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Posts posted by kipper

  1. 11 minutes ago, redrum said:

    Strange that he did the Bible. He was a big part of the hippie scene, but he really didn't care for it or the music. Definitely his own man.


    He definitely marches to the beat of a different kazoo that guy...



  2. On 1/6/2021 at 12:39 AM, redrum said:

    I think they showed him drawing the stove in the movie after he moved to France. It was like this doorway. A nice work of art.



    Classic pen and ink style illustrations, like so many we used to see in all of the classic books we read as kids.



  3. Put the battery in my 20 year Motorolla flip phone and turned it on the other day because I had a grocery delivery coming to the house and wanted it on in case the delivery person need directions . There were 127 messages when I turned it on, mostly just notification updates from various sources.  Pain in the ass listening to the phone beep and beep for 10 minutes, and if you try to make a call the beeps keep coming.

    I hate cell phones.

    I saw on the news today where the Governor of our state was saying there is some AP you can put on your cellphone which helps track covid people, especially people you have come into contact with. I guess it knows the location of where people are, and then tracks them and their health data.

    Yeah sure, like I want the government tracking me and tracking who I am around.  This is very nefarious shit.  No reason to own a phone like that.

  4. 14 hours ago, RainbowElf said:

    Good to see you back my friend, hope all is well with you and that you're in good health, a Very Happy, Safe and Prosperous New year to you.

    Thank you RB.  All good here, hope the same for you and everyone else.

    Lots of covid spikes here in the Los Angeles area. News said today that 1 in 5 tested here are positive for covid.

    I am holed up inside like the uni Bomber.  It's going to be long winter here in sunny SoCal.

  5. 21 hours ago, redrum said:

    Aw, Maaaa!!!! Mine probably would have done the same thing.

    Crumb did a drawing of a wood stove and I wish I could get that from him.

    Just a wood stove?  Any context to that?

    When I think of R. Crumb I think of the line from The Doors song.... "brain is squirming like a toad".


    Like this drawing, only what is in his mind he knows what this means.




  6. 2 minutes ago, redrum said:

    Yes. I saw that a couple times. His 2 brothers were really out there. I used to have the 'first' issue of ZAP comix.


    I used to have a few R. Crumb comic books, but when my mother found them she burned them.


    I almost bought a R. Crumb statue of one his many different female characters, the school girl one. But where would I put it?



  7. 2 minutes ago, redrum said:

    Crumb is great. Perverted, but great. 😄


    There was a documentary a few years ago, he came from a very weird family. His brother and mother totally wacked out. I thing the brother talked about all kinds of perverted shit he used to do.



  8. I was looking into the availability of the vaccination here is Southern California, and according to info I found the priority for vaccinations is still with medical workers, first responders, nursing home workers and residents which all makes sense. But then I heard they are now prioritizing above other people, including many with some health issues in favor of prisoners in jail cells and street people/vagrants.  Now how does that seem fair?  The rest of us who have staying home in isolation and being careful need to be behind people out using heroin on the streets or prisoners in jails???

    And aren't people in jail cells automatically "social distanced" anyway?



  9. On 11/11/2020 at 4:42 PM, Strider said:

    This retro 1936 vintage tricycle makes me wish I was four years old again. It's beyond cool.


    I don't think that thing is built for a Sasquatch size buddy....   😄

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