone could believe they could just become Japanese, even as I think people who immigrate there ought to learn the language and respect the customs and culture.  I was just saying I'm sure the Japanese appreciate the effort in terms of manners, and I would think that would get people further than assuming to come and live there and not learn the language or respect the customs. 

    On the 'faux paus' thing, that happens here too. I am very tolerant when new people are unsure of the words or the way things are done. But when after years they make no effort to even attempt to "do as the Romans..." then I see that as disrespectful, ESPECIALLY when what they choose to do instead is borderline criminal. It is the no effort to acclimate that is the worst rub.

    For example: When I go to the beach and see people burying their cups or potato chip bags in the sand-- or just leaving it there for someone else to clean up, rather than walking over the 10 feet to dispose of it a waste bin, and the excuse for them is because "that is how it done where they came from". Then that is what I am talking about. People who go someplace that is better, from someplace worse, then just resign to make the new place like the old place.

    There was an article about the cultural aspects of litter in a local newspaper here in Los Angeles a few years ago. And the point it was making is that WE ought to be more tolerant of people who litter--or who illegally dump rubbish at night in alleys and parks, because those people just don't know it is wrong, therefore WE should not be criminalizing a cultural behavior, but rather try to change that behavior with a polite conversation. I call BULLSHIT on that. Anyone can observe how things are done and how they are not done when they come to a new place.  And maybe I am wrong, but Japan at least seems to have some standards they all expect of each other in their society, and I kind of like that.










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